Service Improvement Sample Clauses
Service Improvement. Fund Services shall use its reasonable efforts to keep current on the trends of the investment company industry relating to shareholder services and to continue to modernize and improve its service delivery mechanisms.
Service Improvement. The delivery of essential municipal services in the most efficient and effective manner is of paramount importance and interest to both the City and the Association. Maximized service to the community is recognized to be a mutual desire of both parties within their respective roles and responsibilities. The City values the contributions of commanding officers toward the overall mission and program goals of the Bureau of Police. The parties agree to confer at mutually convenient times to discuss means of increasing effectiveness and productivity.
Service Improvement. Travelife will regard all feedback as an opportunity to review and improve our processes, including contacting any Member, Auditor or contractor with feedback.
Service Improvement. Where national recommendations and acceptable/achievable standards are not currently fully implemented the Provider will be expected to indicate in service plans what changes and improvements will be made over the course of the contract period. The Provider shall develop a CSIP (continual service improvement plan) in line with the KPIs and the results of internal and external quality assurance checks. The CSIP will respond to any performance issues highlighted by the commissioners, having regard to any concerns raised via any service user feedback. The CSIP will contain action plans with defined timescales and responsibilities, and will be agreed with the commissioners.
Service Improvement. The information is used internally to improve services, develop new features, and enhance the travel booking experience.
Service Improvement. Should a review highlight an area needing improvement or failing to meet expectations, the SBCHC and CTEA will work closely, in good faith, to resolve the deficiency with an outcome amenable to all.
Service Improvement. On condition that the integrity of the Data Subject is not under threat and that nShift does not establish new purposes or means for the Processing, nShift has the right to develop
Service Improvement. The Supplier shall have an ongoing obligation throughout the Term to identify new or potential improvements to the Services in accordance with this clause 4.7. As part of this obligation the Supplier shall identify and report to Network Rail at least once every three (3) months on:
Service Improvement. The Contractor shall have an ongoing obligation throughout the t erm of the contract to identify new or potential improvements to the services. As part of this obligation, the Contractor shall identify and report to the IT Officers quarterly in the first year and once every six months for the subsequent years (if any) on : - The emergence of new and evolving relevant technologies which could improve the ICT Infrastructure and/or the Services, and those technological advances potentially available to the Contractor and the JUs which the parties may wish to adopt; - New or potent ialimprovements to the Services including the quality, responsiveness, procedures, benchmarking methods, likely performance mechanisms and customer support services in relation to the Services; - New or potentialimprovements to the interfaces or integrati on of the Services with other services provided by third parties or the JUs which might result in efficiency or productivity gains or in reduction of operationalrisk; - Changes in business processes and ways of working that would enable the Services to be delivered at lower costs and/or at greater benefit to the JUs; and - Changes to the ICT Environment, business process and ways of working that would enable reduction in th e totalenergy consumed annually in the delivery of Services. The Contractor shall ensure that the information that it provides to the JUs is sufficient for the JUs to decide whether any improvement should be implemented. The Contractor shall provide any further information that the JUs requests. The JU shall at all times be responsible for determining its own ICT strategy. The JUs may notify the Contractor of any changes to the JUs’ ICT strategy and request the Contractor to consider, review and respond W R W K D W V W U D W H J \ change to the JUs ICT strategy would affect the provision of the Services, the Contractor shall refer the matter to the IT Officers. If the JUs wishes to incorporate any improvement identifi ed by the Contractor , the JUs shall send to the Contractor a Change Request and the parties shall: - Develop a plan for the implementation of the improvement within 20 Working Days of the JUs’s Change Request for the approvalof the JUs; - Implement the imp rovement in accordance with the provisions of an implementation plan approved by the JUs; and - Submit the improvements to testingin accordance with theprovisions ofclause t esting below.
Service Improvement. The parties to this Agreement are committed to improving the range, quality, responsiveness and cost of services delivered by the Council to the community. The parties agree to work together to pursue the improvement and competitiveness of in-house service delivery through the pursuit of new technology and emerging practices, provision of resources and employee training and development, so that in-house services best meet Council’s service delivery objectives.