Self Audits. Contractor must periodically conduct audits, assessments, testing of its system of controls, and testing of information security and privacy procedures, including penetration testing, intrusion detection, and firewall configuration reviews. These periodic audits must be conducted by staff certified to perform the specific audit in question at Contractor’s sole cost and expense through either: (i) an internal independent audit function, (ii) a nationally recognized, external, independent auditor, or
Self Audits. If the contract contains SDRL SS-EC-002, follow the instructions in SDRL SS-EC-002 instead of this paragraph. If the contract does not contain SDRL SS-EC-002 and the Seller is exporting, the Seller and the Seller’s subcontractors/suppliers shall perform self annual audits of their export control processes and provide written audit results to Boeing Data Management marked NAS15-10000 {the number of this contract} SDRL SS-EC-002. Audits should include a thorough examination of all export control processes associated with this contract, areas for improvement (if any), and corrective action plans for identified areas of improvement. Affected Sellers are required to do their own self-audits and report the results of the audit to Boeing Data Management marked NAS15-10000 {the number of this contract} SDRL SS-EC-002. Prior to audit completion, inclusion of informal statuses to the Boeing Export Control Office is optional and might prove useful in the success of this effort. The content should be as follows:
(1) Define your current audit processes.
(2) Document the export control processes audited and audit findings.
(3) Based on audit findings, include corrective action plans for any processes identified for improvements and notification of when the correction of any non-conformances has been completed. The document shall be in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. The document shall be submitted and maintained electronically. The submission date shall be July 31 of each year.
Self Audits. At least once per year, Wasabi will conduct audits of its Personal Data Processing practices and the information technology and information security controls for all facilities and systems used in complying with its obligations under this DPA.
Self Audits. If exporting, the Seller and the Seller’s subcontractors/suppliers shall perform self annual audits of their export control processes and provide written audit results to Boeing Data Management marked NAS15-10000 {the number of this contract} SDRL SS-EC-002. Audits should include a thorough examination of all export control processes associated with this contract, areas for improvement (if any), and corrective action plans for identified areas of improvement. Affected Sellers are required to do their own self-audits and report the results of the audit to Boeing Data
(1) Define your current audit processes.
(2) Document the export control processes audited and audit findings.
(3) Based on audit findings, include corrective action plans for any processes identified for improvements and notification of when the correction of any non-conformances has been completed. The document shall be in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. The document shall be submitted and maintained electronically. The submission date shall be July 31 of each year.
Self Audits. Subcontractor agrees that it will perform self-audits of its I-9 compliance on no less than an annual basis as measured from the date of execution of this agreement and that Subcontractor has completed its I-9 self-audit and resolved any problems or deficiencies identified in the course of said audit.
Self Audits. Internal and independent audits to review Contractor's data protection
Self Audits. If exporting, the Seller and the Seller’s subcontractors/suppliers shall perform self annual audits of their export control processes and provide written audit results to Boeing Data Management marked NAS15-10000 {the number of this contract} SDRL SS-EC-002. Audits should include a thorough examination of all export control processes associated with this contract, areas for improvement (if any), and corrective action plans for identified areas of improvement. Affected Sellers are required to do their own self-audits and report the results of the audit to Boeing Data Management marked NAS15-10000 {the number of this contract} SDRL SS-EC-002. Prior to audit completion, inclusion of informal statuses to the Boeing Export Control Office is optional and might prove useful in the success of this effort. The content should be as follows:
(1) Define your current audit processes.
(2) Document the export control processes audited and audit findings.
(3) Based on audit findings, include corrective action plans for any processes identified for improvements and notification of when the correction of any non- conformances has been completed. The document shall be in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. The document shall be submitted and maintained electronically. The submission date shall be July 31 of each year.
Self Audits. To help manage Your use of the Products and Your compliance with this Agreement, You agree to perform a self-audit upon 10 working days prior written notice from Us, on the self audit form made available by Us. If Your-self audit form reveals a discrepancy that You have previously or are currently using more of Our products than you have valid licenses for, You must submit a order to Us at the same time as returning the self-audit form to Us. In the event that you are late in submitting a self-audit form We may delay accepting orders and/or suspend Maintenance Services until We receive the self-audit form and We may instigate the Formal Audit process defined below.
Self Audits. The Contractor must periodically conduct audits, assessments, testing of the system of controls, and testing of Information Security and privacy procedures, including penetration testing, intrusion detection, and firewall configuration reviews. These periodic audits will be conducted by staff certified to perform the specific audit in question at Contractor’s sole cost and expense through either (i) an internal independent audit function, (ii) a nationally recognized, external, independent auditor, or (iii) another independent auditor approved by the County. The Contractor must have a process for correcting control deficiencies that have been identified in the periodic audit, including follow up documentation providing evidence of such corrections. The Contractor must provide the audit results and any corrective action documentation to the County promptly upon its completion at the County’s request. With respect to any other report, certification, or audit or test results prepared or received by the Contractor that contains any County Information, the Contractor must promptly provide the County with copies of the same upon the County’s reasonable request, including identification of any failure or exception in the Contractor’s Information systems, products, and services, and the corresponding steps taken by the Contractor to mitigate such failure or exception. Any reports and related materials provided to the County pursuant to this Section must be provided at no additional charge to the County.
Self Audits. To help manage Licensee’s use of the Products and Licensee’s compliance with this Agreement, Licensee agrees to perform a self-audit upon 10 working days prior written notice from Licensor, on the self-audit form, which shall be made available by Licensor. If Licensee’s self-audit form reveals that Licensee has previously or is currently using more products than it has valid licenses for, Licensee must submit a purchase order to Licensor at the same time as returning the self-audit form to Licensor for the additional or underpaid licence or Support Services fees based on Licensor’s then current price list. In the event that Licensee is late in submitting a self-audit form Licensor may delay accepting an Order and/or may suspend Support Services until Licensor receives the self-audit form and Licensor may instigate the Formal Audit process defined below.