Use of outputs Sample Clauses

Use of outputs. 1. Ownership, title and industrial and intellectual property rights in the results of the project and the reports and other documents relating to it shall, depending on the applicable national law, vest in the LP and/or its PPs.
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Use of outputs. Ownership, title and industrial and intellectual property rights in the results of the Project and the reports and other documents relating to it shall be owned by the PP whose employee(s) generated such results or outputs, or on whose behalf such results or outputs have been generated. Each PP shall herewith grant each other a royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferable license on worldwide basis to use such results or outputs for the lifetime of the relevant result or output. Where several members of the partnership (LP and/or PPs) have jointly carried out work generating outputs and where their respective share of the work cannot be ascertained, they shall have joint ownership on it/them. In case of joint ownership, the following provisions shall apply: Each joint owner shall have an equal, undivided interest in and to a joint result as well as in and to resulting intellectual property rights in all countries, unless otherwise agreed by the joint owner. Each of the joint owners shall be entitled to exploit the jointly owned result as they see fit, and shall be entitled to grant non-exclusive licences, without obtaining any consent from, paying compensation to, or otherwise accounting to any other joint owner(s). Each PP grants the others a royalty-free, non-exclusive and non-transferable licence for the duration of the Project to use its pre-existing intellectual and industrial properties rights for the sole purpose of carrying out the Project. The ownership of outputs having the character of investments in infrastructure or productive investments realised within the project must remain with the concerned LP and/or PPs according to the timeframe as well as under the conditions set in Article 71 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013. Should any of the conditions set by the mentioned Regulation not be met at a certain point of time, the MA/JS must be immediately informed by the concerned LP or PP. The MA will recover the unduly paid ERDF contribution in proportion to the period for which the requirements have not been fulfilled. Each PP shall respect all applicable rules and the basic principles related to competition law as well as the principles of equal treatment and transparency within the meaning of the funding regulations and it ensures that no undue advantage, i.e. the granting of any advantage that would undermine the basic principles and political objectives of the funding regime, is given to anybody. Outputs and results, especially studies and analy...
Use of outputs. Except for the licences expressly granted, no other licenses to use any Intellectual Property Right are granted or implied by this Agreement. Organisation Background will remain the property of Organisation, its Sub-Contractors or their licensors. Organisation will own Organisation Background Improvements (which term EXCLUDES those improvements to Organisation Background (if any) which are specified as Deliverables in this Agreement). Syngenta Background will remain the property of Syngenta or its licensors. Organisation will notify Syngenta promptly after identifying any Output that Organisation believes may be patentable, and will supply Syngenta with details (and where appropriate, copies) of such Output. Syngenta (or its nominated Affiliate) will own all Outputs and may take such steps as it may decide from time to time, at its own expense, to register and maintain any protection for Intellectual Property Rights in the Outputs (in its own name or that of an Affiliate), including filing and prosecuting patent applications. To the extent that any Outputs are capable of prospective assignment, Organisation now assigns, with full title guarantee and free from all third party rights, such Outputs to Syngenta. To the extent that any Outputs cannot prospectively be assigned, Organisation will assign with full title guarantee and free from all third party rights, such Outputs to Syngenta (or to Syngenta’s nominated Affiliate) as and when they are created, and in any case, at the request of Syngenta. To enable Organisation to give effect to the provisions of this Clause, Organisation will procure that its Staff and Sub-Contractors assign to it any rights they may have in the Outputs. Organisation will procure that its Staff and Sub-Contractors involved in carrying out the Work give Syngenta such assistance as Syngenta may reasonably request in connection with the registration and protection of the Intellectual Property Rights in the Outputs, including filing and prosecuting patent applications and taking any action in respect of any alleged or actual infringement of Intellectual Property Rights in the Outputs or any alleged or actual misuse of the Outputs. Syngenta grants Organisation a royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to use Syngenta Background for the sole purpose of carrying out the Work during the term of this Agreement and for no other purpose. Syngenta grants Organisation a royalty-free, non-exclusive, non sub-licensable licence to use the Outputs for ...
Use of outputs. State the use made of the outputs.

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  • Use of Materials There should be no limitations or restrictions by Union upon a Contractor's choice of materials or design, nor, regardless of source or location, upon the full use and utilization, of equipment, machinery, packaging, precast, prefabricated, prefinished, or preassembled materials, tools or other labor saving devices, subject to the application of the California Public Contract and Labor Codes. Generally, the onsite installation or application of such items shall be performed by the craft having jurisdiction over such work.

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