Donation of Sick Leave Sample Clauses
Donation of Sick Leave. 8.10.1 On a case-by case basis and with mutual agreement between the Association and the District, any bargaining unit member may donate five (5) days (40 hours) of accumulated sick leave to another bargaining unit member who has suffered a long- term, non-industrial related illness or injury and who will exhaust all fully paid leaves. The employee suffering from such illness or designee must request, in writing, donations of sick leave from bargaining unit members only, through the Personnel Office. Requests shall be made prior to the exhaustion of all fully paid leave. Donation of sick leave will not be retroactive.
8.10.2 The Personnel Office will send out the notification of the request for donations of sick leave. The request will be sent for posting on all CUEA bulletin boards and the CUEA President notified of the request. All donations of sick leave will be voluntary with no personal solicitation of donors allowed. The names of any bargaining unit members donating sick leave under this provision will not be made public.
8.10.3 Only bargaining unit members who have a minimum of fifteen (15) days (120 hours) of accumulated sick leave remaining after donating five (5) days (40 hours) of sick leave under this provision will be permitted to participate in this program. Employees eligible to donate sick leave will do so on a District approved form and must submit that form to the Personnel Office.
8.10.4 The maximum amount of sick leave that may be donated to any one person requesting donations under this provision will be equivalent to sixty (60) days.
8.10.5 Donated sick leave will be utilized for the specified employee in the following manner:
(A) donated sick leave will be assigned a usage number. The first donated sick leave received by the Personnel Office will be the first sick leave used by the beneficiary. As sick leave is used by the unit member requesting it, the leave time will be charge against the unit member donating the sick leave.
(B) if the employee returns to work prior to using all donated days, unused sick leave will be returned to the bargaining unit member donating the sick leave.
8.10.6 Up to an additional twenty (20) days (160 hours) of donated time may be requested in writing to the Assistant Superintendent, Personnel Services by the affected member or his/her immediate family. In this case, Section 8.10.5 procedures will be put into effect.
8.10.7 When all paid leaves of absence have been exhausted, and the unit member is unabl...
Donation of Sick Leave. An employee may donate sick leave to specific individuals using the following criteria:
1. The employee must have accrued more than one hundred seventy-six (176) hours of sick leave.
2. Employees may not donate an amount of sick leave that will result in their sick leave account going below one hundred seventy-six (176) hours.
Donation of Sick Leave. The District shall allow unit members to donate sick leave to individual employees who have suffered long-term disabilities or illnesses. Donating unit members shall retain a thirty (30) day balance of sick leave after their donation and may donate no more than twenty-five (25) days of sick leave per year. The donation form is Appendix I. Part-time faculty may receive sick leave donations from any employee, and may donate accumulated sick leave to other part-time faculty following the same requirements as outlined above. Part-time faculty may not donate sick leave to full- time employees.
Donation of Sick Leave. Each faculty employee may donate days of sick leave to individual District employees who, due to a serious health condition, have exhausted all accumulated sick leave. Donating faculty employees shall retain a sixty-day balance of sick leave after their donation. No employee may receive more than 40 days of donated leave per college year.
Donation of Sick Leave. This program has been established to allow employees to donate sick days to fellow employees who have been injured on duty or have a prolonged illness and who have exhausted all sick leave and need to extend their sick leave for up to thirty (30) additional days. Employees must have at least three hundred (300) hours of sick leave accumulated at the time of their injury and must have exhausted all available paid leave to be eligible for sick leave donation. The Sheriff, in his sole discretion, may allow sick leave contributions for newly hired deputies with less than three hundred (300) hours of accumulated sick leave.
Donation of Sick Leave. On forms prepared and approved by the District, any unit member may donate up to five
Donation of Sick Leave a. If a bargaining unit member is absent due to a major illness, injury or accident, or absent and using Sick Leave in accordance with Article 23, and the member has exhausted all of his/her accumulated Sick Leave, the member may receive up to five (5) days of accumulated Sick Leave from any Certified or Classified bargaining unit member who wishes to donate these days. Members receiving donated days will be paid at their per diem rate of pay.
b. A committee of three (3) Board representatives designated by the Superintendent and three (3) Association representatives designated by the Association President will be established to set up a procedure for the operation of this donation. Any such procedure shall limit the total use of donated Sick Leave by any one (1) member to thirty (30) days, and shall provide that once any days are donated from one member to another on the records of the Treasurer, they are not recoverable.
Donation of Sick Leave. A bargaining unit member, after three (3) years of employment, may contribute one day of his/her accumulated sick leave to a designated bargaining unit member who is out of sick leave and faces a catastrophic illness/injury as certified in writing by the employee's physician and approved by the Administration. The operational procedure shall be as follows:
a. The employee must be employed three (3) years to either contribute to or receive this benefit.
b. The employee facing such illness shall request of the Superintendent that such a plea be made publicly to all teachers.
c. The number of days requested and used by the employee shall not exceed a total of fifty (50). This benefit is available twice in a bargaining unit member’s career.
d. Each employee willing to donate a day of sick leave shall notify the office of the Treasurer, in writing.
e. The days shall be deducted on a first-come/first-served basis, and notice will be given by the Treasurer to the employee donating sick leave if such sick leave is used.
f. Donated sick leave days will not be repaid and will be permanently subtracted from the employee donating such days.
g. Each individual donation shall not exceed one day per donor, per year. A maximum of five (5) days per career will be allowed.
h. The use of sick leave days by the person making the request will be limited to personal illness/injury only.
i. Exception to “h” can be made by mutual agreement of the Superintendent and the AEA President.
Donation of Sick Leave. 1. If a teacher is currently absent for thirty (30) consecutive days or more, and has exhausted all of his/her accumulated sick leave due to the current or previous catastrophic or long term illness or accident of the teacher, and/or his/her spouse or minor child, another teacher who is on the same or higher step on the salary schedule may donate up to five (5) days of his/her accumulated sick leave to the absent teacher. The requirement of thirty (30) consecutive days of absence may be waived in extraordinary circumstances at the discretion of the Superintendent.
2. No teacher may receive more than an aggregate of thirty (30) donated sick leave days in any one (1) school year.
3. Donation of sick days shall be initiated by a teacher on a form furnished by the Board Treasurer, no later than the pay period within which the sick leave of the absent teacher is exhausted.
Donation of Sick Leave. 1. If a member of the bargaining unit is currently absent for thirty (30) consecutive full days or more due to a catastrophic or long-term illness or accident of the teacher, his/her spouse or minor child, and has exhausted all of his/her accumulated sick leave, another bargaining unit member may donate up to five (5) days of his/her accumulated Xxxx Leave to the absent teacher. The requirement of thirty (30) consecutive days absence may be waived in extraordinary circumstances at the discretion of the Superintendent.
2. No teacher may receive more than an aggregate of fifty (50) donated Sick Leave days in any one (1) school year.
3. Donation of Sick Leave days shall be initiated by a teacher on a form furnished by the Treasurer.
4. Donated Xxxx Leave shall be added to the accumulated Xxxx Leave of the absent teacher and deducted from the donating teacher.
5. A teacher requesting donated sick leave shall notify the Superintendent and the Association in writing.
6. If disability is an option, it must be pursued first, in order to qualify for the use of donated sick leave.
7. Donation of sick leave shall not impact an employee’s eligibility for compensation as outlined in 9.01(B).
8. Donation of sick leave will only occur with the mutual agreement of the Superintendent and Association President.