Crisis counseling Sample Clauses

Crisis counseling. Any FEMA Programs authorized by the United States Congress in the future may be included in this Agreement in accordance with Stipulation IV.A, Amendments. Any change in the FEMA name, Programs, or organizational structure shall not affect this Agreement.
Crisis counseling. Loans to individuals, businesses, and farmers for the repair, rehabilitation, or replacement of damaged real and personal property.
Crisis counseling. The terms of this Agreement will not apply to Undertakings on Tribal (reservation) lands) unless the affected Tribe(s) have concurred in writing.
Crisis counseling. Outside group Crisis Counseling (debriefing) will be made available to Telecommunicators and Community Services Officers who are involved in a material aspect of a major crimes case where the same counseling is made available to the Patrol Officers, Sergeants, and other Police Department staff. This does not apply to employees who provide ancillary services.
Crisis counseling. 8. Any FEMA Programs authorized by the United States Congress in the future may be included in this Agreement in accordance with Stipulation IV.A, Amendments. Any change in the FEMA name, Programs, or organizational structure shall not affect this Agreement. B. Roles and Responsibilities of the Signatories 1. FEMA: a. FEMA shall use Federal, State, sub-recipient, or contractor staff whose qualifications meet the Secretary of the Interior’s (Secretary’s) Professional Qualifications Standards (Professional Qualifications) set forth in the Federal Register at 48 Fed. Reg. 44716-01 (September 29, 1983), as amended (Qualified), in applying Second Tier Programmatic Allowances listed in Appendix B, completing identification and evaluation of historic properties and in making determinations of effects. FEMA shall review any National Register eligibility determination and make its own findings of effect resulting from the performance of these activities prior to submitting such determinations to the SHPO. b. In accordance with 36 CFR § 800.2(c)(4), FEMA may authorize the Recipients, or a sub-recipient through the Recipients, to initiate the Section 106 process with the SHPO and other consulting parties, assist in identifying other consulting parties with a demonstrated interest in the Undertaking, and prepare any necessary analyses and documentation, but FEMA shall remain responsible for determinations of National Register eligibility and findings of effect recommended by the authorized party. FEMA shall follow the process set forth in Stipulation I.B.1.a, FEMA Roles and Responsibilities, and notify the SHPO in writing when the Recipients or sub-recipient has been authorized to initiate consultation on FEMA’s behalf. c. Prior to authorizing the release of funds for individual Undertakings requiring grant conditions pursuant to this Agreement, FEMA shall inform the Recipients of all stipulations and conditions and ensure that they are understood so they can be adequately conveyed to the sub-recipient. FEMA shall work in partnership withthe Recipients to provide sub-recipient(s) with guidance on in-kind repair pursuant to The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties 1995 (Standards), 36 CFR Part 68, or the most updated version, and techniques to avoid or minimize adverse effects to historic properties. d. FEMA shall provide the Signatories and the ACHP with an annual report for actions taking place between November 1 and October ...
Crisis counseling. 3 4.2.1 HO shall provide Crisis Counseling services for parents, 4 xxxxxx parents, caregivers, and/or their children ages birth to eighteen (0-
Crisis counseling. The Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP), authorized by §416 of the Xxxxxxxx Act, is designed to provide supplemental funding to States for short-term crisis counseling services to people affected in Presidentially declared disasters. There are two separate portions of the CCP that can be funded: immediate services and regular services . A State may request either or both types of funding. The immediate services program is intended to enable the State or local agency to respond to the immediate mental health needs with screening, diagnostic, and counseling techniques, as well as outreach services such as public information and community networking. The regular services program is designed to provide up to nine months of crisis counseling, community outreach, and consultation and education services to people affected by a Presidentially declared disaster. Funding for this program is separate from the immediate services grant. To be eligible for crisis counseling services funded by this program, the person must be a resident of the designated area or must have been located in the area at the time the disaster occurred. The person must also have a mental health problem which was caused by or aggravated by the disaster or its aftermath, or he or she must benefit from services provided by the program. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE Public Assistance, oriented to public entities, can fund the repair, restoration, reconstruction, or replace- ment of a public facility or infrastructure, which is damaged or destroyed by a disaster. Eligible applicants include State governments, local governments and any other political subdivision of the State, Native American tribes and Alaska Native Villages. Certain private nonprofit (PNP) organizations may also receive assistance. Eligible PNPs include educational, utility, irrigation, emergency, medical, rehabilitation, and temporary or permanent custodial care facilities (including those for the aged and disabled), and other PNP facilities that provide essential services of a governmental nature to the general public. PNPs that provide “critical services” (power, water--including water provided by an irrigation organization or facility, sewer, wastewater treatment, communications and emergency medical care) may apply directly to FEMA/EPR for a disaster grant. All other PNPs must first apply to the Small Business Administration (SBA) for a disaster loan. If the PNP is declined for a SBA loan or the loan does not cover al...
Crisis counseling. This Agreement will only apply to historic properties (including those yet to be identified) that retain National Register eligibility pursuant to 36 CFR Part 60; historic properties that may have tribal religious or cultural significance; or properties that may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register [as defined by 36 CFR §800.16(l)(2)]. FEMA shall conduct Section 106 review in accordance with Stipulation VII or VIII of this Agreement. Pursuant to Stipulation VII, FEMA shall determine when an undertaking meets applicable criteria of the Programmatic Allowances (Appendix C). FEMA shall document this determination in the project file and authorize the release of funding for the undertaking without further review and notification to SHPO/THPO or Tribes. For all other activities, FEMA shall conduct Section 106 review pursuant to Stipulation VI or IX. The terms governing expedited review of projects for emergencies set forth in Stipulation VI do not apply to the long-term planning or mitigation programs including, but not limited to, PDM, HMGP, GPD grants or grants from FEMA’s National Preparedness Division. This Agreement is also applicable to all future FEMA Programs that may be instituted during the life of this Agreement. See Stipulation XIV.B.
Crisis counseling. 20 4.3.1 HO shall provide individual or family Crisis Counseling 21 services for parents, xxxxxx parents, caregivers, and/or their to children 22 ages birth to eighteen (0-18) years, who are not Medi-Cal eligible and/or do are at-risk for of abuse and/or neglect, and/or their parents, xxxxxx parents (and their children), and/or caregivers (and their children). Individuals may include: those who are low-income; coming from intact families, and/or families or individuals in the process of reunification; those who may be 23 not meet the Medi-Cal eligibility requirements for medical necessity and who 28 experiencing a crisis due to interpersonal conflicts, family crisis, difficult 1 parenting issues, challenging child needs, and/or traumatic loss hereinafter
Crisis counseling. In the event of a school crisis or emergency in the OVEC region, OVEC reserves the right to temporarily assign grant-funded school counselors for short-term crisis counseling in other schools or districts.