Security Classifications Sample Clauses

Security Classifications. 1. The Providing Party shall mark all Classified Information with one of the following Security Classifications: a. For the Government of Japan, Classified Information that is designated as “Defense Secret” according to the Self-Defense Forces Law is marked BOUEI HIMITSU (KIMITSU) 防衛秘密(機密)or BOUEI HIMITSU 防衛秘密, and the other Classified Information is marked KIMITSU 機密, XXXXXX 極秘, or HI 秘; and b. For the Government of Australia, Classified Information is marked TOP SECRET, SECRET, HIGHLY PROTECTED, CONFIDENTIAL, PROTECTED, RESTRICTED, or IN CONFIDENCE. 2. For Classified Information where a marking is not physically possible, the Providing Party shall inform the Receiving Party of the Security Classification. If the Receiving Party so requests, the Providing Party shall inform the Security Classification in writing. 3. The Receiving Party shall mark all Transmitted Classified Information with the name of the Providing Party and the corresponding Security Classification of the Receiving Party, as described in paragraph 4 of this Article. 4. The corresponding Security Classifications are: In Australia In Japan TOP SECRET Kimitsu 機密 /Bouei Himitsu (Kimitsu) 防衛秘密(機密) SECRET Gokuhi 極秘 /HIGHLY PROTECTED /Bouei Himitsu 防衛秘密 CONFIDENTIAL Hi 秘 /PROTECTED RESTRICTED No Japanese /IN CONFIDENCE correspondent, but shall be protected as if it is Hi 秘, unless otherwise advised by the Government of Australia. 5. The Providing Party shall inform the Receiving Party of any change in the Security Classification of Transmitted Classified Information. Upon receipt of such information, the Receiving Party shall change the Security Classification of the Transmitted Classified Information accordingly. If the Receiving Party so requests, the Providing Party shall inform the change in writing. 6. The Receiving Party shall not downgrade the Security Classification of the Transmitted Classified Information without the prior written consent of the Providing Party.
Security Classifications. 1. Any Classified Information provided under this Agreement shall be marked with the appropriate security classification level in accordance with the national laws and regulations of the Parties. 2. The classification levels shall correspond to one another as follows: XXXXXX GEHEIM ERITTÄIN SALAINEN or YTTERST HEMLIG “top secret” EINGESCHRÄNKT KÄYTTÖ RAJOITETTU or BEGRÄNSAD TILLGÅNG “restricted” 3. The Recipient shall ensure that classifications are not altered or revoked, except as authorised in writing by the Originating Party. The Originating Party shall inform the Recipient without delay about any alteration or revocation of the security classification level of the transmitted Classified Information.
Security Classifications. The security classifications and their equivalents of the Parties are: REPUBLIC OF LATVIA EQUIVALENT IN ENG- LISH STATE OF ISRAEL SEVIŠĶI SLEPENI TOP SECRET XXXX XXXXXXX SLEPENI SECRET SODI KONFIDENCIALI CONFIDENTIAL SHAMUR INFORMACIJA DIENESTA VA- JADZlBĀM RESTRICTED SHAMUR Article 3: Protection Of Classified Information 1. Access to Classified Information shall be limited to those persons who have a Need to Know, and who have been security cleared by the Competent Security Authority of the Receiving Party, in accordance with its national laws and regulations, corresponding to the required security classification of the information to be accessed. 2. The Originating Party shall ensure that the Receiving Party is informed of: A. The security classification of the Classified Information and any conditions of release or limitations on its use, and that the Classified Information is so marked. B. Any subsequent change in security classification. 3. The Receiving Party shall: A. In accordance with its national laws and regulations, provide the same level of security protection to Classified Information as provided by the Originating Party, subject to Article 2 of this Agreement. B. Ensure that security classification is not amended and Classified Information is not declassified unless authorized in writing by the Originating Party.
