Tariff Provisions. All shipments shall be made in strict conformity with governing tariff rules and regulations and packaging specifications, except where otherwise specifically required by provisions of this Order or military regulations.
Tariff Provisions. The CAISO shall provide open access to the EIM in accordance with the terms of the CAISO Tariff. The EIM Entity shall have in effect provisions in its OATT to enable operation of the EIM in its Balancing Authority Area in accordance with the CAISO Tariff.
Tariff Provisions. The CAISO shall provide open access to the Real-Time Market in accordance with the terms of the CAISO Tariff. The EIM Sub-Entity shall have in effect provisions in its OATT to enable operation of the Real-Time Market in its Balancing Authority Area in accordance with the CAISO Tariff, if applicable.
Tariff Provisions. Any provision provided specifically herein shall be in addition to applicable provisions in BellSouth’s FCC #1, Section 20 tariff, BellSouth Virtual Expanded Interconnection .
Tariff Provisions. Seller shall make all shipments in conformity with governing tariff rules and regulations and packaging specifications, except where otherwise specifically required by provisions of this Agreement.
Tariff Provisions. In addition to the provisions contained herein, the parties also have the rights and obligations described in the Electric Tariff provisions respecting "System Reinforcement and Transmission Extension Policies for Permanent Service" attached hereto as Appendix "1" to this Agreement. Further, the words which are defined in the aforesaid Electric Tariff provisions shall have the same meaning in this Agreement. B.C.Hydro will supply to the Customer a copy of all amendments or replacements to the aforesaid Electric Tariff provisions.
Tariff Provisions. 1. On the date of entry into force of this Protocol, customs duties (ad valorem and specific) applicable on imports into the European Union of agricultural products, processed agricultural products, fish and fishery products originating in Morocco shall be eliminated, except if otherwise provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3 for the agricultural products and in Article 5 for the processed agricultural products.
2. For those products originating in Morocco listed in the Annex to this Protocol, customs duties shall be eliminated or reduced by a percentage specified in column “a” within the limit of the tariff quotas listed in column “b” for each of them. The customs duties in respect of the quantities in excess of the tariff quotas shall be reduced by the percentage listed in column “c” for each of them.
3. By way of derogation from the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2:
(a) For the products to which an entry price applies in accordance with Article 140a of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (1), and for which the Common Customs Tariff provides for the application of an ad valorem customs duty and a specific customs duty, the elimination applies only to the ad valorem part of the duty.
(b) For the products listed in the table below, the agreed entry price level from which specific duties will be reduced to zero during the periods indicated shall be those set out below, and the ad valorem customs duties shall be eliminated for the tariff quotas set in the Annex to this Protocol and for unlimited quantities for products covered by CN codes 0709 90 80, 0805 10 20, 0806 10 10, 0809 10 00 and 0809 30. CN code Product Period Agreed entry price (EUR/100 kg) 0707 00 05 Cucumbers, fresh or chilled 01/11 – 31/05 44,9 0709 90 70 Courgettes, fresh or chilled 01/10 – 31/01 01/02 – 31/03 01/04 – 20/04 42,4 41,3 42,4 (1) OJ L 299, 16.11.2007, p. 1. CN code Product Period Agreed entry price (EUR/100 kg) 0805 20 10 Clementines, fresh 01.11 – end of February 48,4 0806 10 10 Table grapes, fresh 21/07 – 20/11 35,8 0809 10 00 Apricots, fresh 01/06 – 31/07 64,5 0809 30 Peaches, including nectarines, fresh 11/06 – 30/09 49,1 For the products referred to in the table above: if the price of a particular consignment is 2 %, 4 %, 6 % or 8 % below the agreed entry price, the specific preferential customs duty shall be 2 %, 4 %, 6 % or 8 %, respectively, of the agreed entry price; if the entry price of a particular consignment is below 92 % of the agreed entry price, the specific customs ...
Tariff Provisions. 1. On the date this Protocol enters into force, the imports into the Kingdom of Morocco of agricultural products, processed agricultural products, fish and fishery products originating in the European Union shall be subject to the conditions set out in lists 1, 2 and 3 attached to this Protocol.
2. The products mentioned in List (1) attached to this Protocol are subject to a process of liberalisation on the basis of an annual linear dismantling (in equal tranches) of the customs duties in accordance with the following instructions set out in column “a” from the entry into force of the Agreement: — G1, the customs duties are eliminated from the entry into force of this Protocol, — G2, the customs duties will be dismantled on a linear basis from the entry into force of this Protocol until there are no customs duties in 5 years; for the products in this group that are marked with an asterisk in column “a”, the dismantling period is two years from 1 March 2010, — G3, the customs duties will be dismantled on a linear basis from the entry into force of this Protocol until there are no customs duties in 10 years.
3. For those products from the European Union listed in List 2 attached to this Protocol and subject to the application of paragraph 2, the customs duties shall be reduced by a percentage specified in column “a” within the limit of a tariff quotas specified in column “b” for each of them. Beyond the tariff quota, the customs duties will be dismantled on a linear basis from the entry into force of this Agreement in line with the arrangements fixed for each of the G2 and G3 groups referred to in paragraph 2.
4. For those products from the European Union listed in List 3 attached to this Protocol and not subject to a liberalisation process, the customs duties shall be reduced by a percentage specified in column “a” within the limit of a tariff quota specified in column “b” for each of them. Products outside the quota are subject to the MFN duty in force.
5. For the products under CN codes 1701, no preferential tariff concession is applied, with the exception of the products covered by HS codes 1701 99 10 11; 1701 99 10 19; 1701 99 20 00 and 1701 99 99 00 referred to in List (1) attached to this Protocol.
Tariff Provisions. 2.1 The Parties agree that this Agreement and the activity at the Interconnection Point shall be governed by the General Terms and Conditions of the Tariff, including the provisions of Section 7 of the General Terms and Conditions of the Tariff, unless specifically set forth otherwise in this Agreement.
Tariff Provisions. The tariffs applying to Capacity Agreements concluded pursuant to this Shipper Framework Agreement are stated in the Price List published on Energinet's website, unless the Capacity Agreement is concluded in connection with an Auction in which case the tariff is determined by the Auction. Energinet reserves the right to make any changes to any tariff payable, the tariff provisions and the Price List. Such reservation covers changes as a consequence of regulatory changes, including orders from the Danish Energy Regulatory Authority and Energinet's own tariff changes. The Shipper shall be informed of such changes in writing as soon as possible. The changes shall take effect from the date on which the regulatory change takes effect, including the date set for complying with an order from the Danish Energy Regulatory Authority, or from the date on which a general tariff change takes effect. Any changes to the tariff provisions shall not entitle the Shipper to renegotiation of the Shipper Framework Agreement or Capacity Agreements concluded in pursuance of this Shipper Framework Agreement, including parts thereof.