USE OF SERVICES AND PRODUCTS. 13.1 CUSTOMER will use the Services and Products only in accordance with all applicable U.S. and foreign rules, laws and regulations. 13.2 CUSTOMER will be liable for all use or misuse of the Services and Products hereunder, irrespective of whether such use or misuse was authorized, fraudulent or otherwise. 13.3 CUSTOMER will not resell or rent the Services or any rental Products. 13.4 CUSTOMER will not use Services or Products in an abusive or fraudulent manner, including, but not limited to the following: (i) accessing or attempting to access Services or Products by using an unauthorized device or by tampering with or altering Products; (ii) obtaining or attempting to obtain permission to use Services or Products by providing false or misleading information; (iii) obtaining Services or Products without having the intent to pay charges incurred; (iv) intentionally interfering with or causing disruption in the provision of Services or Products to other CUSTOMERs; (v) using Services or Products to further criminal activity; (vi) using Services or Products to make obscene or illegal communications, to impersonate another person with fraudulent or malicious intent or to call another person so frequently or at such times of day or in any other manner with the intended effect of annoying, threatening or harassing such other persons; or (vii) using Services or Products in a manner that interferes unreasonably with the use of or Products by one or more other GDS’s customers.
USE OF SERVICES AND PRODUCTSYou agree: (A) to use the Services and Products only for residential purposes, not business or commercial purposes; (B) to ensure that your actions and equipment do not directly or indirectly interfere with CenturyLink’s ability to provide Services or Products to others, or the quality of such Services or Products, or another’s use of Services, Products, or CenturyLink’s network; (C) to comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using Services or Products and that you will not use Services or Products in an unlawful, fraudulent, destructive, or abusive manner, or allow others to do so, and (D) that, in our sole discretion and without liability to you, CenturyLink may place restrictions on the use of Services or Products, and immediately (even during your use of a Service or Product) disrupt, suspend, or terminate Services or Products without notice for violations, suspected violations, or to prevent violations of the Agreement, and may assess additional charges for violations of these limitations.
USE OF SERVICES AND PRODUCTSSubject to and conditioned on CUSTOMER’s and its Authorized Users’ compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, during the Term, CUSTOMER and its Authorized Users may access and use the Services and the Products and the Existing System. PARADIGM shall provide the Services, Products, and the Existing System to CUSTOMER and its Authorized Users. Any terms for the purchase of Engagement Hardware shall be set forth in Schedule C. PARADIGM may, in its discretion from time to time revise, modify, update, limit or replace any Products or Services or the Existing System in whole or in part at no additional cost to Customer, provided the functionality of the Products and Services and the Existing System is substantially similar and are not adversely affected in any material manner and PARADIGM provides reasonable written notice to CUSTOMER prior to the occurrence of any such event, provided that if functionality is materially and adversely affected, CUSTOMER shall have the right to terminate this Agreement as to all or any of the Products, Service, or the Existing System upon notice to PARADIGM and receive a pro- rata refund of any pre-paid fees.
USE OF SERVICES AND PRODUCTSSubject to and conditioned on CUSTOMER’s and its Authorized Users’ compliance with the terms and conditions of this Addendum, during the Term, CUSTOMER and its Authorized Users may access and use the Services and the Products. PARADIGM shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide the Services to CUSTOMER and its Authorized Users. Any terms for the purchase of Engagement Hardware shall be set forth in the applicable Schedule. Documentation. PARADIGM shall provide CUSTOMER access to electronic versions of any applicable Documentation that PARADIGM makes generally available to its customers of the same Services and Products. CUSTOMER may print and reproduce the Documentation provided that: (i) the number of such copies is limited to those reasonably required for use by CUSTOMER, including, without limitation, training and archival purposes; and (ii) proprietary notices contained in the original copies of the Documentation are reproduced and included in all copies, whether such copies are made in whole or in part. CUSTOMER Responsibilities.
USE OF SERVICES AND PRODUCTSYou agree: (A) to use the Services and Products only for residential purposes, not business or commercial purposes; (B) to pay all charges for Services and Products provided under the Agreement including, but not limited to, unauthorized charges incurred on calls placed from your residence or Services and Products used at your residence;


  • Use of Services Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Stripe grants you a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, royalty-free license during the Term to access the Documentation, and access and use the Stripe Technology, as long as your access and use is (a) solely as necessary to use the Services; (b) solely for your business purposes; and (c) in compliance with this Agreement and the Documentation.