INCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION. 13.1 All Safety, Health and Environmental Incidents shall be reported to the Client OHS and Safety Department within two hours from the time of occurrence via a phone call, sms or email or before end of shift. This shall be followed by a formal report in a form of a preliminary report within forty eight (48) hours.
13.2 All incidents referred to in Section 24 of the OHS Act shall be reported by the Mandatary to the Department of Labour and copies of such reporting to be sent to the Client. The Mandatary shall further be provide with copies of any written documentation and medical reports relating to any incident.
13.3 The Client retains an interest in the reporting of any incident as described above as well as in any formal investigation and/or inquiry conducted in terms of section 32 of the OHS-Act into such incident.
13.4 The Client reserves a right to hold its own investigation into any incident where it deems it is not satisfied with the incident investigation or where the severity of the incident is fatal or damage beyond a value of 1 million and above.
INCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION. 13.1 All incidents referred to in Section 24 of the OHS Act shall be reported by the Mandatary to the Department of Labour and to the Employer. The Employer shall further be provided with copies of any written documentation relating to any incident.
13.2 The Employer retains an interest in the reporting of any incident as described above as well as in any formal investigation and/or inquiry conducted in terms of section 32 of the OHS-Act into such incident.
INCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION. Subcontractor must report all incidents including injuries, illnesses, asset damage, exposures above acceptable limits, fires, explosions, spills, permit or permit-equivalent exceedances, or near misses to SES immediately (within 1/2 hour of incident). An incident investigation that includes a causal analysis and corrective actions must be conducted and a complete report issued to SES within 24 hours of incident. A daily verbal update will be provided to SES until corrective actions are completed, claimant is released to full-duty and/or claim has been resolved. First Aid/CPR/Bloodborne Pathogens. A minimum of two First Aid/CPR/Bloodborne Pathogens trained persons must be on site anytime work is being performed at the project site.
INCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION. Employees shall report every accident, incident or potentially hazardous situation to Supervisors and/or Workplace Health and Safety representative in accordance with applicable legislation and assist with any ensuing investigation. The Supervisors are to report to the Workplace Health and Safety Manager all accidents and incidents as soon as possible.
INCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION. 10.1 All incidents referred to in Section 24 of the OHS Act shall be reported to the Department of labour by the Mandatary.
10.2 All incidents must be investigated.
INCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION. 9.2.1 In the event of an incident meeting the criteria described below, the Agency shall send an initial notification to the Commission and to the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services per the following guidelines.
a. If the incident occurs during its normal working hours, the report shall be made as soon as Practicable but no longer than 2 hours after the Agency is aware of the incident and its personnel are on the scene.
b. If the incident occurs outside its normal working hours, the report shall be made as soon as Practicable but no longer than 4 hours after the Agency is aware of the incident and its personnel are on the scene.
c. The notification shall identify the time and date of the incident, the time and date of notice to the Commission, the location of the incident, casualties that resulted from the incident, identification of casualties and property damage, and the name and telephone number of the Agency contact person. This notification may be by (a) using the Commission’s Emergency Reporting Web Page, (b) calling an established CPUC Incident Reporting Telephone Number designated by the Commission’s Safety and Enforcement Division (SED) or its successor or (c) sending a message to an electronic mail address designated by the Commission’s SED or its successor. Telephone notices provided at times other than normal business hours shall be followed by a facsimile or email report by the end of the next working day.
9.2.2 Reportable incidents are classified as those which:
a. Result in fatality or injury requiring overnight hospitalization and are attributable or allegedly attributable to the 25 kV Electrification System or Agency’s traction power supply facilities (which include Substations, Switching Stations, Paralleling Stations and electrical supply stations).
b. Are the subject of significant public attention or media coverage and are attributable or allegedly attributable to the 25 kV Electrification System or Agency’s traction power supply facilities (which include Substations, Switching Stations, Paralleling Stations and electrical supply stations).
c. Include damage to property of the Agency or others estimated to exceed $50,000 that are attributable or allegedly attributable to the 25 kV Electrification System or Agency’s traction power supply facilities (which include Substations, Switching Stations, Paralleling Stations and electrical supply stations).
9.2.3 Not later than 30 days from the end of the month in which the reportable incid...
INCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION. If one Party becomes aware of the occurrence of an incident in a Plant, a Plant control room, or a Common Switchyard that affects or is capable of affecting the TSP System, GIF, or Plant reliability, safety, environmental compliance, or equipment failure, such Party shall promptly report the incident to the other Party. This will be a brief but informative report that includes background, description of the incident, conclusion, corrective action, and person(s) responsible for corrective action. If the seriousness of the incident warrants, both Parties shall participate in a joint investigation and produce a formal report of the incident. Both Parties shall have the right to declare the incident serious enough to warrant a joint investigation.
INCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION. The Subcontractor / PRW shall immediately notify the Company of each HSE incidents which occur during the execution of project, even if no injury occurs, and provide the Company a written report within 4 hours. The Company will investigate HSE incidents beyond immediate causes to identify the root causes. The Subcontractor / PRW shall coordinate and cooperate to provide facts, details and information during such investigations
INCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION. (a) The Alliance Service Provider must ensure that:
(i) an incident report is completed and provided to TXU in respect of all safety incidents occurring in the performance of the Services or at the Work Sites; and
(ii) all safety incidents occurring in the performance of the Services or at the Work Site are investigated by the Alliance Service Provider.
(b) If, on receipt of an incident report under clause 20.6(a), TXU considers that a safety incident is a serious incident, the Alliance Service Provider must allow TXU to be involved in the investigation of that incident under clause 20.6(a).
INCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION. 12.1 All incidents referred to in Section 24 of the OHS Act shall be reported by the Contractor to the Department of Labour and to ArcelorMittal South Africa Ltd. ArcelorMittal South Africa Ltd shall further be provided with copies of any written documentation relating to any incident.
12.2 ArcelorMittal South Africa Ltd retains an interest in the reporting of any accident as described above as well as in any formal investigation and/or inquiry conducted in terms of Section 32 of the OHS Act into such incident.