Task 3 definition

Task 3The contractor shall distribute, receive, log, process, sort and track application materials. The contractor shall administer and coordinate the application process. The contractor shall distribute descriptive announcements and applications as well as forms for such activities as evaluating applications and tracking progress. The contractor shall collect and categorize applications for review and selection by technical panels. The database should be updated promptly with application information so that demographic lists, alphabetical lists, and other data are easily accessible. The contractor will be expected to provide demographic and other analyses of applicants or selectees as requested by the sponsoring agencies.
Task 3. Complete strategic plans for 2 additional regions. Complete “regional strategies” webpage in CalWeedMapper.
Task 3. Maintain computer software (i.e., RidePro administrative tracking, CommuteSmart use tracking/reporting) to accurately and concisely track rideshare database activities and services for reporting to CTC’s. • Quarterly rideshare database report including website activity. Task 4: Provide technical and help desk support services to CTC staffs. Provide assistance with troubleshooting of problems related to functionality of software and/or wide area network connectivity. Operate a telephone connection for direct contact with the Help Desk. Provide training or instructional materials on new programs and functions within the RidePro and AVR databases to CTC staffs.

Examples of Task 3 in a sentence

  • Task 3) Optional Student Performance Subcomponent‌For guidance on the Optional subcomponent of the Student Performance measure, see NYSED APPR Guidance.Up to 50% of Student Performance category, if selected.

  • The Vendor may elect to complete Task 3 (site specific Mitigation Plan), including the requirement for financial assurance (See FINANCIAL ASSURANCE section) prior to completion of Task 2.

  • Week 3 – Task 3 : Every student should individually install MS windows on the personal computer.

  • Task 3: Develop a Stratigraphic Framework Model of the Trinity Aquifer and Calculate Brackish Water Volumes Task 3 has been subdivided into two subtasks.

  • This subtask allows for MPO staff support for administrative activities related to short range planning, including the development and management of agency contracts; procurement, development and management of consultant contracts for projects in Task 3; and the review and processing of monthly billings for work related to Task 3.

More Definitions of Task 3

Task 3Determine the type of testing/evaluation needed, as discussed with City staff. Prepare a work plan.
Task 3. Xxxxxxx Drive & Xxxxxx Road $15
Task 3Preparation of the Administrative CEQA Document, Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration environmental review is required, as a result of the Initial Study, Sagecrest will prepare an amended proposal. The Initial Study will use the most recent version of the CEQA Environmental Checklist Form (based on Appendix G, updated January 2019) and will contain the following: • Most updated site plan and project elevations • Detailed project description and location of the project site • Identification of the environmental setting • Identification of the potential environmental effects of the Proposed Project for each topical issue, with evidence to support the analysis • The significance criteria or threshold used to evaluate each topical issue • The mitigation measures identified, if any, to reduce the potential impact to less than significant • Examination of consistency with existing zoning, plans and other applicable land use controls. The environmental topics outlined in the CEQA Initial Study Checklist include: • Aesthetics • Agriculture/Forestry Resources • Air QualityBiological Resources • Cultural Resources • Energy • Geology/Soils • Greenhouse Gas EmissionsHazards and Hazardous Materials • Hydrology/Water Quality • Land Use/Planning • Mineral Resources • Noise • Population/Housing • Public Services • Recreation • Transportation and TrafficTribal Cultural Resources • Utilities/Service Systems • Wildfire • Mandatory Findings of Significance The discussion for each environmental topic will be supported by technical studies, as appropriate, attached as appendices to the Initial Study Checklist. Sagecrest will transmit the Screencheck Draft Initial Study Checklist to the City in Microsoft Word to facilitate comments in tracked changes, and in Adobe Acrobat to include all figures and technical study appendices. The City will review and comment on the Screencheck Draft Initial Study and appendices and provide a consolidated set of comments to Sagecrest for revisions. The studies will be submitted to the City for review and two rounds of revision to the studies will be prepared, if necessary, to respond to City comments.
Task 3. Indicator development and improvement (including reference conditions): Existing methodologies for soft-bottom habitats have been evaluated to test their capability to discriminate gradient pressures between different stressors (eutrophication, toxic stress, habitat degradation, hydromorphological changes) covering all European coastal areas (Deliverable D4.3-1). We have developed also a new index, based upon size-spectra (ISS), for soft-bottom fauna. The analyses on the responses of benthic communities to changes in hydromorphological pressures in order to assess the good ecological potential and the development of reference conditions for transitional waters have not yet started. This is planned for the second half of the project. Indicators for hard-bottom substrates have been developed. Task 4: Indicators for hard-bottom substrates in coastal areas will be developed: This task is planned for the second half of the project. Some preliminary analysis using Bayesian networks has already been started.
Task 3. The WHIPPET tool (or an adaptation of WHIPPET) is made accessible on-line.
Task 3. Data Collection Cost: $17,145 The data collection task will focus on where existing riders are beginning and ending their trips through data and interviews. Data on boarding and alighting from MDTPW and the Town Circulator. Stops with the highest activity and those with the most transfer activity will be will be reviewed for surveys/interviews with passengers and assessed for pedestrian/bicycle access. Miovision cameras will also be utilized to determine which direction pedestrians and bicyclists are traveling to access the transit stops. Surveys will be distributed to on-site transit users that will ask questions regarding what amenities will be most useful to them to improve their commute. Future nodes for potential hubs will be identified by reviewing approved development, consultation with Town staff and analysis of the Future Land Use Map. The Task will also include a planning assessment of the Town’s existing circulator system. Technicians will perform an on-board speed and delay study to understand running speeds during peak-hours of service. All data collected will assist in developing recommendations on how to improve the transit system’s overall performance.