Task 2 Deliverables. Content for the Project website (hosted by the City); Interactive web‐based map (hosted by TDG); Web‐based survey on bicycle issues and opinions (hosted by TDG); and Memo outlining Plan Vision, Goals and Objectives.
Task 2 Deliverables. A. Technical memo summarizing data review from Task 2.1 in Word format by February 7, 2020.
B. Draft Sub-Basin Strategy in Word format by March 20, 2020.
C. Final Sub-Basin Strategy in Word and PDF format, incorporating District and City comments by May 22, 2020.
Task 2 Deliverables. Draft and Final Report summarizing the results of the Regulatory/Institutional Analysis Evaluation
Task 2 Deliverables. One (1) electronic draft copy of the environmental screening memorandum for the Airport’s review. • One (1) electronic final copy of the environmental screening memorandum for FAA review. CONSULTANT will conduct and document analyses for a focused EA, which will address all projects and resource categories requiring analysis beyond that provided in the Environmental Screening task (Task 2). The EA process will incorporate detailed reviews for Threatened and Endangered species, wetlands, and historic and cultural resources including required consultations with agencies that manage those resources. The following describes the activities involved with this task.
Task 2 Deliverables. Kickoff Meeting with staff to establish project parameters, finalize schedule and Advisory Committee membership Online Advisory Committee Meeting #1: Scoping/ Review of past planning efforts/ Validation of Vision and Planning Principles Task 3: Research & Analysis The Landmark Design Team will analyze the existing work and concepts developed, blending the results with information obtained during the initial Advisory Committee meeting, through the public engagement process, and our analysis of existing conditions and the existing preferred planning concept. Landmark Design will focus on overall concept validation. Township + Range will review transportation concepts and networks, focusing on verifying and modifying as necessary the existing planning concept. LYRB will review population projections and economic and housing assumptions as part of validating future growth needs.
Task 2 Deliverables. Consultant shall provide to the City: - Memorandum summarizing the project core values and goals - Meeting agendas, minutes, and action items - Requirements traceability matrix - Technical memorandum identifying permit requirements. - Pre-diagnostic meeting notes Work performed under this task will include: • Gathering and reviewing existing data for this site to determine what additional information is needed for design, including: planning documents, bridge feasibility study, mapping data, geotechnical data, and as-built drawings for infrastructure. • Conduct one (1) site visit to review existing conditions. • Defining design criteria that capture initial feedback from stakeholders and document findings in a technical memorandum.
Task 2 Deliverables. The survey deliverable will include a cover page with survey report, vicinity map, legend and abbreviations, survey control sheet, combined specific purpose right of way and topographic survey. Survey field notes and site photos will also be delivered. The survey information will be transmitted to the City in the following formats:
Task 2 Deliverables. Work Plan; draft and final: HELIX will prepare the Work Plan and schedule for review and approval by the Project Partners before preparing a final version for submittal.
Task 2 Deliverables. CONSULTANT will provide Right-of-Way imagery for all segments collected in a JPEG format.
Task 2 Deliverables. RFP Reference Deliverables Due Dates