Types of Traffic Sample Clauses
Types of Traffic. 4.2.1. The traffic types Qwest will deliver to Paging Provider under this Agreement include: EAS/Local as defined in this Agreement. IntraLATA Toll as defined in this Agreement. Transit Traffic as defined in this Agreement Non-Local traffic as defined in this Agreement.
Types of Traffic. The Parties shall reciprocally terminate Local Traffic originating on each other's networks utilizing either direct or indirect network interconnections as provided in this Article IV. Only traffic originated by the Parties’ end user customers is to be exchanged. This agreement is specifically limited to traffic of GTE end user customers for which GTE has tariff authority to carry. This Agreement is limited to two-way wireless traffic of ACS end user customers for which ACS has authority to carry under applicable FCC regulations.
Types of Traffic. The Parties shall reciprocally terminate Local Traffic originating on each other's networks utilizing either Direct or Indirect Network Interconnections. To this end, the Parties agree that there will be interoperability between their networks. Only traffic originated by or terminating to the Parties' end user customers is to be exchanged. The Parties also agree to exchange traffic associated with Third-Party LECs and Wireless Service Providers if an agreement has been made between the originating carrier and both the tandem company and the terminating company. In addition, the Parties will notify each other of any anticipated change in traffic distribution.
Types of Traffic. The types of traffic to be exchanged under this Agreement include:
1. EAS/local traffic as defined above.
2. IntraLATA toll traffic as defined above.
3. Switched access traffic, or interLATA toll traffic, as specifically defined in USWC's state and interstate switched access tariffs, and generally identified as that traffic that originates at one of the Party's end users and terminates at an IXC point of presence, or originates at an IXC point of presence and terminates at one of the Party's end users, whether or not the traffic transits the other Party's network.
4. Transit traffic is any traffic other than switched access, that originates from one Telecommunications Carrier's network, transits another Telecommunications Carrier's network, and terminates to yet another Telecommunications Carrier's network. Transit service provides the ability for a Telecommunications Carrier to use its connection to a local or access tandem for delivery of calls that originate with a Telecommunications Carrier and terminate to a company other than the tandem company, such as another Competitive Local Exchange Carrier, an existing Exchange Carrier, or a wireless carrier. In these cases, neither the originating nor terminating end user is a customer of the tandem Telecommunications Carrier. The tandem Telecommunications Carrier will accept traffic originated by a Party and will terminate it at a point of interconnection with another local, intraLATA or interLATA network Telecommunications Carrier. This service is provided through local and access tandem switches.
5. Ancillary traffic includes all traffic destined for ancillary services, or that may have special billing requirements, including, but not limited to the following:
a. Directory Assistance b. 911/E911 c. Operator call termination (busy line interrupt and verify) d. 800/888 database dip e. LIDB f. Information services requiring special billing.
6. Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, ancillary traffic will be exchanged in accordance with whether the traffic is Local/EAS, intraLATA toll, or Switched Access.
Types of Traffic. The Parties shall reciprocally terminate Local Telecommunications Traffic originating on each other’s networks. In addition, LEC will, unless notified to the contrary by CARRIER, pass Transited Traffic to/from CARRIER and any third party End Office that subtends LEC’s; provided that LEC shall have no obligation to pay, or right to collect termination compensation for such transited traffic. The above notwithstanding, LEC may collect tandem switching and transport charges from the originating carrier for such transited traffic.
Types of Traffic. The Parties shall reciprocally terminate Subject Traffic originating on each other’s networks.
Types of Traffic. IV-2 3.2 Audits ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. IV-2
Types of Traffic. The Parties shall reciprocally terminate Local Telecommunications Traffic originating on each other’s networks. Nothing in this provision shall prohibit either Party from establishing other financial arrangements for this transit traffic with the other LEC(s) from/to whose network such traffic ultimately originates or terminates. This agreement does not include traffic of NPCR end user customers to which NPCR may provide service on a landline basis, except that this Agreement does include traffic to and from administrative lines of NPCR that may be provisioned on a wireless basis.
Types of Traffic. The Parties shall reciprocally terminate Local Traffic originating on each other's networks utilizing either direct or indirect network interconnections as provided in this Article IV. Only traffic originated by the Parties= end user customers is to be exchanged. This Agreement is specifically limited to traffic of GTE end user customers for which GTE has tariff authority to carry. This agreement is specifically limited to traffic of Vanguard end user customers to which Vanguard provides service on a two-way wireless, mobile basis and mobile customers roaming on Vanguard=s network. This agreement does not include traffic of Vanguard end user customers to which Vanguard may provide service on a fixed or landline basis, except that this agreement does include traffic to and from administrative lines of Vanguard that may be provisioned on a fixed, wireless basis.
Types of Traffic. The Parties shall reciprocally terminate Local, IntraLATA Toll, optional EAS and jointly provided Interexchange Carrier Traffic originating on each other's networks utilizing either Direct or Indirect Network Interconnections as provided in Section 4 or Section 5 herein. To this end, the Parties agree that there will be interoperability between their networks. Only traffic originated by or terminating to the Parties' end user customers is to be exchanged. The Parties also agree to exchange traffic associated with Third-Party LECs, CLEC's and Wireless Service Providers if an agreement has been made between the originating carrier and both the tandem company and the terminating company. In addition, the Parties will notify each other of any anticipated change in traffic distribution.