Temperature Controls. Discharge air temperature from the heating coils and reheat coils shall be independently controlled. Discharge air temperature sensors shall control the leaving air temperature from the HVAC unit heating coils. Zone thermostats shall control the discharge temperature from the reheat coils.
Temperature Controls. Variations in temperature within each control zone, and between zones, shall not exceed 40F, with the temperature measured from a reference point 1’ inside of any exterior wall to the center of the building. The temperature variation from the floor to a height of 30” for any employee workstation (either conventional desk or systems furnishings) shall not exceed 20F. Testing shall be made when the exterior temperature has reached a daily peak of 800F or more for 2 days.
Temperature Controls. All hydrol- ysis reactions shall be carried out at 25 °C (±1 °C) and with the temperature controlled to ±0.1 °C.
Temperature Controls. A. The parties acknowledge the vital importance of the correctional education system in the Departments of Corrections and the Youth Authority. To maintain the effectiveness of this system, it is necessary to develop and implement policies that are conducive to maintaining and promoting the health/safety of the teachers, minimizing physical discomfort and maximizing educational opportunity for students in these programs.
1. The parties agree that within 90 days of the ratification of the Unit 3 agreement, a joint labor/management committee will be established, consisting of an equal number of Union and management members. The purpose of this committee will be to:
a. Review and/or develop current departmental and site specific policies and procedures.
b. Establish or revise temperature and air quality guidelines when mutually agreeable;
c. Develop policy implementation procedures which shall address air circulation, air quality and air conditioning needs.
2. The parties further agree that management shall designate a representative at each institution/facility with whom an employee and/or Union representative may raise issues concerning air policy and procedure applications. Should an employee not be able to resolve their issues/concerns, he or she may file a grievance pursuant to the provisions of Section 6.13 (Health and Safety Grievances).
Temperature Controls. No tenant shall tamper with or adjust temperature control thermostats in its premises or elsewhere in any building. Landlord shall adjust thermostats as required to maintain the building standard temperatures.
Temperature Controls. Adjust, inspect and repair temperature control equipment, including thermostats, automatic control valves, and automatic damper motors.
Temperature Controls. All hy d r ol- y s i s r e a c t io n s s h a ll be c a rr ied o u t a t 25 °C (±1 °C) a n d wi t h t h e t e m pe r a t ur e co n t r olled t o ±0.1 °C.
Temperature Controls. The Employer will make reasonable efforts to ensure that temperatures within the office spaces are adjusted, where possible, to the allowable limits (i.e., up to 65 degrees Fahrenheit in winter and down to 78 degrees Fahrenheit in summer) in accordance with applicable law, or Governmentwide rule or regulation. Where temperatures consistently fail to meet the allowable limits referred to above, the Employer will make reasonable efforts to have the situation corrected through the appropriate leasing authority or facility manager.
Temperature Controls. 1. Manual reset type to control fuel burning system to prevent boiler water temperature from exceeding safe system water temperature.
2. Low-fire start time delay relay.
Temperature Controls. A. The parties acknowledge the vital importance of the correctional education system in the CDCR-DAI. To maintain the effectiveness of this system, it is necessary to develop and implement policies that are conducive to maintaining and promoting the health/safety of the teachers, minimizing physical discomfort and maximizing educational opportunity for students in these programs.