STATE COMMITMENTS. The State is committed to meeting all requirements of the ESO Grant including, but not limited to: (1) providing non-regulatory oversight of the DOE XXX EMP; (2) providing non-regulatory independent environmental surveillance or monitoring for activities related to DOE XXX EMP; and (3) providing results of the State’s oversight activities under this Agreement to DOE, local governments, and the public.
STATE COMMITMENTS. The State for this Agreement will:
a) ensures the enjoyment of fundamental rights and equal social status of people regardless of sex, race, language, religion, political opinions and personal and social conditions, preventing any manifestation of racism and discrimination; facilitates also the access to any information that helps foreign citizens to understand the main content of the Italian Constitution and the general order of the State.
b) in connection with the regional and local authorities, guarantees the monitoring of compliance to the laws for the protection of employees; full access to the services of a medical nature and those relating to compulsory school attendance;
c) facilitates the process of integration of the person through the intake of each appropriate initiative, in collaboration with the regions, local authorities and nonprofit associations. In this framework, ensures to the person, within one month from the signing of this agreement, free attendance at a one-day training session and information on civic lifestyle in Italy.
STATE COMMITMENTS. Washington will:
A. Contribute not less than 20 percent of the overall annual program costs.
B. Be responsible for.
(1) making direct cost share payments to approved participants of 37.5 percent of theeligible reimbursable costs for all conservation practices established under this CREP;
(2) paying all costs associated with the annual monitoring program;
(3) provid ing technical assistance in the development of conservation plans, including installation of forested riparian buffers;
(4) providing conservation planning assistance for the entire farm to enrolled producers on a voluntary basis; and
(5) providing grant funds for removal of fish barriers and installation of other salmonid habitat restoration practices.
C. Establish an Enhancement Program Steering Committee, which will include representatives from the State Technical Committee, National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S.-Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington Department of Agriculture, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Extension Service, agriculture groups, conservation groups, local governments and Tribal government. This group will advise the Governor's Joint Natural Resources Cabinet on the implementation of the CREP.
D. Seek applicants willing to offer eligible and appropriate land for enrollment in the CREP.
E. Facilitate the provision of technical assistance from the local conservation districts, and other cooperators to develop conservation plans, in cooperation with the Natural Resource Conservation Service and Washington State Conservation Commission for applicants offering to enroll eligible acreage in the CREP.
F. Implement a broad campaign for continuous public information and education regarding the CREP.
G. Ensure that the CREP is coordinated with other agricultural and natural resource conservation programs at the State and Federal level.
H. Within 90 days of the end of each Federal fiscal year, the Conservation Commission shall provide a report to FSA summarizing the status of enrollments under this CREP and progress on fulfilling the other commitments of this program. The annual report to FSA shall include: level of program participation; the results of the annual monitoring program; a summary of non-federal CREP program expenditures; and, recommendations to improve the program. The report shall include a comparison of salmon habitat characteristics and population trends in streams where there is significant enrollment in this pro...