SEP Requirements Sample Clauses
SEP Requirements. (see instructions)
A. Based only on the first $205,000* of compensation.
B. The same percentage of compensation for every employee.
C. Limited annually to the smaller of $41,000* or 25% of compensation.
X. Xxxx to the employee’s IRA trustee, custodian, or insurance company (for an annuity contract).
SEP Requirements. Beginning January 1, 1994, elective deferrals may not be based on more than $150,000 of compensation, as adjusted in accordance with section 408(k)(8) of the Code for cost-of-living changes. Compensation is the employee's total compensation from the employer (determined without including the SEP-XXX contributions) and include:
SEP Requirements. The Parties agree that the SEP Amount specified in paragraph 25.c. is for the SEP identified in Attachment B and that the SEP Amount shall be treated as a suspended administrative civil liability until the time of project completion for purposes of this Stipulated Order. The Regional Board is entitled to recover any SEP funds that are not expended in accordance with this Stipulated Order. Detailed project descriptions, including milestones, budgets, and performance measures are attached hereto as Attachment B.
SEP Requirements. (see instructions)
1. Based only on the first $205,000* of compensation.
2. The same percentage of compensation for every employee.
3. Limited annually to the smaller of $41 ,000* or 25% of compensation.
4. Paid to the employee’s IRA trustee, custodian, or insurance company (for an annuity contract). Employer’s signature and date Name and title Form 5305-SEP (Model SEP) is used by an employer to make an agreement to provide benefits to all eligible employees under a simplified employee pension (SEP) described in section 408(k). Do not file Form 5305-SEP with the IRS. Instead, keep it with your records. For more information on SEPs and IRAs, see Pub. 560, Retirement Plans for Small Business (SEP, SIMPLE, and Qualified Plans), and Pub. 590, Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs).
SEP Requirements. CDFW’s SEP meets the characteristics of an acceptable SEP as specified in Water Code section 13385(l)(2) as follows:
a. Environmentally beneficial project: CDFW’s SEP will result in less groundwater being pumped for the Hatchery and therefore more groundwater available for other beneficial uses, including drinking water for a disadvantaged community. In addition, the reuse of water is an action to enhance resilience to climate change. CDFW’s project will include electric pumps and a propane generator, which will result in less harmful air emissions than traditional diesel equipment.
SEP Requirements. The Parties agree that the SEP Amount specified in Section III, paragraph 2.b., is for the Calas Park Stormwater SEP identified in Attachment B and that SEP Amount shall be treated as a suspended administrative civil liability at the time of project completion for purposes of this Stipulated Order. The Los Angeles Water Board is entitled to recover any SEP funds that are not expended in accordance with this Stipulated Order. Detailed project descriptions, including milestones, budgets, and performance measures are attached hereto as Attachment B.
SEP Requirements. VVWRA’s augmentation of the City of Victorville’s SEP meets the characteristics of an acceptable SEP as specified in Water Code section 13385(l)(2) as follows:
a. Environmentally beneficial project: VVWRA’s SEP will improve groundwater quality by providing a monetary contribution toward eliminating septic tank waste discharges and associated pollutants to the groundwater from the properties connecting to the City of Victorville’s sewer system. Doing so will reduce the risks to public health and the environment by reducing high nutrient and bacteria levels caused by septic tank waste discharges in areas of high groundwater and in close proximity to surface waters.
SEP Requirements. The Parties agree that the SEP Amount of $300,000 is for the SEP identified in Attachment B and that the SEP Amount shall be treated as a suspended administrative civil liability until the time of project completion for purposes of this Stipulated Order. The Regional Water Board is entitled to recover any SEP funds that are not expended in accordance with this Stipulated Order. Detailed project descriptions, including milestones, budgets, and performance measures are attached hereto as Attachment B.
SEP Requirements. The Parties agree that the SEP Amount specified in Section III, paragraph 2.b. is for the Xxxxxx Basin SEP as identified in Attachment B. Upon completion of the Xxxxxx Basin SEP, the SEP Amount shall be treated as a permanently suspended administrative civil liability. The Lahontan Water Board is entitled to recover any SEP funds that are not expended in accordance with this Stipulated Order, to be paid consistent with Section III, paragraph 2.a., above. Detailed project descriptions, including milestones, budgets, and performance measures are attached hereto as Attachment B.
SEP Requirements. The employer agrees that each employee’s elective deferrals to this SEP will:
A. Be based only on the first $200,000 of compensation (as adjusted annually per Code section 408(k)(8)).
B. Be limited annually to the lesser of: