TECHNICAL EVALUATION (a) Detailed technical evaluation shall be carried out by Purchase Committee pursuant to conditions in the tender document to determine the substantial responsiveness of each tender. For this clause, the substantially responsive bid is one that conforms to all the eligibility and terms and condition of the tender without any material deviation. The Institute’s determination of bid’s responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the bid itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence. The Institute shall evaluate the technical bids also to determine whether they are complete, whether required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed and whether the bids are in order. (b) The technical evaluation committee may call the responsive bidders for discussion or presentation to facilitate and assess their understanding of the scope of work and its execution. However, the committee shall have sole discretion to call for discussion / presentation. (c) Financial bids of only those bidders who qualify the technical criteria will be opened provided all other requirements are fulfilled. (d) AIIMS Jodhpur shall have right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.
Program Monitoring and Evaluation The Recipient shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, and furnish to the Association not later than six months after the Closing Date, a report of such scope and in such detail as the Association shall reasonably request, on the execution of the Program, the performance by the Recipient and the Association of their respective obligations under the Legal Agreements and the accomplishment of the purposes of the Financing.”
Monitoring and Evaluation a. The AGENCY shall expeditiously provide to the COUNTY upon request, all data needed for the purpose of monitoring, evaluating and/or auditing the program(s). This data shall include, but not be limited to, clients served, services provided, outcomes achieved, information on materials and services delivered, and any other data required, in the sole discretion of the COUNTY, that may be required to adequately monitor and evaluate the services provided under this Contract. Monitoring shall be performed in accordance with COUNTY’S established Noncompliance Standards, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Attachment “C”. b. The AGENCY agrees to permit persons duly authorized by the COUNTY to interview any clients and all current and/or former employees of the AGENCY to be assured of the AGENCY’S satisfactory performance of the terms of this Contract. c. Following such evaluation, monitoring, and/or audit, the COUNTY will deliver a report of its findings and recommendations with regard to the AGENCY’S conformance with this Contract’s terms and conditions to the AGENCY and/or Board of Directors’ President, and members, whenever applicable. If deficiencies are noted, a written notice of corrective action will be issued to the AGENCY which will specify deficiencies and provide a timeline for correction of those deficiencies. Within the designated timeframe in the written notice of corrective action, the AGENCY shall submit to the COUNTY’S CCC manager (“Manager”), or their designee, a corrective action plan to rectify all deficiencies identified by the COUNTY. d. Failure by the AGENCY to correct noted deficiencies, as outlined in the written notice of corrective action, may result in the AGENCY being deemed in breach of the Contract terms. e. The AGENCY shall cooperate with the COUNTY on all reviews to ensure compliance with all applicable COUNTY guidelines and requirements for general fund recipients.
TEACHER EVALUATION A. The administration will be evaluating the teacher’s performance within the time of formal responsibility. The evaluation process and form will be shared with the Association Building Representatives at the beginning of each school year. (a) Probationary teachers shall be evaluated at least two (2) times a year. The first evaluation will be completed prior to December 1st and the second prior to April 15th. Each evaluation will be based upon announced, unannounced, informal observations, on the performance of other duties and responsibilities and the goals developed in the Individualized Development Plan (IDP). The announced and unannounced observations should be a minimum of thirty (30) minutes in length. The observations may occur at anytime prior to the development of the written evaluation, but at least one of them must be planned in consultation with the probationary teacher. The results of formal observations will be discussed with the teacher in a timely manner. The information gathered during the observations will be used to write the evaluations. (b) Tenured teachers will be evaluated on a rotating schedule, but no less than once every three- (3) years. The administration reserves the right to evaluate a tenured teacher more often. The evaluation will be based upon announced, unannounced, informal observations and on the performance of other duties and responsibilities. The announced and unannounced observations should be a minimum of thirty (30) minutes in length. The observations may occur at any time prior to the development of the written evaluation, but at least one of them must be planned in consultation with the tenured teacher. The results of formal observations will be discussed with the teacher in a timely manner. The information gathered during the observations will be used to write the evaluations. 2. The administrator shall prepare and submit a written evaluation and recommendations to the teacher prior to May 30th of the year they are evaluated. The administrator shall hold a conference with the teacher to discuss the written evaluation and recommendations. 3. Upon receipt of the evaluation the teacher will sign the form indicating his/her receipt of the report. The signature on the form does not constitute his/her approval unless specifically noted. 4. Teachers involved with the instruction of Advanced Placement courses will be evaluated. This evaluation in the first year will be made part of the formal evaluation only at the request of the teacher. B. A teacher who disagrees with the content or procedure of evaluation may submit a written answer which shall be attached to the file copy of the evaluation in question and/or submit any complaints through Level 4 of the grievance procedure. C. If an administrator believes a teacher is doing unacceptable work, the reasons shall be set forth in specific terms. Included will be examples of specific ways in which the teacher is to improve and assistance may be given by the administrator and other staff members. In subsequent conferences it shall be the responsibility of the individual teacher to inquire whether adequate improvement has taken place. D. Monitoring and observation of the work performance of the teacher shall be conducted openly. The public address or audio system or similar types of communications will not be used for the purpose of evaluation. E. The Board and the Association recognize that the ability of pupils to progress and mature academically is a combined result of the school, home, economic and social environment and that teachers alone cannot be held accountable for all aspects of the academic achievement of the pupil in the classroom. Test results of academic progress of students shall not be used as the sole determinant or in isolated instances to evaluate the quality of a teacher's service or fitness for retention. F. All communications, including evaluations by Milan Administrators, commendations, and documented complaints directed toward the teacher which are to be included in the personnel file shall be made available for review of the teacher prior to placement in the file; a copy of any such communication will be provided to the teacher at this time. Pre-placement information such as confidential credentials, letters of reference from universities, individuals, or previous employers are exempt from such review. A written statement for inclusion in the personnel file may then be made by the teacher in regard to materials that were not signed by the teacher. A representative of the Association may accompany the teacher. G. Ordinarily, observations of teachers shall not be for less than a full class period or for the duration of a particular teaching lesson.
