Searching Sample Clauses
Searching. You can search for Host Services by using criteria like the type of Host Service, travel destination, travel dates, and number of guests. You can also use filters or sort your results to refine searches. Search results are based on their relevance to your search and other criteria. Relevance considers factors like price, availability, Reviews, customer service and cancellation history,
Searching. You can search for provided Services by using criteria like keywords, search requests, and industry, and category. You can also view profile of each service / technology based on your search result. Learn more about search results in our “Support Center”.
Searching. You can search for Boats by using criteria like the type of boats, travel destination, travel dates, and number of guests. You can also use filters to refine your search results. Search results are based on their relevance to your search and other criteria.
Searching. The Contractor’s employees and Equipment are subject to being searched on entering or leaving the security area of the Power Station. Searching is done on a “spot check” basis. The Contractor ensures that a detailed Equipment and tool list for each person is available on arriving at Site. Failure to comply may result in delays when leaving Site or wanting to remove Equipment and tools.
Searching. The consumer is matched against each alternative of each provider. By querying for isStronger and isEquivalent assertions for the Provider’s SLOs, the algorithm determines that Provider1 is able to satisfy the consumer’s needs and the consumer can also satisfy the requirement expressed in G1. However, Provider1 is dismissed as a potential match because one of the guarantees was asserted as notSuitable as highlighted in number 3 of Table 5. Provider 2’s first alternative is considered and the algorithm will determine that not all of the consumer’s guarantees are satisfied as the provider does not have an isStronger or isEquivalent assertion for each of them and as one of the SLOs is weaker than the consumer SLO as highlighted in number 9 from Table 5. The algorithm moves on to the next alternative of Provider 2 and determines that it is a match because all of the consumer’s guarantees are satisfied and none of the relevant provider guarantees have been asserted as notSuitable. The algorithm returns Provider 2 as the only match.
Searching. 8.5.1 The Service Provider shall establish and maintain a regime for searching (including management of strip searches of Prisoners) in accordance with any prison rules, or shall otherwise involve the Police.
Searching. The user will have a variety of methods to track and save searches from the custom page, including: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXXXXXXX/MUNKSGAARD JOURNAL PUBLISHING 11 USER SCENARIOS JOURNAL FEATURES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
i) Entering searches from various journal sets (e.g., searches of just Xxxxxxxxx/Munksgaard journals, or all journals in a related subject area.)
Searching. 12.1. Staff members may use common law to search pupils for any item with their consent.
12.2. Staff members may ask any pupil to turn out their pockets.
12.3. Staff members may search any pupil’s backpack or locker.
12.4. Under part 2, section 2 of the Education Act 2011, teachers are authorised by the headteacher to search for any prohibited item including, but not limited to, tobacco, cigarette papers, illegal drugs and alcohol, without the consent of the pupil if they have reasonable grounds for suspecting that the pupil is in possession of a prohibited item.
12.5. Staff members may require a pupil to remove outer clothing including hats, scarves, boots, coats and scarves.
12.6. Pupils’ possessions will only be searched in the presence of the pupil and another member of staff unless there is a risk that serious harm will be caused to a person if the search is not conducted immediately, and where it is not practicable to summon another member of staff.
12.7. Searches will be conducted by a same sex member of staff with another same sex staff member as a witness where possible, unless there is a risk that serious harm will be caused to a person if the search is not conducted immediately, and where it is not practicable to summon another member of staff.
12.8. Staff members may use such force as is reasonable given the circumstances when conducting a search for alcohol, illegal drugs or tobacco products.
12.9. Any staff member may refuse to conduct a search.
12.10. Staff will consider the additional needs of pupils with SEND before using reasonable force.
12.11. A staff member carrying out the search can confiscate anything they have reasonable grounds for suspecting is a prohibited item. This includes “legal highs” and other potentially harmful materials which cannot immediately be identified.
Searching. Identifying all of the research evidence in any particular field is complex and difficult. Typically, there is a need to balance the comprehensiveness of the search with the resources available. There are two factors to take into consideration when seeking to balance comprehensive searching with limited resources: 1) breadth of the search, 2) depth of the search. The breadth of the search refers to the range of sources that are covered by the search strategy e.g. how many bibliographic databases to search, whether to use other sources, and/or which websites to include. The depth of the search refers to how thoroughly each search source is investigated. As illustrated in figure 1 there is a trade off on both dimensions. Search strategies in quadrant D (high levels of breadth and depth) are most likely to identify all relevant studies. Search strategies in quadrant A (low levels of breadth and depth) are likely to find the least proportion of relevant studies. However, search strategies in quadrant D will also require more resources than those in quadrant A. The search strategies in quadrant D will also generate a much larger number of off-topic citations thus increasing the size of the screening/selection task. Figure 1: The depth /breadth trade off A B Breadth + C D Depth + This is largely a conceptual model as we have very little empirically derived knowledge of the effectiveness and efficiency of different searching strategies in social science and the humanities. Most empirical research has been carried out in the health care field. This has explored the value of using a range of databases (Xxxxxx et al., 2005; Xxxxx et al., 2003; Xxxxxxxx et al., 2003; Xxxxxx et al., 2007), and the most efficient and effective strategies for generating high yields of ‘included’ studies (Xxxxxxxxxx and Xxxxxxx, 2005; Xxxxx and Xxxxx, 2003). Search strategies for inter-disciplinary or social science research also need to address further challenges: a more diverse literature, less precise or agreed terminology, and greater variety and variability of bibliographic tools (Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxxxxx, 2003; Mehdyzadeh, 2004). The search sources specified in the ITT omit two sources that were included in the original search ‘contacting experts’ and a google search. These sources identified comparatively few unique items in the original search but the possibility remains that excluding these two sources may mean that some relevant studies are missed.
Searching. LOC.002 – Searching