SUCCESSOR POSITIONS. When a position in an organization is abolished as a result of a reorganization and an identical position is to be established at the same grade within 30 days in a new organization within the activity, the incumbent of the old position will be accorded priority consideration for assignment to the newly established position, unless this would conflict with the assignment rights of another employee. The foregoing is subject to management’s discretion to decide to fill the newly established position.
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  • VACANCIES AND NEW POSITIONS 17.01 The Gallery shall post notice of permanent and temporary job vacancies subject to Article 4 – Temporary Full-Time Employees for a period of seven (7) calendar days before any such job is filled. Probationary employees shall not be entitled to apply for posted vacancies. It is agreed that the Gallery will not interview external applicants until applications from existing employees have been reviewed and bargaining unit employees who are qualified in the opinion of the Gallery have been interviewed. Further, the Gallery will notify existing applicants in writing once the successful application is selected.

  • VACANCIES, TERM POSITIONS AND NEW POSITIONS 3001 Subject to section 3002 herein, the Employer agrees to post notices of vacant, term or new positions covered under this Agreement for at least seven (7) days to enable nurses presently in the employ of the Employer to apply for same. Such posting shall not preclude the Employer from advertising outside the site premises. All postings shall state minimum qualifications required, the equivalent to full-time (E.F.T.) and date of closing of the competition. Job descriptions shall be available to applicants on request. 3002 The Employer will be required to post a notice of vacancy for only five (5) days for a vacancy that is created by:

  • New Positions A. Each newly created position shall be assigned by the Employer to the national craft unit most appropriate for such position within thirty (30) days after its creation. Before such assignment of each new position the Employer shall consult with the Union for the purpose of assigning the new position to the national craft unit most appropriate for such position. The following criteria shall be used in making this determination:

  • New Position An approved position not reflected in the current year budget complement.

  • Excluded Positions When a College temporarily assigns an employee to the duties and responsibilities of a position excluded from the provisions of this Collective Agreement, the employee's obligations to contribute to the regular monthly Union dues under Article 5.4 and his/her seniority shall continue during the period of such temporary assignment up to a maximum period of twelve

  • Positions Temporarily Vacant (a) The Employer agrees to make every reasonable effort to ensure that the workloads of employees will not be unnecessarily increased as a result of positions temporarily vacant due to illness, vacation leave, in-service training, or any other reason.

  • RELIEVING IN HIGHER AND LOWER-RATED POSITIONS 23.01 In the event of an employee relieving in a higher-rated job, the employee shall receive the hourly rate of the position they are relieving for any and all hours relieving.

  • Vice Chair The Vice Chair shall perform such duties as prescribed by the Board or the Chair and shall act for the Chair in his or her absence.

  • Temporary Positions A) The Employer may create regular temporary positions for vacation relief for more than one (1) incumbent for up to six (6) months duration.

  • Time Off for Union Activities A. Conventions and Conferences Union-designated employees may be allowed time off without pay to attend union-sponsored conventions or conferences. Approval for the time off must be granted in advance of the absence and in accordance with the Employer’s leave policies. Approval will not be granted if the absence interferes with the Employer’s ability to provide coverage during the requested time off or the operating needs of the agency cannot be met.

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