Security Classifications. Categories of NYU information based upon intended use and expected impact if disclosed. Information intended for public use that, when used as intended, would have little to no adverse effect on the operations, assets, or reputation of NYU, or NYU's obligations concerning information privacy. Information typically found on the Internet. Information not intended for parties outside NYUthat, if disclosed, could have adverse effects on the operations, assets, or reputation of NYU, or NYU’s obligations concerning information privacy. Information intended for limited use within NYU that, if disclosed, could be expected to have a serious adverse effect on the operations, assets, or reputation of NYU, or NYU’s obligations concerning information privacy. It is to be noted that the above classifications which are guidelines, all information are considered historic, extremely valuable and important for the prosperity of all humanity and part of the National Archives of SHRIKAILASA Nation. Every information should be handled with care, sensitivity and security.
Security Classifications. (1) Classified Information released under this Agreement shall be marked with the appropriate security classification level, in accordance with the national laws and regulations of the Parties. (2) The following national security classification markings are equivalent:
Security Classifications. The work and requirements relating to this contract are connected with National Defense. No information relating to the work shall be communicated, transmitted, or disclosed to any person not entitled to receive it. It is anticipated that some of the assigned work will be of a classified nature. Accordingly, it will be necessary for some personnel assigned to work under this contract to have security clearance(s). The Contractor shall be guided by and safeguard all classified information either generated by or associated with this contract in accordance with the DD254, Contract Security Classification Specification, provided as an attachment to this contract listed in Section X.
Security Classifications. 1. Classified Information shall be marked with the following Security Classifications: (a) For Australia, Classified Information shall be marked TOP SECRET, SECRET or HIGHLY PROTECTED, CONFIDENTIAL or PROTECTED, RESTRICTED or X-IN-CONFIDENCE. (b) For the EU, Classified Information shall be marked TRES SECRET UE / EU TOP SECRET, SECRET UE, CONFIDENTIEL UE or RESTREINT UE. 2. The corresponding Security Classifications are: For the European Union For Australia TRES SECRET UE / EU TOP SECRET TOP SECRET SECRET UE SECRET or HIGHLY PROTECTED CONFIDENTIEL UE CONFIDENTIAL or PROTECTED RESTREINT UE RESTRICTED or X-IN-CONFIDENCE 3. Prior to providing Classified Information, the Providing Party shall assign a Security Classification to the Classified Information and xxxxx, xxxx or designate the Classified Information with the name of the Providing Party. 4. The Providing Party may additionally xxxx such Classified Information to specify any limitations on its use, disclosure, release and access by the Receiving Party. The Receiving Party shall comply with any such limitations.
Security Classifications. The District will provide the following for each bargaining unit employee in the security classifications as follows: a. Five pairs of pants b. Five short-sleeve polo shirts c. Two jackets (one windbreaker and one internally lined jacket) d. Two District-branded head coverings (one ball cap and one knit cap) e. One high-visibility, security branded, safety vest to be worn over uniform f. One security branded rain suit g. One nylon belt
Security Classifications. 5. 1 The inforThation to be protected shall be classified in one of the following security classification categories and Tharked accordingly, based on the definitions in Annex A (�) of this arrangeThent. ITALY SEGRETISSIMO SEGRETO RISERVATISSIMO RISERVATO equivalent NORWAY STRENGT HEMMELIG HEMMELIG KONFIDENSIELT BEGRENSET 5. 2 The recipient Party and/or their entities shall neither use for a received classified inforThation a lower security classification Tharking nor declassify that inforThation without the prior written consent of the originating Party. The originating Party will inforTh the recipient Party of any change in security classification. 5. 3 The recipient Party shall Thark the received classified inforThation with its own equivalent security classification Tharking. The translations and/or reproductions shall be Tharked with the xxXxx security classification Tharking as the original.
Security Classifications. (1) The Security Classifications applicable for marking the Classified Information exchanged within the framework of this Agreement shall be: a) for Romania: SECRET DE SERVICIU (RESTRICTED), SECRET (CONFIDENTIAL), STRICT SECRET (SECRET) and STRICT SECRET DE IMPORTANŢĂ DEOSEBITĂ (TOP SECRET); b) for the Slovak Republic: VYHRADENÉ (RESTRICTED), DÔVERNÉ (CONFIDENTIAL), XXXXX (SECRET) and PRÍSNE XXXXX (TOP SECRET). (2) The Contracting Parties have determined the equivalence of the Security Classifications as follows: