Volume estimates Sample Clauses

Volume estimates. 3.3.1. General volume policy The index type for the measurement of volumes is the Laspeyres index (the prices of the earlier period are applied to both periods). Quarterly chain-linked volume indices are derived by linking together quarter-to-quarter Laspeyres indices. It is the recommendation of ESA 2010 and Estonia agrees to use the Laspeyres formula when deriving chain-linked volume indices because of its several advantages. The benefits include consistency with supply and use tables Production-based accounts are calculated by the double deflation method: output and intermediate consumption are deflated separately, and value added at previous year’s prices is derived as the difference between output and intermediate consumption at previous year’s prices. Household final consumption expenditure (HFCE) is calculated at the fourth level of COICOP groups at purchaser’s prices including VAT. The same commodity detail is used for deflations by CPI. CPIs and PPIs are used to deflate the consumption of household production produced for own use. For the expenditures of resident households in the rest of the world, the weighted CPI for the main destination countries is used. For non-residents’ expenditures in the economic territory, the Estonian CPIs are used. For the estimation of the final consumption expenditure of the general government and the output of NPISH, output for own final use, sales and social transfers in kind are deflated separately. GFCF price indices differ neither by institutional sector nor by economic activity. Current price estimations for domestically produced machinery and equipment are deflated using the PPI of machinery and equipment; the deflator for import is used for equipment received from abroad. Construction estimates are deflated using the total construction cost price index. Changes in inventories are deflated by products at a detailed level for different types of inventories. Materials and supplies are deflated using the relevant PPIs, except for fuel for which the CPI is used. Work-in-progress and finished goods are deflated using the relevant PPIs. Goods for resale are deflated using the relevant CPIs. The exports and imports of goods are deflated by CPA groups using the relevant export or import indices. If there is no relevant export or import price index, the relevant PPI is used. The exports of services are deflated by CPA groups using the relevant CPIs. The imports of services are deflated by using the weighted average of...
Volume estimates. The volumes of timber conveyed and set out in this section are estimates only. The County by making such estimates neither warrants nor limits the volume of timber conveyed under the terms of this contract.
Volume estimates. QNA volume data are published as a chain-linked series at the reference year 2015 prices. The growths compared with the previous period and the corresponding period of the previous year are published as QNA volume data. These are constructed with the annual overlap method, in which volume estimates at the average prices of the previous year are used. The index type used for the measurement of volumes is the Laspeyres index. Quarterly GDP at current prices and at previous year’s prices is estimated by the production and expenditure base. Quarterly value added at previous year’s prices is compiled using the double deflation method. The preferred approach is the deflation product-by-product. In order for the quarterly data to be consistent with the annual national accounts, the annual overlap method was chosen. The variables of chain-linked volumes are non-additive (a chain- linked volume of GDP is not equal to the sum of its components). For logical reasons, the differences arising in the chain links are not eliminated by calculation. To ensure consistency between the QNA and XXX xxxxx and volume measures, the ANA measures are derived from the quarterly measures. Consistency with SUT is achieved by using the Xxxxxx benchmarking techniques for QNA data.
Volume estimates. The volume estimates of QNA includes: ➢ data non-seasonally adjusted expressed at average constant prices of previous year, ➢ data non-seasonally adjusted expressed at constant prices with reference year 2000, In order to derive volume estimates at constant prices of previous year quarterly data of analyzed year at current prices are deflated by Laspeyres Volume Index (previous year =100). The procedure is basically the same for all components of the production side but different indexes for each section are applied. Gross value added is derived as the difference between output and intermediate consumption. In order to derive chain-linked volume measures with the reference year 2000, the annual overlap method is used.
Volume estimates. Purchaser makes no guarantee regarding the specific quantity of Products that it will order from Seller. Seller accepts that Purchaser’s projected volumes may not be accurate, and that actual volume or duration could be less than or greater than the projections.
Volume estimates. 3.3.1 Constant prices of previous year 1. Elements of GDP (on the lowest level of aggregation) are compiled at annual average prices of the same year for all quarters of analyzed base year. An example: To compile individual quarters of base year 2006 at annual average prices of 2006, special price indices (year 2006 = 100) are used. For I quarter 2006 → For II quarter 2006 → For III quarter 2006 → For IV quarter 2006 → Such kind of indices ensure coherence and additives of quarterly data with annual data for 2006, i.e. sum of quarterly data at annual average prices of 2006 is equal to sum of quarterly data at current prices. 2. Elements of GDP (on the lowest level of aggregation) are compiled at constant prices of previous (base) year for analyzed quarter. It means that for example for I quarter of 2007 base year is 2006 and compilation at constant prices of 2006 are carried with the use of special indices (Laspeyres Volume Indices): For I quarter 2007 → I Data at current prices for I quarter of 2007 are divided by this index. 3. Volume index compilation of GDP and its elements by dividing real volumes for I quarter of 2007 (see point 2) by volumes at annual average prices of 2006 for I quarter of 2006 (see point 1); 4. Price index is received as a quotient of value index and volume index. For example, for I quarter of 2007 Value index = I quarter 2007 at current I quarter 2006 at annual 2006 Volume index = at cons tan t prices of 2006 Each element of GDP is calculated at constant prices of previous year according to this algorithm, but different price indices are used for individual elements. For production side of GDP each section is compiled at constant prices of previous year with use double deflation, i.e. gross output and intermediate consumption are compiled separately. Gross value added at constant prices of previous year is the difference between gross output and intermediate consumption expressed at constant prices of previous year. Individual components of gross output, except trade margin (revenues from the sale, value of changes in inventories of work-in-progress, finished products, etc.) for section C, D, E, F, I are compiled at constant prices of previous year using: - price index of sold production of Mining and quarrying for section C; - price index of sold production of Manufacturing for section D; - price index of sold production of Electricity, gas and water supply for section E; - price index of construction and assembly production for...
Volume estimates. The volumes of timber indicated in this Contract or other appraisal or cruise documents of the Seller are estimates. The Seller gives no warranty or guarantee respecting the quantity, quality or volume of marked or otherwise designated timber or forest products on the sale area.

Related to Volume estimates

  • Cost Estimates If this Agreement pertains to the design of a public works project, CONSULTANT shall submit estimates of probable construction costs at each phase of design submittal. If the total estimated construction cost at any submittal exceeds ten percent (10%) of CITY’s stated construction budget, CONSULTANT shall make recommendations to CITY for aligning the PROJECT design with the budget, incorporate CITY approved recommendations, and revise the design to meet the Project budget, at no additional cost to CITY.

  • Pre-Estimate The parties agree that if Market Quotation applies an amount recoverable under this Section 6(e) is a reasonable pre-estimate of loss and not a penalty. Such amount is payable for the loss of bargain and the loss of protection against future risks and except as otherwise provided in this Agreement neither party will be entitled to recover any additional damages as a consequence of such losses.

  • Estimates User shall pay to Tenant, in advance on a monthly basis, an amount equal to the estimated Rent for each year of the Use Period or part thereof divided by the number of months therein. Attached as Exhibit B is an budget for the Project prepared by Tenant and approved by User, which reflects a good faith estimate of Rent. Based on Exhibit B, the parties have agreed that User will pay to Tenant the monthly sum allocated to User on Exhibit B, in advance, as Tenant’s initial estimate of Rent. From time to time, Tenant may estimate and re-estimate the amount of Rent to be due and deliver a copy of the estimate or re-estimate to User. Thereafter, the monthly installments of Rent shall be appropriately adjusted in accordance with the estimations so that, by the end of the calendar year in question, User shall have paid all of Rent estimated by Tenant for such calendar year. Any amounts paid based on such an estimate shall be subject to adjustment as herein provided when the actual amount of Rent is available for each calendar year or fraction thereof (in the instance of any partial calendar year). (a) On or before January 31 of each calendar year during the term (and within 180 days of the Use Expiration Date), Tenant shall furnish to User a statement of Rent for the previous year (the “Rent Statement”). If Tenant fails to issue a Rent Statement, User will send a written request for Tenant to issue a Rent Statement. Within 30 days of receipt of the request for Rent Statement, Tenant will then issue a Rent Statement. If User’s estimated payments of Rent for the year covered by the Rent Statement exceeded the actual Rent due as indicated in the Rent Statement, then Tenant shall promptly credit or reimburse User for such excess; likewise, if User’s estimated payments of Rent for such year were less than the actual Rent due as indicated in the Rent Statement, then User shall promptly pay Tenant such deficiency. All true up obligations contained in this Agreement shall survive the Use Period. (b) To minimize the administrative burden on each party, Tenant’s books and records with regard to Rent are available for inspection by User at Tenant’s offices during Tenant’s regular business hours for 30 days after the date of issuance of each Rent Statement. The parties agree to work in good faith to address any questions relating to the Rent Statement.

