Employees; Benefits Employer agrees that any and all benefits that were provided to the Employee shall continue until _________________, 20____. In addition, the Employer shall assist the Employee in the transfer, change, or termination to any employment benefits, including, but not limited to, health insurance plans, dental insurance plans, vision insurance plans, life insurance plans, disability insurance, childcare benefits, wellness programs, retirement plans, government assistance programs, and/or any other program or benefit that was readily accessible and being used by the Employee.
Temporary Employee Employees may be hired for a specific term not to exceed six (6) months, to replace an employee who will be on approved leave of absence, absence due to WSIB disability, sick leave, long term disability or to perform a special non-recurring task. This term may be extended a further six (6) months on mutual agreement of the Union, employee and Hospital or by the Hospital on its own up to twelve (12) months where the leave of the person being replaced extends that far. The period of employment of such persons will not exceed the absentee's leave. The release or discharge of such persons shall not be the subject of a grievance or arbitration. This clause would not preclude such employees from using the job posting provision under the collective agreement and any successful applicant who has completed his probation period will be credited with the appropriate seniority. The Hospital will outline to employees selected to fill such temporary vacancies and the Union, the circumstances giving rise to the vacancy, and the special conditions relating to such employment.
Temporary Employment Temporary service in a position immediately preceding certification to that position, without interruption, shall count towards satisfaction of the probationary period. It will also count toward benefits eligibility (without retroactivity for benefits) and pay progression requirements, provided the duties of the temporary and permanent assignments are the same.
Temporary Employees 3.3.1 A temporary employee is an employee who is hired for short-term work assignment which is not ongoing (i.e. normally 12 months or less and not extending beyond 24 months). The employee's benefits and working conditions are as per Article 34 (Temporary Employees).
Part-Time and Temporary Employees 16.1. A part-time employee is one who is hired to work regularly twenty-four (24) hours per week or less. Except as expressly provided in the circumstances described in Article 16 (3) hereunder, a temporary employee is one employed for a special project or a specified time, in either case, not to exceed three (3) months except by mutual agreement, or in the case of students, the academic vacation period, or for a specified leave of absence. The Employer shall notify the employee and the CAW of the nature and anticipated duration of all temporary employment. 16.2. Neither part-time nor temporary employees shall be employed where such employment would eliminate or displace a regular or full-time employee. The Company will continue its practice of only hiring part-time or temporary employees when it deems it impractical to hire a full-time employee. 16.3. Notwithstanding Article 16 (1) above, temporary employees may be employed to replace regular employees who are absent due to illness, injury, maternity or other leave of absence to a maximum of twelve (12) months. The period of employment of the temporary employee will cease when the regular employee on leave returns to work or when the regular employee on leave informs the Company and the CAW in writing that he/she will not be returning to work. In any event, temporary employees hired pursuant to this Article 16 (3) shall not be employed for more than twelve (12) months except by mutual agreement in writing. 16.4. A part-time employee shall be paid on an hourly basis equivalent to the weekly minimum salary provided for the employee's classification and experience. 16.5. A part-time employee shall advance on the schedule of minimum salaries and shall receive all benefits that depend on length of service according to the length of his/her employment with the Employer, according to actual hours worked, based on a 1,600-hour year. 16.6. Temporary employees shall be paid an hourly rate consistent with the minimum weekly salary provided for their classification and experience. 16.7. Part-time and temporary employees shall be covered by all provisions of this Agreement, except as provided otherwise. 16.8. In the event of a part-time or temporary employee becoming a full-time employee, he/she shall be credited with the length of his/her employment with the Employer, according to actual hours worked, based on a 1,600-hour year.
HOURS OF EMPLOYMENT 6.1 The employee shall be on duty at the school at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the beginning of the first student period. If assigned a pre-period, the employee must arrive 30 minutes prior to the pre-period. 6.2 Kindergarten teachers shall have the same school hours as other teachers in their school. 6.3 Middle school teachers shall have one (1) unassigned instructional period per day set aside for planning. This period shall be equivalent to one normal class period. 6.4 Elementary Art, Music, and PE teachers shall be provided 45 minutes a week of preparation time. 6.5 Every employee shall be entitled to one duty-free lunch period per day of not less than thirty (30) consecutive minutes. Each employee shall also be allowed two (2) relief periods (recesses) each day even when serving on yard duty. A preparation period is considered a relief period. 6.6 The unit member shall attend one faculty meeting each week if scheduled by the principal, and the employee shall be provided with an agenda prior to such meetings. Unit members may be permitted to place items on the agenda. One (1) day per week, unit members shall be required to attend until 4:45 p.m. if a meeting is called. These meetings may include minimum day in-service, faculty meetings and other meetings as prescribed by the administrator in charge. On the Wednesday preceding issuance of report cards/progress reports, unit members will be released from weekly faculty meetings to work on the issuance of such cards/reports. Unit members shall not be released from weekly faculty meetings on any week during which a non-instructional, teacher work day is scheduled. 6.7 Planning and preparation time shall be used for planning, preparation, and conferencing with parents, pupils and other teachers or administrators. 6.8 Employees shall participate in student extra-curricular activities, on a voluntary basis, such as student dances, music performances, athletic events, etc. If there are no volunteers, the principal will appoint staff members. In no event shall an employee be required to participate in more than two (2) extra-curricular assignments per year. It shall be the responsibility of the principal to allocate assignments in an equitable manner. 6.9 Employees shall participate in duties as assigned by the principal such as "Back to School Night" and "Open House” and “Kindergarten Orientation.” The District shall make every effort to schedule Open House on a minimum day so unit members will have a greater opportunity to prepare information and materials for meeting parents. The employee has the obligation to participate in meetings pertinent to but not limited to, parent-teacher conferences, principal–teacher conferences, 504 meetings, IEP meetings, and curriculum work. 6.10 During the hours of employment, employees shall perform those duties normally associated with certificated employees as assigned by the principal. To the extent possible, each site will set aside one or more days per month for IEP meetings. Certificated staff will be released from class during contract time to attend such meetings. Every effort will be made to schedule IEP meetings and 504 meetings during the school day. However, if parent, teacher, or service provider scheduling requires an after school meeting, a seven (7) calendar day advance notice will be given to all participants in the absence of exigent circumstances. 6.11 Certificated staff will be released from class during contract time to attend such meetings. There shall be a minimum day one (1) day per week to allow time after students are dismissed for working on such topics as planning, professional growth, curriculum planning and scheduling. At the beginning of each school year, each school site will designate one Wednesday in a month where there are at least four (4) Wednesdays for teacher determined use that will consist of collaboration with one or more colleagues. An agenda and minutes will be developed and provided to the school administrator. 6.12 Each school teacher grades TK-8 shall have the equivalent of ten (10) minimum days designated as parent conference days. 6.13 Hours of employment for part-time employees shall be assigned by the Human Resources Director after consultation with the employee and the principal and duties shall be pro- rated. 6.14 As long as the District funds classified positions, known as P.E. Specialists, it shall provide substitutes for P.E. Specialists when absent in order for classroom teachers to be provided preparation time. 6.15 If a TK-8th grade substitute is unavailable: 6.15.1 Another teacher may voluntarily cover the class during their preparation time and be paid their pro-rated per diem rate of pay. 6.15.2 A part-time or job share teacher may substitute during non-contract time and be paid their pro-rated per diem rate of pay. If a job share teacher substitutes for their partner teacher, then the pay is per diem (pro rated if not a full day). 6.15.3 If a teacher takes another teacher’s students in addition to their own class, the teacher will receive the hourly rate of pay pursuant to Article 3.16 per hour for the number of hours the class is with them. This applies when taking at least 7 of the students in a teacher’s class.
Full-Time Employment Employees who are employed on a full-time basis will work 38 ordinary hours each week or an average of 38 ordinary hours each week over a cycle of shifts.
Sick Leave Benefits Sick leave is an indemnity benefit and not an acquired right. A Nurse who is absent from a scheduled shift on approved sick leave shall only be entitled to sick leave pay if the Nurse is not otherwise receiving pay for that day, and providing the Nurse has sufficient sick leave credits.
Sick Leave Bonus For every six (6) months of perfect sick leave attendance after July 1, 1987, the employee will receive eight (8) hours of bonus time. This bonus time will be prorated for part-time employees. Such bonus time can be used for any leave purpose covered by this Agreement. Such bonus time shall be counted as vacation leave credits for purposes of determining eligibility for carry- over and cash payments.
Temporary Disability Leave Upon application, and approval by the school employer, a temporary disability leave of absence shall be granted to teachers of this school corporation on the following basis: