Personal Accident Any directions issued to clients, their guests or employees during a photographic shoot are deemed to be at said persons own risk. The photographer cannot be held responsible for any personal accidents during a photographic shoot.
Personal accounts With a personal account you can send and request money from friends and family and pay online for purchases. Holders of certain existing personal accounts may be required to upgrade their accounts (which may include providing further information to PayPal) to be able to use all of the current functionality available in a personal account. To use your PayPal account primarily to sell things, you must open a business account or convert your personal account to a business account. You should take reasonable steps to stop your PayPal account being misused. You must maintain adequate security and control of any and all devices, items, IDs, passwords and personal identification numbers / codes that you use to access your PayPal account and the PayPal services. You must comply with all reasonable instructions we may issue regarding how you can keep your Payment Instrument safe. We may require you to authenticate any instruction relating to your account (i.e. give us the information that we need to be sure that it’s you giving us the instruction, such as submitting your correct log-in information – this could include your e-mail address and password) and otherwise successfully log into your PayPal account to provide to us your instruction. You must keep your postal address, email address, phone number of a phone to which you are the primary user and other contact information current in your PayPal account profile. You may expressly grant, remove and manage permissions for some third parties to take certain actions on your behalf. In some cases you can do this when logged into your account – in other cases you can do this directly with the third party. You acknowledge that if you grant permission for a third party to take actions on your behalf, we may disclose certain information about your Account to this third party. You may permit third party service providers licensed by applicable law to: • provide account information services to access information about your account on your behalf; • confirm whether an amount necessary for the execution of a card-based payment transaction is available on your account; or • provide payment initiation services to initiate payments from your account on your behalf. Granting permission to any third party to access your account in any way does not relieve you of any of your responsibilities under this user agreement. You are liable to us for the actions that you authorise the third parties to carry out. You will not hold us responsible for, and you will indemnify us from, any liability arising from the actions or inactions of such third parties in connection with the permissions you granted, subject to your mandatory legal rights.
Personal Harassment Harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Harassment can be either psychological or physical or it can be a combination of both. It is any behaviour, whether deliberate or negligent, which denies individuals their dignity and respect, is offensive, embarrassing or humiliating to the individual and adversely affects the working environment.
Personal Illness or Disability The bargaining unit member may use all or any portion of his/her leave to recover from his/her own illness or disability, or for the illness or disability of any member of his/her immediate family as defined below, which shall include all disabilities caused or contributed to by pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth and recovery.
Personal Illness Employees may use accumulated sick leave for hours off due to personal illness. The employee may be required to furnish a medical certificate from a qualified physician as evidence of illness or physical disability in order to qualify for paid sick leave as per District practice. Accumulated sick leave may also be granted for such time as is actually necessary for office visits to a doctor, dentist, optometrist, etc.
Personal Data Breaches 5.7.1 The Data Processor shall give immediate notice to the Data Controller if a breach occurs, that can lead to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed re the Personal Data processed on behalf of the Data Controller (a “Personal Data Breach”). 5.7.2 The Data Processor shall make reasonable efforts to identify the cause of such a breach and take those steps as they deem necessary to establish the cause, and to prevent such a breach from reoccurring.
CONDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY/HURRICANE OR DISASTER - TERM CONTRACTS It is hereby made a part of this Invitation for Bids that before, during and after a public emergency, disaster, hurricane, flood, or other acts of God that Orange County shall require a “first priority” basis for goods and services. It is vital and imperative that the majority of citizens are protected from any emergency situation which threatens public health and safety, as determined by the County. Contractor agrees to rent/sell/lease all goods and services to the County or other governmental entities as opposed to a private citizen, on a first priority basis. The County expects to pay contractual prices for all goods or services required during an emergency situation. Contractor shall furnish a twenty-four (24) hour phone number in the event of such an emergency.
Personal Grievances A personal grievance is a particular type of employment relationship problem that normally must be raised with the employer within 90 days of the grievance arising. An employee may have a personal grievance where: • They have been dismissed without good reason, or the dismissal was not carried out properly. • They have been treated unfairly. • Their employment or a condition of their employment has been affected to their disadvantage by an unjustified action of their employer. • They have experienced sexual or racial harassment, or have been discriminated against because of their involvement in a union or other employee organisation, or have suffered duress over membership or non-membership of a union or other employee organisation. • They have been discriminated against in terms of the prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Human Rights Act 1993.
Personal Freedom 20.1 The personal life of an Employee is not an appropriate concern for the attention of the Board except as it may directly inhibit the Employee from performing properly his/her assigned functions during the workday.
PERSONAL/XXXXX’S LEAVE 7.3.1 All full time employees shall be entitled to accrue paid personal / carer's leave on the basis of 10 days per year (or pro-rata thereof for any period less than one year). Part-time employees are entitled to a pro-rata benefit. Paid personal / carer's leave is cumulative. 7.3.2 All accrued personal leave shall be available for use as carer's leave in accordance with the provisions outlined below. 7.3.3 As part of its commitment to provide a family-friendly workplace, the employer will allow employees to use any amount of accrued personal /xxxxx's leave to enable employees to: (a) provide primary care to partners, children and/or other household or family members. (b) attend the funerals of family or household members or close family relatives (if compassionate leave is not available in the circumstances). 7.3.4 The leave provided for in this clause will be granted subject to the following: (a) The employee must notify the employer of the reason and likely duration of the absence before 7.00 am on the first day of the absence, unless this is not possible due to an unexpected emergency in which case the employee must notify the employer as soon as practicable. (b) Where circumstances permit, an employee must endeavour to arrange leave to minimise the impact on operational needs. (c) The provision of appropriate documentary evidence. 1. For sick leave, a medical certificate or if not reasonably practicable to provide a medical certificate- a statutory declaration made by the employee. 2. For xxxxx's leave, a medical certificate in respect to the family or household member, or a statutory declaration by the employee. 3. For compassionate leave, any evidence that the employer reasonably requires. 7.3.5 The employee is not entitled to take more than 10 days of paid xxxxx’s leave (1/26th of the nominal hours worked by the employee) per year, regardless of the amount of personal leave the employee has accumulated over time. 7.3.6 An employee may request to cash out any amount of paid personal/carer’s leave that they have accrued that is excess of 3/52 of the number of nominal hours worked over the past 12 months. For example, an employee working 38 hours per week over 12 months must retain 15 days of paid personal/carer’s leave and may cash out any further personal/carer’s leave that has been accumulated. 7.3.7 In addition to the above, a request to cash out personal/carer’s leave will only be granted where: (a) the employee elects to cash out their leave in writing; and (b) the employer agrees. 7.3.8 Casual Employees engaged in continuous service shall be entitled to personal leave limited to the provision of sub clause 7.3.