TARIFF CHANGES. 11.1 If we vary the type of tariff rate you are charged for your water retail service, we will notify you of the new tariff rate on your next bill. 11.2 Where this occurs within a billing cycle, we will calculate on a pro-rata basis using: (a) the old tariff rate up to and including the effective date for the change; or (b) the new tariff rate from the effective date to the end of the billing cycle.
TARIFF CHANGES. 11.1 If we vary the type of tariff rate you are charged for your retail service, we will notify you of the new tariff rate on your next bill. 11.2 Where this occurs within a billing cycle, we will calculate on a pro-rata basis using: (a) the old tariff rate up to and including the effective date for the change; or (b) the new tariff rate from the effective date to the end of the billing cycle.
TARIFF CHANGES. 10.1 If during the term of this Agreement, BellSouth requests and receives regulatory approval for price reductions on tariff services (“Tariff Change”) purchased by Telepak Networks and such price reductions cause Telepak Networks to be unable to meet its Annual Revenue Commitment under this Agreement, then the discounts for - which Telepak Networks will be eligible under this agreement will be determined based on the revenue that Telepak Networks would have achieved at the rates applicable prior to the Tariff Change and at the volume of service actually achieved.
TARIFF CHANGES. The Customer acknowledges being advised by PECO that PECO intends to propose changes to its Gas Tariff from time to time and that changes authorized by the Commission will supersede any inconsistent provision herein. FOR
TARIFF CHANGES. Notice of any applicable changes to tariff must be received by ATC for tariff changes for PriCellular any Party, or by PriCellular for tariff changes for any ATC Party, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the proposed effective date or at least the number of days specified by state or local governmental regulations prior to the proposed effective date, whichever period is longer.
TARIFF CHANGES. Effective as set forth in Article III, the BGE Formula Rate Template included in Exhibit A to this Settlement Agreement shall replace and supersede the BGE Formula Rate Template currently included in the PJM OATT. Exhibit B to this Settlement Agreement shows in redline/strikeout the agreed-upon changes to the BGE Formula Rate.1 2.1.1 The parties to this settlement agreement affirm that the Formula Rate Protocols filed with FERC in BGE’s February 1, 2021 compliance filing fully address the manner in which the new true-up methodology proposed in this filing will be implemented. Exhibit C to this Settlement Agreement includes these Protocols. Regarding the preexisting true-up methodology, on May 10, 2021 BGE posted its 2021 Annual Update and included a 2020 rate year true-up consistent with its February 1, 2021 compliance filing. All parties agreed to this true-up approach.
TARIFF CHANGES. 6.1. The Parties agree to the tariff changes in Exhibit 8, shown with changes marked. These changes reflect revisions to: Line Extensions; the Cost of Gas Clause as described in Section 5.1; the LDAC; Rate Schedules which include the revised distribution rates; and other minor changes included in the Company’s proposed tariff; and the termination of Temporary Rates, Bi- Monthly Rates and Firm Stand-By Gas Supply Service.
TARIFF CHANGES. The Stipulating Parties will not oppose any uncontested tariff language changes proposed by OG&E in direct testimony, subject to final review of changes to be set forth in the Company’s compliance filing described below.
TARIFF CHANGES. If we vary the type of tariff rate you are charged for your water retail service, we will notify you of the new tariff rate on your next bill.
TARIFF CHANGES. Effective as set forth in Article III, the Formula Rate Template included in Exhibit A to this Settlement Agreement and the Formula Rate Protocols included as Exhibit C to this Settlement Agreement shall replace and supersede the Formula Rate Template and Formula Rate Protocols currently included in the PJM OATT. Exhibit B to this Settlement Agreement shows in redline/strikeout the agreed-upon changes to the Formula Rate Template, and Exhibit D to the Settlement Agreement shows in redline/strikeout the agreed-upon changes to the Formula Rate Protocols.