Utilities and Mechanical, Electrical, and Security Systems Sample Clauses
Utilities and Mechanical, Electrical, and Security Systems a. In-kind repair or replacement, or limited upgrading of interior utility systems, including mechanical (e.g., heating, ventilation, air conditioning), electrical, and plumbing systems. This allowance does not provide for the installation of new exposed ductwork.
b. Elevation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC) and mechanical equipment as long as it is placed or located where it is not visible from the street.
c. Installation or replacement of interior fire detection, fire suppression, or security alarm systems. The allowance does not apply to surface mounted wiring, conduits, piping, etc., unless previously existing, provided that installation of the system hardware does not damage or cause the removal of character-defining architectural features and can be easily removed in the future.
d. Installation of communication and surveillance security systems, such as cameras, closed-circuit television, alarm systems, and public address systems, provided that installation of the system hardware does not damage or cause the removal of character defining architectural features and can be easily removed in the future.
e. Installation of building access security devices, such as card readers, enhanced locks, and security scanners (e.g., metal detectors), provided the device does not damage or cause the removal of character-defining architectural features and can be removed in the future without impacts to significant architectural features.
Utilities and Mechanical, Electrical, and Security Systems a. In-kind repair or replacement, or limited upgrading of interior utility systems, including mechanical (e.g., heating, ventilation, air conditioning), electrical, and plumbing systems, including the replacement of fixtures such as toilets, sinks and stoves, with the exception of historic fixtures. This allowance does not provide for the installation of new exposed ductwork except for interior exhaust systems in fire stations, garages, or similar buildings.
b. Elevation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC) and mechanical equipment as long as it is placed or located where it is not highly visible from the street.
c. Installation or replacement of interior fire detection, fire suppression, or security alarm systems. The allowance does not apply to surface mounted wiring, conduits, piping, etc., unless previously existing, provided that installation of the system hardware does not damage or cause the removal of character-defining architectural features and can be easily removed in the future.
d. Installation of communication and surveillance security systems, such as cameras, closed-circuit television, alarm systems, and public address systems, provided that installation of the system hardware does not damage or cause the removal of character defining architectural features and can be easily removed in the future.
e. Installation of building access security devices, such as card readers, enhanced locks, and security scanners (e.g., metal detectors), provided the device does not damage or cause the removal of character-defining architectural features and can be removed in the future without impacts to significant architectural features.
f. Replacement of damaged materials used in composting or sewerage treatment.
Utilities and Mechanical, Electrical, and Security Systems a. In-kind repair or replacement, or limited upgrading of interior or exterior utility systems, including mechanical (e.g., heating, ventilation, air conditioning), electrical, and plumbing systems (water tanks, freshwater and drainage). This allowance does not provide for the installation of new exposed ductwork.
b. Elevation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC) and mechanical equipment as long as it is placed or located where it is not visible from the street.
c. Installation or replacement of interior fire detection, fire suppression, or security alarm systems. The allowance does not apply to surface mounted wiring, conduits, piping, etc., unless previously existing, provided that installation of the system hardware does not damage or cause the removal of character-defining architectural features and can be easily removed in the future.
d. Installation of building communication and surveillance security systems, such as cameras, closed-circuit television, lighting, alarm systems, and public address systems, provided that installation of the system hardware does not damage or cause the removal of character defining architectural features and can be easily removed in the future.
e. Installation of exterior security features and early warning devices on existing light poles or other permanent utilities. New wiring will be sub-surface to the greatest extent possible or, where exposed, will be enclosed in conduit that is painted to match the existing surface.
f. Installation of building access security devices, such as card readers, enhanced locks, door alarms, and security scanners (e.g., metal detectors), provided the device does not damage or cause the removal of character-defining architectural features and can be removed in the future without impacts to significant architectural features.
g. Installation of mechanical equipment within existing mechanical closets, chases, and unfinished attics or basements when ducts are not visible in occupied spaces of the building and access to the ducts does not require demolition of walls or ceilings in occupied spaces of the building.
Utilities and Mechanical, Electrical, and Security Systems a. In-kind repair or replacement, or limited upgrading of interior utility systems, including mechanical (e.g., heating, ventilation, air conditioning), electrical, and plumbing systems. This allowance does not provide for the installation of new exposed ductwork.
b. Elevation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC) and mechanical equipment as long as it is placed or located where it is not visible from the street and is not attached to the structure in a manner that would alter or destroy the character-defining features.
c. Installation or replacement of interior fire detection, fire suppression, or security alarm systems. The allowance does not apply to surface mounted wiring, conduits, piping, etc., unless previously existing, provided that installation of the system hardware does not damage or cause the removal of character-defining architectural features and can be easily removed in the future.
d. Installation of communication and surveillance security systems, such as cameras, closed-circuit television, alarm systems, and public address systems, provided that installation of the system hardware does not damage or cause the removal of character defining architectural features and can be easily removed in the future.
e. Installation of building access security devices, such as card readers, enhanced locks, and security scanners (e.g., metal detectors), provided the device does not 1496 damage or cause the removal of character-defining architectural features and can 1497 be removed in the future without impacts to significant architectural features. 1498
Utilities and Mechanical, Electrical, and Security Systems. 1. In-kind repair or replacement, or limited upgrading of interior utility systems, including mechanical (e.g., heating, ventilation, air conditioning), electrical, and plumbing systems. This allowance does not provide for the installation of new exposed ductwork.
