STEP 3 (School Board. If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance or if no disposition has been made within the period provided, the grievance, only at the option of the grievant, may be submitted to the Board. Within five (5) school days the Board or its designee shall meet with the grievant and his/her representative and shall indicate its disposition of the grievance in writing within five (5) school days of such meeting and shall furnish a written copy thereof to the grievant and the Association.
STEP 3 (School Board. If the teacher(s) or the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step 2, or the Step 2 time limit expires without the Superintendent's answer, the grievance shall be on the agenda of the next regular School Board meeting, or at a special meeting. Within ten (10) days following the meeting the School Board will have its answer in writing to the grievant, and the President of the Association and the Association representative.
STEP 3 (School Board. 44 If the matter is not settled at Step 2, it shall be taken to the School Board at its next regular meeting, or, 45 if an emergency exists, to a special meeting called by the Board President. The Board will respond in 46 writing within ten (10) working days of the Board meeting.
STEP 3 (School Board. 32 If the matter is not settled at Step 2, it shall be taken to the School Board at its next regularly scheduled 33 meeting, providing the grievant has at least five (5) work days to prepare his/her appeal. The Board 34 will respond in writing within ten (10) working days of the Board meeting in which the grievance 35 appeal was considered. 36