Second Semester definition
Examples of Second Semester in a sentence
A candidate who has been absent through illness from one or more of the examinations in the courses for the Second Semester in his or her Part III year may apply for the award of the Aegrotat degree provided that he or she has passed or has been exempted from Part I, has passed Part II and, in the case of a candidate registered for the Independent Research Paper Course, has successfully completed the research paper for the course.
The top 4-10% of persons in the J.D. program who are graduated from the College of Law of The Ohio State University during each year, beginning with the Summer Session and extending through the following Second Semester, shall be awarded the degree Juris Doctor magna cum laude Source: Faculty minutes, March 15, 2006.
However, the candidate for the Second Semester or Third Semester shall have to follow the procedure prescribed for the candidate appearing under the Annual Examination System.
The top 11-25% of persons in the J.D. program who are graduated from the College of Law of The Ohio State University during each year, beginning with the Summer Session and extending through the following Second Semester, shall be awarded the degree Juris Doctor cum laude.
The top 3% of persons in the J.D. program who are graduated from the College of Law of The Ohio State University during each year, beginning with the Summer Session and extending through the following Second Semester, shall be awarded the degree Juris Doctor summa cum laude.
We currently offer two sections of ITAL 1A First Semester Italian one section of ITAL 1B Second Semester Italian, one section of ITAL 2A Third Semester Ital- ian, ITAL 2B Fourth Semester Italian, and ITAL 104A Introduction to Italian Cinema.
Second Semester: Fundamentals of optics, electricity and magnetism, atomic and nuclear physics, utilizing calculus.
FIRST YEARFirst Semester (20 Credits) Second Semester (20 Credits)ENG 101: Lit./Comp.
Duration: 1 semesterCOURSE TITLE:Natural Resource Management (Second Semester Only)Course Numbers:020000Grade Level: 9-12 Graduation Credit:½ ElectiveThis course promotes usage and protection of all species.
General This course will be taught in the Second Semester of Year One of the LL.B. programme.