Summer Pay Plan Sample Clauses
Summer Pay Plan. Each employee may individually elect to have ten percent (10%) of his monthly salary deducted from his pay. These funds shall be paid to the employee or his estate on the final pay day in June or, according to a schedule of payments throughout the summer as requested by the teacher, or upon death or termination of employment, if earlier.
Summer Pay Plan. Each employee may individually elect to have ten (10%) percent of his/her monthly salary deducted from his/her pay. These funds shall be deposited by the Board in the South Bergen Teachers’ Federal Credit Union on or about the 15th day of each month exclusive of July and August.
Summer Pay Plan. Each unit member may individually elect to have ten percent (10%) of his salary deducted from his pay. These monies shall be deposited with the credit union in the teacher's name within three (3) working days of each payday. Upon written request, the Association will be provided with proof of mailing.
Summer Pay Plan. Each instructional aide may individually elect to have a percentage deducted from his or her monthly pay for the purpose of extending salary payments over a twelve (12) month period. Within three (3) working days after each pay day, these funds shall be deposited in an account agreed upon by the majority of participating Association members. Proper notice shall be given to the Secretary of the Board of Education.
Summer Pay Plan. The Association shall take full responsibility for the maintenance and operation of the Summer Pay Plan. The Board agrees to deduct ten percent (10%) from participating teachers’ salary under the following conditions:
a. The Association shall designate a receiving agent for the plan to the Board Secretary on the first school day in September.
b. Authorization notices for participants in the plan shall be given to the Board Secretary on or before the last calendar day of each month for the following month’s deductions. EXCEPTION: September’s authorization must be given by the end of the first school week.
c. Authorization forms will be mutually agreed upon by the Association and the Board.
d. The Association agrees to protect the Board and save the Board harmless from any and all liability arising out of the Board’s responsibilities under this article once the Board of Education has submitted any monies it deducts under this article to the Association.
Summer Pay Plan. Each employee may have the option of participating in the First Commonwealth Federal Credit Union or IRCO and to have monthly deductions made from his/her pay.
Summer Pay Plan. Each supervisor may individually elect to have ten (10%) percent of his/her monthly salary deducted from his/her pay. These funds shall be deposited in the South Bergen Teachers' Federal Credit Union.
Summer Pay Plan. Each teacher may individually elect to have ten percent (10%) of his/her monthly salary deducted from his/her pay. These funds shall be paid to the teacher or his/her estate on the final payday in June. Deductions under this Article shall be forwarded to the North Jersey Federal Credit Union, Totowa, New Jersey.
Summer Pay Plan. Each teacher may individually elect to have a percentage deducted from his or her monthly pay for the purpose of extending salary payments over a twelve (12) month period. Within three (3) working days after each pay day, these funds shall be deposited in an account agreed upon by the majority of participating Association members. Proper notice shall be given to the Secretary of the Board of Education.
Summer Pay Plan. Each employee may have the option of participating in the NORCAR Teachers Credit Union or IRCO and to have monthly deductions made from his/her pay.