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TOUCH POTENTIALS. 6.5.1 Touch Potentials of Running Rails and normally non-current-carrying metallic parts shall be controlled within the High-Speed Rail Right-of-Way. 6.5.2 The requirements specified in Table 6-1 provide values for maximum permissible Touch Potentials for short term conditions of less than 0.5 seconds and also for long term conditions under all power supply feeding conditions. These requirements also address permanent conditions for time intervals greater than 300 seconds. The maximum Touch Potentials shall not exceed 60 V RMS.


  • Drivers Any and all drivers who drive the Vehicles you are renting/leasing from us shall be duly licensed, trained and qualified to drive vehicles of this type. Although we may, from time to time, recommend certain qualified drivers with whom we are familiar, we do not supply drivers. You must supply and employ any driver who drives our Vehicles (even if the driver is the registered owner of the vehicle or owner of a company that owns the vehicle) and that driver shall be deemed to be your employee for all purposes and shall be covered as an additional insured on all of your applicable insurance policies.

  • Trainings Appointment of any length involving two (2) or more Consumers who might need to split up to join different trainings, group discussions, etc.

  • Attrition Attrition means that as people leave their jobs because they retire, resign, transfer, die or are promoted then they may not be replaced. In addition or alternatively, there may be a partial or complete freeze on recruiting new employees or on promotions.

  • Orientation The Employer shall provide planned and paid Orientation Programs of such content and duration as it deems appropriate taking into consideration the needs of the Employer and the Nurses involved. Such Nurses will not be considered part of core staffing during their Orientation Program nor will they be provided with primary assignments.

  • Job Postings The employee may apply for a job posting at either home based on their seniority at the designated employer. The vacancy will be filled in accordance with Article 9 of the collective agreement. Where seniority is the deciding factor the most senior candidate will be selected regardless of which home her/his seniority was accumulated.

  • Keywords Price expiry date (to be in line with Review Dates)

  • JOB POSTING The following provision will appear in all collective agreements replacing any related provision that existed in the hospital's expiring collective agreement: (Any provision pertaining to definition of temporary vacancies, non-bargaining unit applications, outside advertising, interim placements or criteria for selection except as it relates to promotions and transfers that existed in the hospital's expiring collective agreement will be continued as the last paragraph of this Article). "Where a permanent vacancy occurs in a classification within the bargaining unit or a new position within the bargaining unit is established by the Hospital, such vacancy shall be posted for a period of seven (7) consecutive calendar days. Applications for such vacancy shall be made in writing within the seven (7) day period referred to herein. The postings shall stipulate the qualifications, classifications, rate of pay, department and shift and a copy shall be provided to the Chief Xxxxxxx. Vacancies created by the filling of an initial permanent vacancy will be posted for a period of three (3) consecutive calendar days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Applications for such vacancies shall be made in writing within the three (3) day period referred to herein. In matters of promotion and staff transfer appointment shall be made of the senior applicant able to meet the normal requirements of the job. The name of the successful applicant will be posted on the bulletin board for a period of seven (7) calendar days. Where there are no successful applicants from within this bargaining unit for vacant positions referred to in this Article, employees in other CUPE bargaining units at the Hospital will be selected in accordance with the criteria for selection above, prior to considering persons who are not members of CUPE bargaining units at the Hospital. The employees eligible for consideration shall be limited to those employees who have applied for the position in accordance with this Article, and selection shall be made in accordance with this Article. The successful applicant shall be allowed a trial period of up to thirty (30) days, during which the Hospital will determine if the employee can satisfactorily perform the job. Within this period the employee may voluntarily return, or be returned by the Hospital to the position formerly occupied, without loss of seniority. The vacancy resulting from the posting may be filled on a temporary basis until the trial period is completed. A list of vacancies filled in the preceding month under this Article and the names of the successful applicants will be posted, with a copy provided to the union."

  • Differentials Special Education Head Teachers at the High School, Middle School and Elementary levels differentials shall be based on the size of the team (department) as follows:

  • Ethnicity (Select one): 12b. Race (Select one or more, regardless of ethnicity): 12c. Are you a Military Vetera 1D American Indian or Alaskan Native Active Duty Military? Yes 12d. Do you have a disability? Yes Origin 13. NAME (Last, First) 14. PHONE 15. EMAIL ADDRESS 16. STREET ADDRESS, XXX# 00. CITY 18. STATE 19. ZIP CODE 20. NAME OF AGENCY/ BUREAU 21. AGREEMENT# 22. AGENCY CONTACT NAME (Last, First) 23. AGENCY CONTACT EMAIL & PHONE 24. REIMBURSEMENTS APPROVED: D Yes Type and Rate of Reimbursement:

  • JOB The Company shall post notices of all job vacancies or new jobs. The notices will be posted on the main clock bulletin boards, at Saltfleet Warehouse and in the department concerned for five (5) consecutive days. A copy of all vacancy shall be given to the Local President at the time of posting. The employees interested in the vacancies will apply in writing to the Human Resources Department for such jobs within the five (5) consecutive days during which the notices are posted. In filling vacancies, the most senior employee in the department will be given the job, providing the employee has the ability to perform the duties required after a suitable trial period with proper instruction. If the job is not filled from within the department the Company will act in accordance with the procedure described in the above paragraph, however, plant-wide seniority will be used. The Company shall not be confined to the applicants in filling job vacancies if they are not suitable or qualified for the job concerned. Jobs that are normally of a day time nature, labour or otherwise, will be posted and filled in accordance with the provisions of this Article. The skilled trades trainee may not be assigned shift work until completing the training period. It is understood that the junior skilled tradesperson on day shift shall go on shift work until the trainee is qualified; following completion of the training program the trainee will be assigned shift work. Nothing in this Article shall prevent a trainee from being designated a skilledtradesperson, if, in the opinion of Management, the trainee is qualified in the trade prior to the expiration of the six (6 )months training period and the employee shall receive classification rate. The name of the successful applicant will be posted immediatelyon the departmentand main clock bulletin boards. Where an applicant does not receivethe position applied for, upon request to the Human ResourcesDepartment, the employee will be given reasons in writing why the application was not successful. Job vacancies or new classifications not filled within thirty (30) consecutivedays from the closing date of the final postingshallbe treated as a new vacancy and will be posted again by following the same procedure. No employeeshall be to bid again on any job within three (3) months of the date the employee successfully bid under the posting provisions. Employees on temporary job or who have been on temporary jobs, may apply for permanent jobs. It is the responsibility of the successful applicant to perform the job satisfactorily after a reasonable trial period. If the job applicant fails to perform satisfactorily, there shall be a conference with the Area Manager, the Union Stewardin the zoneconcerned and the employee involved to discuss the employee’s performance. If it is decided by the Company that the employee cannot perform the work, will be returned to previous job. If displaced an employee, any employee so displaced will be returned to previous job. The whole, however, is subject to the employee’s right to grieve if feels that has been unjustly treated. If an employee files a written notice with the Human Resources Department as to interest in applying for a stipulated job should it become available during absence due to sickness, vacation, leave of absence or lay-off, application shall be given consideration. Positions not covered by this Collective Agreement and those of lead hand positions, shall not be posted. Successful applicants for posted jobs will be transferred to the position for which they applied within a four (4) week period. If they are not transferred within the four week period, they will be paid the rate for the job applied for.