Section 3.5.4 Sample Clauses

Section 3.5.4. 8 Copies of personnel file contents may be made by the employee at his/her sole expense.
Section 3.5.4. 34 No evaluation, correspondence, or other material making derogatory reference to any 35 employee's character or manner, shall be kept or placed in the personnel file without the 36 employee's knowledge and opportunity to attach comments.
Section 3.5.4. 24 No evaluation, correspondence, or other material making pejorative reference to any employee's 25 character, or work performance, shall be kept or placed in the personnel file without the 26 employee's knowledge and opportunity to attach comments. Employees may request that letters 27 documenting disciplinary action that are more than three (3) years old be removed from their 28 building working folder provided there has been no further disciplinary action within the three 29 year period. Any materials filed longer than five (5) years in the personnel file kept within 30 Human Resources shall, at the employee‘s request, be removed provided: 1) the materials are 31 not required to be retained by law, or 2) the materials are not part of a formalized continuing 32 action, or 3) that the District may keep documents regarding allegations of physical or sexual 33 abuse or harassment for more than five (5) years if these documents are kept in a sealed file in 34 the possession of the District‘s legal counsel, or 4) that the District may keep the employee‘s 35 evaluation for more than five (5) years if the evaluation is kept sealed in a separate archive. 36 Such requests shall be made in writing. 37
Section 3.5.4. The Government of the United States and the Government of the Republic of the Xxxxxxxx Islands are jointly committed to continue their security and defense relations, as set forth in this Title. Accordingly, it is the intention of the two countries that the provisions of this Title shall remain binding as long as this Compact, as amended, remains in effect, and thereafter as mutually agreed, unless earlier terminated by mutual agreement pursuant to section 441, or amended pursuant to Article III of Title Four. If at any time the Government of the United States, or the Government of the Republic of the Xxxxxxxx Islands, acting unilaterally, terminates this Title, such unilateral termination shall be considered to be termination of the entire Compact, as amended, in which case the provisions of section 442 and 452 (in the case of termination by the Government of the United States) or sections 443 and 453 (in the case of termination by the Government of the Republic of the Xxxxxxxx Islands), with the exception of paragraph (3) of subsection (a) of section 452 or paragraph (3) of subsection (a) of section 453, as the case may be, shall apply.
Section 3.5.4. If an optionholder chooses to receive cash in exchange for his or her outstanding options of Acquired Corporation, ordinary income, to the extent of gain realized, must be recognized by the optionee pursuant to Reg. Section 1.421-6(d)(3). Also, upon payment of cash in exchange for outstanding Acquired Corporation Options, Acquiring Corporation may deduct the amount of gain recognized by former optionees as an ordinary and necessary business expense under I.R.
Section 3.5.4. 34 The Superintendent and Business Manager shall have unrestricted access to the personnel files. 35 Any other access within the District will be on a need to know basis only. Any person 36 authorized by a valid court order shall have access to the personnel files within the limits set by 37 the court. Nothing contained in this section shall conflict or supersede the requirements of 38 Public Disclosure laws. 39 41 When authorized through formal board action at a public meeting, Board members shall have 42 supervised and restricted access to the classified employee personnel files.

Related to Section 3.5.4

  • Section 3.5 45 Neither the District, nor the Association, shall discriminate against any employee subject to this 46 Agreement on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, religion, age or marital status or because of a physical 1 handicap with respect to a position, the duties of which may be performed efficiently by an individual 2 without danger to the health or safety of the physically handicapped person or others.

  • Section 4.3 34 The Association reserves and retains the right to delegate any right or duty contained herein to 35 appropriate officials of the Public School Employees of Washington State Organization.

  • Section 4.5 37 The President of the Association and designated representatives will be provided time off without loss of 38 pay to a maximum of three (3) days per year to attend regional or State meetings when the purpose of 39 those meetings is in the best interests of the District as determined by the District administration.

  • Section 3.4 26 Each employee reserves and retains the right to delegate any right or duty contained in this Agreement, 27 exclusive of compensation for services rendered, to appropriate officials of the Association.

  • Section 4.4 32 The Association reserves and retains the right to delegate any right or duty contained herein to 33 appropriate officials of the Public School Employees of Washington/SEIU Local 1948 State 34 Organization.

  • Section 4.2 1.II Dispute Resolution Procedures is amended to insert the following paragraph to Section 4.2.1.II.A.(4): The Formal Dispute Process set forth in this section II(B) does not apply to formal disputes arising out of an Authorized User Mini-Bid or Authorized User Agreement. Formal disputes between the Contractor and the Authorized User arising out of an Authorized User Mini-Bid or Authorized User Agreement are to be handled in accordance with the process specified by the Authorized User for disputes. See Section 6.12 Mini-Bid Dispute Resolution Process.

  • Section 3.3 11 Employees subject to this Agreement have the right to have Association representatives or other 12 persons present at discussions between themselves and supervisors or other representatives of the 13 District as hereinafter provided.

  • Section 6.2 13 The Association representatives may represent the Association and employees in meeting with officials 14 of the District to discuss appropriate matters of mutual interest. They may receive and investigate to 15 conclusion complaints or grievances of employees on District time and thereafter advise employees of 16 rights and procedures outlined in this Agreement and applicable regulations or directives for resolving 17 the grievances or complaints. They may not, however, continue to advise the employee on courses of 18 action after the employee has indicated a desire not to pursue a grievance. This does not, however, 19 preclude the Association's right to pursue the matter to conclusion. They may consult with the District 20 on complaints without a grievance being made by an individual employee.

  • Section 3.2 39 Each employee shall have the right to bring matters of personal concern to the attention of appropriate 40 Association representatives and/or appropriate officials of the District.

  • SECTION 312 The Primary Servicer shall promptly (but in no event later than thirty (30) days after the related inspection or receipt of the inspection report, which ever is later, or collection, as applicable) forward to the Master Servicer a copy of all inspection reports prepared by the Primary Servicer and all operating statements, budgets, rent rolls and financial statements collected by the Primary Servicer. The Primary Servicer may engage a third party at its cost to perform property inspections and prepare property inspection reports without first obtaining the consent of the Master Servicer; provided, however, that the Primary Servicer shall remain obligated and primarily liable to the Master Servicer for satisfactory completion of the inspections and reports as required by this Agreement. If any inspection report identifies a “life safety” or other material deferred maintenance item existing with respect to the related Mortgaged Property, the Sub-Servicer (x) shall promptly send to the related Borrower (with a copy to the Master Servicer by email to a letter identifying such deferred maintenance item and instructing the related Borrower to correct such deferred maintenance item and (y) shall notify the Master Servicer (by email to upon resolution of such life safety or deferred maintenance item.