TEN Sample Clauses

TENThe Corporation reserves the right to amend, alter, change or repeal any provision contained in this certificate of incorporation in the manner now or hereafter prescribed herein and by the laws of the State of Delaware, and all rights conferred upon stockholders herein are granted subject to this reservation.
TEN. If TEN is acquired by (whether by sale of assets, sale of stock, or otherwise) or merged with or into a Competitor of TFMC, TFMC may require TEN, upon written notice, to cease all use of any Technip-Formative Marks within twelve (12) months after the date of completion of such transaction, and TEN shall not thereafter use or adopt any Technip-Formative Marks. TFMC may also require in such notice that TEN shall either (i) expressly abandon any pending applications for the registration of any Technip-Formative Marks, (ii) surrender for cancellation any registrations of any Technip-Formative Marks, or (iii) at TFMC’s option, assign any Technip-Formative Marks and the applicable applications or registrations to TFMC. Subject to the survival of the foregoing covenant, this Agreement will terminate with immediate effect. Upon any such termination, the following provisions will survive: Sections 1.1(a), 1.2,(a), and 5.2(b), and Articles IV, VI, and VII. For purposes of the surviving provisions, any such Technip-Formative Marks assigned to TFMC shall be deemed to be TFMC Marks.
TEN. ONE. Absence of a Company: nothing stated in this instrument or its Annexes may be construed as creating, either expressly or implicitly, a joint venture or association, mining company, commercial company or other corporate relationship of any kind or imposing on any of the Parties any duty, obligation or liability of a corporate nature or any duty, obligation or responsibility of a fiduciary nature with respect to the other Party concurrent to this act.
TEN. All the counterparts of this ADDENDUM and its Exhibit, once signed by the Parties, shall be regarded as original counterparts to all effects.
TEN. The British and French government, as the protectors of the Arab state, shall agree that they will not themselves acquire and will not consent to a third power acquiring territorial possessions in the Arabian peninsula, nor consent to a third power installing a naval base either on the east coast, or on the islands, of the red sea. This, however, shall not prevent such adjustment of the Aden frontier as may be necessary in consequence of recent Turkish aggression. The negotiations with the Arabs as to the boundaries of the Arab states shall be continued through the same channel as heretofore on behalf of the two powers.
TEN. A director of the Corporation shall not be personally liable to the Corporation or its shareholders for monetary damages for breach of a duty care or other duty as a director of the Corporation, except for liability: (i) for any appropriation, in violation of his or her duties, of any business opportunity of the Corporation; (ii) for acts or omissions which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of the law; (iii) for the types of liability set forth in Section 14-2-832 of the Georgia Business Corporation Code; or (iv) for any transaction from which the director derived an improper personal benefit. Neither the amendment or repeal of this provision, nor the adoption of any provision of the Articles of Incorporation inconsistent with this provision, shall apply to or have any effect on the liability or alleged liability of any director of the Corporation for or with respect to any act or omission of such director occurring prior to such amendment, repeal or adoption of an inconsistent provision. If the Georgia Business Corporation Code hereafter is amended to authorize the further elimination or limitation of the liability of directors, then the liability of a director of the Corporation, in addition to the limitation on personal liability provided for herein, shall be limited to the fullest extent permitted by the amended Georgia Business Corporation Code.
TENIt is agreed that the SUBDIVIDER has furnished to the City Engineer all necessary final plans, profiles and standard specifications for the required public improvements; or, that in lieu of such final plans, profiles and specifications, the City Engineer has been furnished preliminary plans that are of sufficient detail so as to be approved by the City Engineer for use in the preparation of the estimated cost of the required improvements. In consideration of the acceptance of such preliminary plans by the City Engineer, the SUBDIVIDER hereby agrees to furnish all necessary final plans, profiles and specifications in a form that will be sufficient to be processed and approved by the City Engineer not later than six (6) months from the date the final map of said subdivision of land is filed for record with the County Recorder, County of Los Angeles, State of California. THREE: The SUBDIVIDER agrees to perform all of the above-mentioned work under permit or permits to be issued by the Board of Public Works, hereinafter designated as the BOARD. All work shall be performed in accordance with the standards and specifications of the BOARD, as amended, and to the approval of the City Engineer. The SUBDIVIDER further agrees to pay for such inspection of work and improvements as may be required by the BOARD, and the performance of the work shall be further conditioned upon due compliance with all of the provisions of Article 7 of Chapter 1, and Sections 62.105 through 62.117, inclusive, of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, as amended. Eng. 3.805A (Rev. 09-94) Bond Ref. No, 16128 Page 1 of 4 Continuation Sheet For: FOUR: In the event said work is required to be performed under Class "B" Permit as defined in Section 62.106 of the Municipal Code, the SUBDIVIDER hereby agrees to obtain said permit from the City Engineer, including payment of all necessary fees as required under the provisions of Sections 62.110 and 62.111 of said Code, prior to certification of the final map by the City Engineer.
TEN. The Board shall hold valid meetings at least quarterly or at the request of any director; quorum is met with two directors being present. Decisions shall be adopted with the unanimous vote of the two directors. A director may be represented by another director with sufficient authority. Notice of the meeting shall be given to each director with at least 10 days prior notice unless an unanimous board meeting takes place. ARTICLE