2. Elevation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC) and mechanical equipment as long as it is placed or located where it is not highly visible from the street.
Utilities and Mechanical, Electrical, and Security Systems a. In-kind repair or replacement, or limited upgrading of interior utility systems, including mechanical (e.g., heating, ventilation, air conditioning), electrical, and plumbing systems, with the exception of historic fixtures. This allowance does not provide for the installation of new exposed ductwork except for interior exhaust systems in fire stations, garages, or similar buildings.
b. Elevation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC) and mechanical equipment as long as it is placed or located where it is not highly visible from the street.
c. Installation or replacement of interior fire detection, fire suppression, or security alarm systems. The allowance does not apply to surface mounted wiring, conduits, piping, etc., unless previously existing, provided that installation of the system hardware does not damage or cause the removal of character-defining architectural features and can be easily removed in the future.
d. Installation of communication and surveillance security systems, such as cameras, closed-circuit television, alarm systems, and public address systems, provided that installation of the system hardware does not damage or cause the removal of character defining architectural features and can be easily removed in the future.
e. Installation of building access security devices, such as card readers, enhanced locks, and security scanners (e.g., metal detectors), provided the device does not damage or cause the removal of character-defining architectural features and can be removed in the future without impacts to significant architectural features.
Utilities and Mechanical, Electrical, and Security Systems a. In-kind repair or replacement, or limited upgrading of interior utility systems, including mechanical (e.g., heating, ventilation, air conditioning), electrical, and plumbing systems. This allowance does not provide for the installation of new exposed ductwork, nor the encasing of new ductwork.
b. Elevation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC) and mechanical equipment as long as it is placed or located where it is not visible from the public right of way.
c. Installation or replacement of interior fire detection, fire suppression, or security alarm systems. The allowance does not apply to surface mounted wiring, conduits, piping, etc., unless previously existing, or provided that installation of the system hardware does not significantly damage, alter or cause the removal of historic materials, finishes or character-defining architectural features and can be easily removed in the future.
d. Replacement of communication and surveillance security systems, such as cameras, closed-circuit television, alarm systems, and public-address systems, provided that installation of the system hardware does not significantly damage, 1645 alter or cause the removal of historic materials, finishes or character defining 1646 architectural features and can be easily removed in the future. 1647
1648 e. Installation of building access security devices, such as card readers, enhanced 1649 locks, and security scanners (e.g., metal detectors), provided the device does not 1650 significantly damage, alter or cause the removal of historic materials, finishes or 1651 character-defining architectural features and can be removed in the future without 1652 impacts to significant architectural features. 1653
Utilities and Mechanical, Electrical, and Security Systems a. In-kind repair or replacement, or limited upgrading of interior utility systems, including mechanical (e.g., heating, ventilation, air conditioning), electrical, and plumbing systems, including the replacement of fixtures such as toilets, sinks and stoves, with the exception of historic fixtures. This allowance does not provide for the installation of new exposed ductwork except for interior exhaust systems in fire stations, garages, or similar buildings.
b. Elevation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC) and mechanical equipment as long as it is placed or located where it is not highly visible from the street.
c. Installation or replacement of interior fire detection, fire suppression, or security alarm systems. The allowance does not apply to surface mounted wiring, conduits, piping, etc., unless previously existing, provided that installation of the system hardware does not damage or cause the removal of character-defining architectural features and can be easily removed in the future. New fire detection systems with exposed electric conduit are allowed in unfinished basements and historically unfinished areas, such as upper floors and attics and equipment bays for fire stations and similar buildings.
d. Installation of communication and surveillance security systems, such as cameras, closed-circuit television, alarm systems, and public address systems, provided that installation of the system hardware does not damage or cause the removal of character defining architectural features and can be easily removed in the future and is installed so that it has minimal impact on historic character. New wiring will be sub-surface to the greatest extent possible or where exposed will be enclosed in conduit that is finished to match the existing surface.
e. Installation of building access security devices, such as card readers, enhanced locks, door alarms, and security scanners (e.g., metal detectors), provided the device does not damage or cause the removal of character-defining architectural features and can be removed in the future without impacts to significant architectural features. New wiring will be sub-surface to the greatest extent possible or where exposed will be enclosed in conduit that is finished to match the existing surface.
f. Replacement of damaged materials used in composting or sewerage treatment.
g. New exposed ductwork, air handler units and electric conduit in unfinished basements and historically unfinished upper f...
Utilities and Mechanical, Electrical, and Security Systems a. In-kind repair or replacement, or limited upgrading of interior utility systems, including mechanical (e.g., heating, ventilation, air conditioning), electrical, and plumbing systems. This allowance does not provide for the installation of new exposed ductwork. Exposed fixtures, grilles, etc. that are at least 45 years old will be repaired in kind if possible.
b. Elevation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC) and mechanical equipment as long as it is placed or located where it is not highly visible from the street (e.g. setback from the building façade on a secondary elevation).
Utilities and Mechanical, Electrical, and Security Systems. 1514
1515 1. In-kind repair, replacement or limited upgrading of interior utility systems, including 1516 mechanical (e.g., heating, ventilation, air conditioning), electrical, and plumbing 1517 systems. This allowance does not provide for the installation of new exposed ductwork 1518 or insulation products unless installed using in-kind materials and methods. 1519