Unprofessional Conduct. That is, willful violation of the AAUP Professional Code of Ethics.
Unprofessional Conduct. Agency and its Individual Agents are expected to act professionally at all times. Unprofessional conduct includes, but is not limited to, any conduct, action, or behavior towards Medica employees and/or Members, or prospective Members involving abusive language or physical or verbal intimidation. Moreover, Agency’s failure to provide appropriate and timely service to Members or prospective Members, including without limitation complaints related to services provided in connection with an Exchange, will also be considered unprofessional conduct. Failure to comply with any requirement of the Exchange will be considered unprofessional conduct.
Unprofessional Conduct. Discourteous, offensive, or abusive conduct, language or treatment of the public, other employees, or pupils.
Unprofessional Conduct. Unprofessional conduct is any conduct on the part of a faculty member that is disruptive to the educational or operational processes of the College. Unprofessional conduct may be evidenced by, but not be limited to:
a. Conviction of a crime which is of such a nature that it indicates that the faculty member may be a threat to persons or property at the College or that the continuation of professional duties may be disruptive to the educational process of the College.
b. Persistent or flagrant disregard of the terms of this Agreement or College rules.
c. Willful falsification or alteration of a College record.
d. Unsatisfactory performance which demonstrates unprofessional conduct, as shown by the evaluation process in Article 13 of this contract.
e. Failure to comply with the provisions of all safety codes and regulations to which the College is legally subject.
Unprofessional Conduct. All personnel of the holder of an Ambulance Provider’s Agreement shall maintain and exhibit the highest professional conduct and standards during the performance of his/her job duties. Any personnel who exhibits unprofessional conduct, as defined in this section, during the performance of his/her job duties shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Local EMS Agency. The Local EMS Agency shall establish policies and procedures for personnel discipline consistent with the provisions of Health and Safety Code § 1798.200 et seq. and Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations, Chapter 7.
1. The use of obscene, abusive, slanderous or threatening language;
2. The use of unreasonable force which unnecessarily increases or inflicts pain upon a patient;
3. Conviction of an offense, a diversion status, a nolo contendere guilty plea if the acts involved have a direct bearing on entrusting the person to serve the public;
4. Disclosing the contents of examinations for certification or recertification;
5. Violation of the confidentiality of health records except as allowed or required by law or regulation and;
6. Possessing, diverting or using medical supplies, equipment or drugs for personal or unauthorized use.
7. Possession of any firearms or other weapons while on duty or engaged in the performance of prehospital care duties, unless authorized by law. (Ord. 2111, 1995)
Unprofessional Conduct. Conduct tending to place the practice or hospital in a bad light.
Unprofessional Conduct. ▪ Unprofessional conduct is broadly defined ▪ Mino v Clio School District, 255 Mich App 60 (2003) -- See Legal Index 16.350 ▪ MEA has a good arbitration decision on issue ▪ Unprofessional conduct must be “substantiated” (subject to different interpretations)
Unprofessional Conduct. LLE operates with the strictest codes of professional conduct. Any LBO who brings LLE into disrepute, or who promotes any form of or unfair business practices, will have their LBO status cancelled and any outstanding commissions will be forfeited.
Unprofessional Conduct. Agency and its Individual Agents are expected to act professionally at all times. Unprofessional conduct include s, but is not li mited to, any conduct, action, or behavior towards Medica employees and/or Members, or prospective Members involving abusive language or physical or verbal inti midation. Moreover, Agency’s failure to provide appropriate and timely service to Mem bers or prospective Members, including without lim itation complaints related to s ervices provided in co nnection with an Exchange, w ill also be c onsidered unprofessional conduct. Failure to com ply with any requirement of the Exchange will b e considered unprofessional conduct.
Unprofessional Conduct. Failure to maintain all teaching credentials and certifications required by the employer.