Urgent Changes Sample Clauses
Urgent Changes ngena may carry out urgent changes of a ngena Service if and to the extent an urgent change is mandatory (i) for the continued provision of services in line with a customary level of IT and communication security or (ii) due to the change of the applicable regulatory requirements, provided that ngena shall limit impacts on the service to the inevitable minimum and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to restore full conformity with the agreed parameters as quickly as reasonably possible.
Urgent Changes. Where a change to this SFOA is required by law or is in our reasonable opinion necessary to prevent fraud or for technical reasons, we will proceed with the change, without liability, and we will try to give you as much notice of the change as possible.
Urgent Changes. 28.1. Where a change to this Agreement is required by law or is necessary in Aryon Pty Ltd’s opinion to prevent fraud or for technical reasons and the Customer would be affected by the change Aryon Pty Ltd shall proceed with the change but will try to give the Customer as much notice as possible of the change.
Urgent Changes. Where a change to this Agreement is required by law or is necessary in IGD’s opinion to prevent fraud or for technical reasons and Customer would be affected by the change IGD shall proceed with the change but will try to give Customer as much notice as possible of the change.
Urgent Changes. We may also make some changes immediately, without prior notice, if they:
(a) are required by Applicable Law; or
(b) relate to the addition of a new service or extra functionality to our Services and do not affect any terms relating to the existing Services.
Urgent Changes. 27.1 Where a change to this Agreement is required by law or is necessary in 360 Consulting’s opinion to prevent fraud or for technical reasons and the Customer would be affected by the change 360 Consulting shall proceed with the change but will try to give the Customer as much notice as possible of the change.
Urgent Changes. (a) Where icare considers (in its sole and absolute discretion) a Change Request to be an urgent Change Request (Urgent Change), they may notify the Supplier of that fact, together with written details of the Urgent Change, in which case:
(i) the Supplier must commence implementation of the Urgent Change immediately, and must perform the Urgent Change promptly, notwithstanding that a Change Request or Change Proposal has not been agreed between the parties; and
(ii) as soon as reasonably practicable following the commencement of implementation of the Urgent Change, the Supplier will propose a formal Change Proposal for icare's consideration in respect of the Urgent Change, at which time the provisions of clauses 8.1(c) to 8.1(g) will apply to that Change Proposal and the parties must agree the content of that Change Proposal in accordance with clause 8.1(e).
(b) If:
(i) the parties are unable to agree the content of the Change Proposal in accordance with clause 8.2(a)(ii) prior to the first monthly invoice that is issued following the initiation of an Urgent Change under clause 8.2(a); and
(ii) the Supplier can demonstrate to icare's satisfaction that it is necessary for the Supplier to use resources in addition to those that are currently engaged in providing the Services in order to comply with the requirements of the Urgent Change, then the Supplier may invoice for the work performed by those additional resources in accordance with clause 17 and charge for such work on a time and materials basis in accordance, where possible, with any applicable rates set out in the relevant Statement of Work but only until such time as a formal Change Proposal in respect of that work has been agreed.
Urgent Changes. In urgent or emergency situations where changes to the Products and/or process arise in an unforeseen and unanticipated manner, Supplier and Owlet shall establish a mutually agreed upon timetable and manner for implementing such urgent changes or mitigating the effect or loss of such urgent changes. If Supplier is liable for such urgent changes, Supplier shall bear any costs or losses incurred due to such urgent changes, including but not limited to any revenue lost by Owlet.
Urgent Changes. 8.1 The Service Manager may issue a Change Request authorising the implementation of a Change notwithstanding that the Change Impact Assessment has not been prepared and/or agreed in accordance with Paragraph 4.
8.2 If the Contractor receives a Change Request pursuant to Paragraph 8.1 the Contractor shall as soon as possible and in any event within three (3) Working Days provide to the Service Manager an estimate of costs (calculated in accordance with Paragraph 4.2.2) to undertake the urgent Change before proceeding.
8.3 The Service Manager and the Contractor shall use their reasonable endeavours to reach agreement on the estimate submitted by the Contractor pursuant to Paragraph
8.2 as soon as possible.
Urgent Changes. Where changes are urgent notice of the changes implemented or to be implemented shall be provided to Customers as early as is practicable.