Time Limit to Reply Sample Clauses
Time Limit to Reply at Step 3
Time Limit to Reply to Step 3 The representative designated by the Employer to handle grievances at Step 3 will reply in writing to the grievance within 30 days of receipt of the grievance at Step 3.
Time Limit to Reply at Step 2
8.6 Step 3 The President of the Union or designate may present a grievance at Step 3:
(a) within 21 days after the decision has been conveyed to her by the representative designated by the Employer to handle grievances at Step 2;
(b) within 21 days after the Employer's reply was due.
Time Limit to Reply at Step 2
(a) Within 21 days of receiving the grievance at Step 2, the representative designated by the Employer to handle grievances at Step 2 and the designated union representative shall meet to examine the facts, the nature of the grievance and attempt to resolve the dispute. This meeting may be waived by mutual agreement.
(b) The representative designated by the Employer to handle grievances at Step 2 shall reply in writing to an employee's grievance within 30 days of receiving the grievance at Step 2.
(c) Where the grievance concerns a disciplinary matter, the reply shall include a report of the Step 2 meeting and the results of investigations carried out by the Employer with regard to the facts and nature of the grievance. The report shall not be introduced as evidence at any arbitration proceeding.
Time Limit to Reply at Step Two
(a) Within 14 calendar days of receiving the grievance at Step Two, the union xxxxxxx and the employer designate shall meet to examine the facts, the nature of the grievance and attempt to resolve the dispute. This meeting may be waived by mutual agreement.
(b) The employer designate shall reply in writing to an employee's grievance within seven calendar days of the above noted meeting with the union xxxxxxx or, if the meeting is waived, within seven days of the date the parties agree to waive the meeting.
Time Limit to Reply at Step Three The employer designate will respond in writing to the Union within 21 calendar days of receipt of the grievance at Step Three.
Time Limit to Reply at Step 3
(a) Within ten (10) days of a grievance being filed directly at Step 3, the representative designated by the Employer to handle grievances at Step 3 and the Union Staff Representative or designate shall meet. The Parties will meet to examine the facts, the nature of the grievance and attempt to resolve the dispute. The meeting may be waived by mutual agreement.
(b) The representative designated by the Employer to handle grievances at Step 3 shall reply in writing to the grievance within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the grievance at Step 3.
Time Limit to Reply at Step 2
(a) Within 10 days of receiving the grievances at Step 2, the representative designated by the College to handle grievances at Step 2 and the union area staff representative or designate shall meet to examine the facts, the nature of the grievance and attempt to resolve the dispute. This meeting may be waived by mutual agreement.
(b) The representative designated by the College to handle grievances at Step 2 shall reply in writing to an employee's grievance within 21 days of receiving the grievance at Step 2.
Time Limit to Reply at Step 2
(a) Within 14 days of receiving the grievance at Step 2, the excluded manager designated by the Employer to handle grievances at Step 2 and the shop xxxxxxx shall meet to examine the facts, the nature of the grievance and attempt to resolve the dispute. This meeting may be waived by mutual agreement.
(b) The excluded manager designated by the Employer to handle grievances at Step 2 shall reply in writing to an employee's grievance within 21 days of receiving the grievance at Step 2.
(c) Where the grievance concerns a disciplinary matter, the reply shall include a report of the Step 2 meeting and the results of investigations carried out by the Employer with regard to the facts and nature of the grievance. The report shall not be introduced as evidence at any arbitration proceeding.
(d) Investigative findings made by the Union that are relevant to the circumstances that gave rise to the grievance, shall be made available to the Employer.
(e) At any time during the grievance procedure, senior employer representatives and union staff may meet to discuss the grievance.
Time Limit to Reply at Step 2
8.6 Step 3 The staff representative of the Union, or their designate, may present a grievance at Step 3:
(a) within fourteen days after the decision has been conveyed to them by the Secretary-Treasurer;
(b) within fourteen days after the Employer's reply was due.