Temporary Assignment All MBUs who are District-initiated transfers or returning from leave of absence of more than one year may be temporarily assigned to positions other than posted vacancies, including substitute teacher positions, until they can be placed in a vacancy for which they are qualified. Such MBUs shall be placed in the first available vacancy for which they are qualified.
Temporary Assignments When an employee is assigned temporarily by his/her appointing authority to a job for which he/she is qualified in a higher pay grade for a period of five (5) days or his/her regular workweek, whichever is less, the employee shall be paid retroactively from the initial date of the temporary transfer for the duration of the temporary assignment. The employee shall be paid as if he/she had been promoted during such assignment. In no event may an employee acquire any status in a higher classification as a result of his/her temporary assignment. Acting capacity assignments shall not be made on an arbitrary or capricious basis. Employees shall not be rotated in acting capacity in an arbitrary or capricious manner in order to avoid payment of acting capacity pay. This Article shall not be used in lieu of the proper processing of any request for reclassification or reallocation of a position pursuant to the Personnel Rules and the Reclassifications Article, or the filling of a vacancy pursuant to the Personnel Rules and the Seniority Article.
Temporary Position (i) is a position that the Employer has determined will be in excess of eight
Temporary Reassignment Notwithstanding the above, the Appointing Authority may temporarily reassign any employee to another work area and/or shift for five (5) consecutive months or less. With mutual agreement between the Local and the Appointing Authority, such reassignment may extend up to twelve (12) months. At the end of the reassignment, the reassigned employee shall return to his/her former position, unless the position has been abolished, in which case the employee shall return to his/her former work area and shift.
Temporary Positions A) The Employer may create regular temporary positions for vacation relief for more than one (1) incumbent for up to six (6) months duration. B) The Employer may create regular temporary project positions (i.e. grant funded, capital projects, pilot projects, or term specific assignments) for up to twelve (12) months’ duration. These positions are not renewable after the end date of the project, unless the Union and Employer agree to renew/extend the time limits. C) These positions will be posted and filled in accordance with Article 17.01-
Extra Duty Assignments (A) Teachers are required to supervise their students at all times, including recess, during the normal school day for teachers. No teacher will be required to supervise students during their duty-free lunch, nor during their preparation time, except in cases of emergency. (B) Teachers may be required to perform non-compensated service to students, which extend beyond the normal school day for teachers in cases of emergency. Attendance at Board meetings, PTA/PTO meetings which cannot be concluded during the normal teaching day, and parent conferences shall occasionally be required. (C) The PLCAC will make recommendations regarding the procedures for the supervision of students. (D) Each principal shall solicit volunteers from the regular teaching staff, the support staff, and the itinerant staff to perform scheduled routine jobs occurring during the bargaining unit member’s normal school day. (E) Should there be an insufficient number of volunteers from the stated staff pool to perform the scheduled routine jobs during the normal school day for teachers, the principal will complete the schedule by assigning the remaining staff as equitably as possible. (F) Staff members who are proficient in a second language, and are asked to serve as a translator outside of their regularly scheduled work day, shall be compensated based on the contractual extra duty rate of pay. Outside the regularly scheduled work day will be defined as: (1) Before or after school; (2) Before the start of the school year; (3) After the school year has concluded. (G) Teachers will be compensated for Board-sponsored and sanctioned clubs and programs at a stipend negotiated by the Board and Union. (H) If stipend negotiations have not concluded when an established or a new activity is scheduled to begin, the Board will establish a temporary stipend, pay increases retroactive to the conclusion of negotiations. (I) The Board shall post in every building the District’s paid extracurricular activities by the 2nd Friday in May of the year preceding the school term in which said activities take place. All postings shall be placed in all buildings. (J) Qualified volunteers for said activities will be solicited from the bargaining unit members first, and then from non-bargaining unit members at stipends not to exceed those printed on the salary schedule.
Pay on Temporary Assignment An employee temporarily assigned by the Employer to a position with a rate of pay lower than her regular rate of pay shall maintain her regular rate of pay.
Temporary Layoff The Employer may temporarily layoff an employee for up to ninety (90) days due to an unanticipated loss of funding, revenue shortfall, lack of work, shortage of material or equipment, or other unexpected or unusual reasons. An employee will normally receive seven (7) days notice of a temporary layoff.
Termination of Guaranty The obligations of any Guarantor under this Guaranty shall automatically terminate in accordance with Section 9.14 of the Credit Agreement.
Teaching Assignments No employee shall be assigned to teach in a grade level and/or subject area not within the scope of his/her teaching certificate, except where a position within his/her certification is unavailable or when mutually agreed to by the affected employee and principal, or when determined necessary by the principal. Employees assigned to positions outside the scope of their certificates shall be assigned as soon as possible to positions for which they hold certification.