UNION NOTICES Sample Clauses
UNION NOTICES. Space shall be provided in each Meat Department for the posting of this Agreement and notices of meetings, but same shall not be posted until they have been first called to the attention of the Employer.
UNION NOTICES. The Employer agrees to provide space that is readily accessible for Official Union notices and there shall be no interference by the Employer with said Notice Board. The Employer shall be responsible for the posting of an up to date Seniority List.
UNION NOTICES. (a) A union notice board shall be established in the staff lunchroom for the posting of all official Union notices exclusively, and will not be used for the purpose of disseminating political information. The right is reserved to the Company to request the removal of material offensive to the Company.
(b) The following information shall be kept in a central location, readily accessible to the Shop Xxxxxxx:
(i) Seniority List;
(ii) Copy of the Agreement;
(iii) Welfare Plan Provisions. An employee requiring such information shall contact the Shop Xxxxxxx for same.
UNION NOTICES. COMPANY bulletin boards may be used for UNION notices and bulletins.
UNION NOTICES. The Employer agrees to provide space that is readily accessible for the official Union notices of direct interest to the employees and that there will be no interference by the Employer with said Notice Board. Notices must be ratified by Management before posting same. The following items must be posted on said Notice Board:
(i) A copy of this Agreement;
(ii) A valid Seniority List to be revised every three (3) months;
(iii) Copies of the Employer's Welfare Plan and Sick leave provisions.
UNION NOTICES. The Employer agrees to provide space that is readily accessible for the official Union notices of direct interest to the employees and that there shall be no interference by the Employer with said Notice Board. The following items must be posted on said Notice Board:
(a) A copy of this Agreement;
(b) A valid Seniority list to be revised every six (6) months and a copy to be sent to the Union;
(c) Copies of the Employer's Welfare Plan and Sick Leave pay provisions, with details as to when employees are eligible and who to see to obtain the coverage of the Welfare Plan.
UNION NOTICES. Section 17.1 The Employer agrees to provide space that is readily accessible for the official Union notices of direct interest to the employees and that there shall be no interference by the Employer with said Notice Boards.
Section 17.2 The Employer will provide the Union with an office at Terminal 1 and an office at Terminal 3 at the Employer’s expense, and a phone at Union’s expense.
UNION NOTICES. 20.01 The Company agrees to provide bulletin boards in conspicuous places in the plant for the display of notices advertising meetings of the Union and other material of interest to the members, providing the said notices and “other” material bear the signature of the proper Union officer and are approved by the Company.
UNION NOTICES. 11.01 The Employer shall continue to make space available on the existing bulletin boards in the Campuses where the employees are employed, on which the Union may post notices of meetings and other notices of interest to employees provided that such notices are subject to the approval of the Employer's representative in charge of the building in which the board is located.
UNION NOTICES. The Company agrees that Company bulletin boards shall be available to the Union for the posting of Union notices. All notices to be posted shall be of a non- controversial nature and shall first have the approval of the Plant manager or Human Resources Manager and he will arrange for posting.