  • Estimates and Reconciliation of Estimates Where estimated expenditures are used to determine the amount of the drawdown, the State will indicate in the terms of the State unique funding technique how the estimated amount is determined and when and how the State will reconcile the difference between the estimate and the State's actual expenditures.

  • Cost Estimate The cost estimate shall set out the estimated costs for the proposed Change Order in such a way that a fair evaluation can be made. It shall include a breakdown for labor, materials, equipment and markups for overhead and profit, unless TxDOT agrees otherwise. If the work is to be performed by Subcontractors and if the work is sufficiently defined to obtain Subcontractor quotes, DB Contractor shall obtain quotes (with breakdowns showing cost of labor, materials, equipment and markups for overhead and profit) on the Subcontractor’s stationery and shall include such quotes as back-up for DB Contractor’s estimate. No markup shall be allowed in excess of the amounts allowed under Section 10.6. DB Contractor shall identify all conditions with respect to prices or other aspects of the cost estimate, such as pricing contingent on firm orders being made by a certain date or the occurrence or non-occurrence of an event.

  • USE OF ESTIMATES The Sponsor is authorized to make all Net Asset Value determinations (including, without limitation, for purposes of determining redemption payments and calculating Sponsor’s Fees) on the basis of estimated numbers. The Sponsor shall not (unless the Sponsor otherwise determines) attempt to make any retroactive adjustments in order to reflect the differences between such estimated and the final numbers, but rather shall reflect such differences in the Accounting Period in which final numbers become available. The Sponsor also shall not (unless the Sponsor otherwise determines) revise Sponsor’s Fee calculations to reflect differences between estimated and final numbers (including differences which have resulted in economic benefit to a Sponsor Party). If, after payment of redemption proceeds, the Sponsor determines that adjustment to the Net Asset Value of the redeemed Units is necessary, the redeeming Investor (if the Net Asset Value is adjusted upwards) or the remaining Investors (if the Net Asset Value is adjusted downwards) will bear the risk of such adjustment. The redeeming Investor will neither receive further distributions from, nor will it be required to reimburse, this FuturesAccess Fund in such circumstances.

  • Forecast Customer shall provide Flextronics, on a monthly basis, a rolling [***] forecast indicating Customer’s monthly Product requirements. The first [***] of the forecast will constitute Customer’s written purchase order for all Work to be completed within the first [***] period. Such purchase orders will be issued in accordance with Section 3.2 below.

  • Acceptable Estimating System The Contractor shall maintain the acceptable status of their Estimating System and submit updates to the current status, if applicable

  • ESTIMATED QUANTITIES 1.1 The quantities set forth in the line items and specification document are approximate and represent the estimated requirements for the contract period. 1.2 Items listed may or may not be an inclusive requirements for this category. 1.3 Category items not listed, but distributed by bidder are to be referred to as kindred items. Kindred items shall receive the same percentage of discount or pricing structure as items listed in the specification document. 1.4 The unit prices and the extended total prices shall be used as a basis for the evaluation of bids. The actual quantity of materials necessary may be more or less than the estimates listed in the specification document, but the City/County shall be neither obligated nor limited to any specified amount. If possible, the Owners will restrict increases/decreases to 20% of the estimated quantities listed in the specification document.

  • Estimated Cost Estimated costs by construction phases for Specified Roads listed in A7 are stated by segments in the Schedule of Items. Such estimated costs are subject to adjustment under B3.3, B5.2, B5.21, B5.212, B5.25, and B5.26. Appropriately adjusted costs shall be made a part of a revised Schedule of Items and shown as adjustments to Timber Sale Account. The revised Schedule of Items shall supersede any prior Schedule of Items when it is dated and signed by Contracting Officer and a copy is furnished to Purchaser.