Using Your Card You understand that the use of your credit card or credit card account will constitute acknowledgement of receipt and agreement to the terms of the Credit Card Agreement and Credit Card Account Opening Disclosure (Disclosure). You may use your card to make purchases from merchants and others who accept your card. The credit union is not responsible for the refusal of any merchant or financial institution to honor your card. If you wish to pay for goods or services over the Internet, you may be required to provide card number security information before you will be permitted to complete the transaction. In addition, you may obtain cash advances from the Credit Union, from other financial institutions that accept your card, and from some automated teller machines (ATMs). (Not all ATMs accept your card.) If the credit union authorizes ATM transactions with your card, it will issue you a personal identification number (PIN). To obtain cash advances from an ATM, you must use the PIN issued to you for use with your card. You agree that you will not use your card for any transaction that is illegal under applicable federal, state, or local law. Even if you use your card for an illegal transaction, you will be responsible for all amounts and charges incurred in connection with the transaction. If you are permitted to obtain cash advances on your account, you may also use your card to purchase instruments and engage in transactions that we consider the equivalent of cash. Such transactions will be posted to your account as cash advances and include, but are not limited to, wire transfers, money orders, bets, lottery tickets, and casino gaming chips, as applicable. This paragraph shall not be interpreted as permitting or authorizing any transaction that is illegal.
USING YOUR ACCOUNT If you are approved for an account, the Credit Union will establish a line of credit for you. You agree that your credit limit is the maximum amount (purchases, cash advances, finance charges, plus "other charges") which you will have outstanding on your account at any time. Unless disclosed otherwise, the Credit Union will not allow advances over the credit limit. If the Credit Union has a program whereby it allows payment of advances that exceed your credit limit, subject to a fee, the Credit Union will provide you with notice, either orally, in writing, or electronically (notwithstanding the requirements of the paragraph entitled “Statements and Notices”) explaining your right to opt in to the Credit Union’s program whereby it will honor advance requests over the credit limit. In the event you opt in to such a program, you agree to the terms of such a program. You may request an increase in your credit limit only by a method acceptable to the Credit Union. The Credit Union may increase or decrease your credit limit, refuse to make an advance and/or terminate your account at any time for any reason not prohibited by law. If you are permitted to obtain cash advances on your account, we may, from time to time, issue convenience checks to you that may be drawn on your account. Convenience checks may not be used to make a payment on your account balance. If you use a convenience check, it will be posted to your account as a cash advance. We reserve the right to refuse to pay a convenience check drawn on your account for any reason and such refusal shall not constitute wrongful dishonor.
Visa Debit Card If approved, you may use your Visa® card to purchase goods and services from participating merchants. However, you may not use your card to initiate any type of gambling transaction. If you wish to pay for goods or services over the Internet, you may be required to provide card number security information before you will be permitted to complete the transaction. You agree that you will not use your card for any transaction that is illegal under applicable federal, state, or local law. Funds to cover your card purchases will be deducted from your share draft account. For ATM and one-time debit card transactions, you must consent to the Credit Union’s overdraft protection plan in order for the transaction amount to be covered under the plan. Without your consent, the Credit Union may not authorize and pay an overdraft resulting from these types of transactions. Services and fees for overdrafts are shown in the document the Credit Union uses to capture the member’s opt-in choice for overdraft protection and the Schedule of Fees and Charges.
Debit Card If approved, you may use your Visa® card to purchase goods and services from participating merchants. However, you may not use your card to initiate any type of gambling transaction. If you wish to pay for goods or services over the Internet, you may be required to provide card number security information before you will be permitted to complete the transaction. You agree that you will not use your card for any transaction that is illegal under applicable federal, state, or local law. Funds to cover your card purchases will be deducted from your share draft account. For ATM and one-time debit card transactions, you must consent to the Credit Union’s overdraft protection plan in order for the transaction amount to be covered under the plan. Without your consent, the Credit Union may not authorize and pay an overdraft resulting from these types of transactions. Services and fees for overdrafts are shown in the document the Credit Union uses to capture the member’s opt-in choice for overdraft protection and the Schedule of Fees and Charges.
Your Rights If You Are Dissatisfied With Your Credit Card Purchases If you are dissatisfied with the goods or services that you have purchased with your credit card, and you have tried in good faith to correct the problem with the merchant, you may have the right not to pay the remaining amount due on the purchase. To use this right, all of the following must be true:
Closing Your Account Unless an agreement relating to a particular product or service says otherwise, you can close your Account at any time provided that you first settle any debit balance owing.
Credit Card If you choose to pay by credit card, you will be prompted to provide your credit card information and will be presented with a screen that reflects the amount of your subscription, the amount of fees that would be charged by the credit card issuer for the transaction and the total amount payable.
Direct Debit (PRE-BILLING). (a) The Borrower agrees that the Bank will debit the Borrower's deposit account number 12331-16650, or such other of the Borrower's accounts with the Bank as designated in writing by the Borrower (the "Designated Account") on the date each payment of principal and interest and any fees from the Borrower becomes due (the "Due Date"). If the Due Date is not a banking day, the Designated Account will be debited on the next banking day. (b) Approximately 10 days prior to each Due Date, the Bank will mail to the Borrower a statement of the amounts that will be due on that Due Date (the "Billed Amount"). The calculation will be made on the assumption that no new extensions of credit or payments will be made between the date of the billing statement and the Due Date, and that there will be no changes in the applicable interest rate. (c) The Bank will debit the Designated Account for the Billed Amount, regardless of the actual amount due on that date (the "Accrued Amount"). If the Billed Amount debited to the Designated Account differs from the Accrued Amount, the discrepancy will be treated as follows: (i) If the Billed Amount is less than the Accrued Amount, the Billed Amount for the following Due Date will be increased by the amount of the discrepancy. The Borrower will not be in default by reason of any such discrepancy. (ii) If the Billed Amount is more than the Accrued Amount, the Billed Amount for the following Due Date will be decreased by the amount of the discrepancy. Regardless of any such discrepancy, interest will continue to accrue based on the actual amount of principal outstanding without compounding. The Bank will not pay the Borrower interest on any overpayment. (d) The Borrower will maintain sufficient funds in the Designated Account to cover each debit. If there are insufficient funds in the Designated Account on the date the Bank enters any debit authorized by this Agreement, the debit will be reversed.
Information About You and Your Visits to the Website All information we collect on this Website is subject to our Privacy Policy. By using the Website, you consent to all actions taken by us with respect to your information in compliance with the Privacy Policy.
PAYING YOUR BILL 10.1 What you have to pay