Faculty Selection, Supervision, and Evaluation A. Faculty for a dual credit course will be approved and employed by Hill College. The instructor must meet credential requirements of Hill College and minimum requirements as specified by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). Each faculty member assigned to teach an academic course will have a master’s degree plus 18 hours in the specific discipline. Technical course instructors will have at least an associate degree and three years of work experience in the related business or industry. B. Instructors teaching dual credit courses must meet the same standards, review, and approval procedures as full- time, regular Hill College faculty. C. Faculty for a dual credit course who are not a full-time faculty member of Hill College report directly to the appropriate Xxxx of Instruction for the pathway in which the course(s) is being taught. The college shall supervise and evaluate part-time faculty teaching dual credit courses using the same or comparable procedures used for full-time faculty employed by college. D. The performance appraisal process for dual credit instructors will be conducted by the immediate supervisor and reviewed by the second line supervisor prior to the appraisal interview with the employee. The dual credit faculty evaluation process will mirror the evaluation process used at the college for all full-time faculty members and will be done according to the college policy manual. All dual credit faculty will be periodically evaluated using the following means: 1) random classroom observation by the immediate supervisor of that discipline, 2) student evaluations and 3) self-evaluation. E. All Dual Credit faculty instructors will be supervised by the following means: i. When dual credit classes are visited during a classroom observation, supervisors will ask to see items such as the textbook, observe instruction and interaction with students, and request a class syllabus and a sample of class tests, quizzes, labs, and/or projects. ii. Dual Credit instructors are given a self-evaluation form and are asked to fill it out and return the form to their Hill College supervisor. iii. All dual credit instructors are given a master syllabus for the course. The master syllabus provides grading policy and student learning outcomes. iv. All dual credit instructors are required to participate in the assessment process. v. All dual credit instructors are required to certify rosters. vi. All dual credit instructors are required to submit final grades. F. Faculty teaching courses, which result in the award of college credit, will be regularly employed faculty members of Hill College. All faculty selected by Hill College to teach dual credit classes will be considered employees of Hill College and will be compensated by the college in accordance with Hill College policy, procedures, and guidelines. G. Applications for employment and official transcripts from each college or university attended MUST be submitted and approved prior to the start of classes. All paperwork will be kept on file at Hill College.
Benchmarks for Measuring Accessibility For the purposes of this Agreement, the accessibility of online content and functionality will be measured according to the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA and the Web Accessibility Initiative Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite (WAI-ARIA) 1.0 for web content, which are incorporated by reference.
Final Evaluation IC must submit a final report and a project evaluation to the Arts Commission within thirty (30) days after the completion of the Services. Any and all unexpended funds from IC must be returned to City no later than sixty (60) days after the completion of the Services.
Client Classification 7.1. We shall not have an obligation to treat our clients in different classes depending on their knowledge and expertise.
FINANCIAL EVALUATION (a) The financial bid shall be opened of only those bidders who have been found to be technically eligible. The financial bids shall be opened in presence of representatives of technically eligible bidders, who may like to be present. The institute shall inform the date, place and time for opening of financial bid. (b) Arithmetical errors shall be rectified on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and total price that is, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected by the Institute. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the lesser amount shall be considered as valid. If the Supplier does not accept the correction of the errors, his bid shall be rejected. (c) The AIIMS Jodhpur does not bind himself to accept the lowest bid or any bid and reserves the right of accepting the whole or any part of the bid or portion of the job offered; and the bidder shall provide the same at the rates quoted. The AIIMS Jodhpur reserves the right to reject any or all offers received in response to tender or cancel or withdraw the tender notice without assigning any reason, whatsoever.
Project Monitoring Reporting and Evaluation The Recipient shall furnish to the Association each Project Report not later than forty-five (45) days after the end of each calendar semester, covering the calendar semester.