Waste Services. Council will provide, without charge to the Tenant, two (2) two hundred and forty (240) litre waste bins and two (2) two hundred and forty (240) litre recyclables bins for the use of the Tenant in accordance with Council’s waste collection practices current at the time. Any additional waste collection services that Council agrees to provide will be provided at the Tenant’s cost.
Waste Services. 3 (a) Waste Services Relationship.....................................................................3 (b) Pricing.........................................................................................3 (c) Representations and Covenants of the Tuboscope Parties..........................................4 (d) Existing Bids and Contracts.....................................................................5
Waste Services. An employee may be transferred to another normal starting point at any time by the giving of reasonable notice.
Waste Services. Council can provide, without charge to the Tenant, a garbage and recycling service, suitable for their generation rates. This will be assessed by Council on an individual club basis. Any additional waste collection services that Council agrees to provide will be provided at the Tenant’s cost.
Waste Services. Heated space in winter, with a provided room temperature of 70 degrees (personal heaters not permitted), with thermostat turned down to 50 at night.
Waste Services. In Bloom
Waste Services. No objections provided the cul-de-sac had a collection point at the junction with the loop road. Statutory Consultees Scottish Water: Response awaited. SEPA: Initially objected due to lack of information on flood risk and that the site was at risk of a 1 in 200 year flood event with smaller watercourses also posing a risk. Sought SNH: Although the site is within the Eildon and Leaderfoot National Scenic Area, note the site is allocated for housing in the Local Development Plan with a Planning Brief in place. Provided the Brief principles are followed, consider the development is well contained by topography and the landscape and that housing numbers are lower than the Brief, thus there will be no adverse impact on the NSA. Melrose and District Community Council: Initially raised no objections, considering the number of houses acceptable for the size of the site and that subject to monitoring by the Council of conditions on Dingleton Road, improvements will occur at the new junction with visibility and parking. Following a further meeting, reports local objections that the development would adversely impact on road safety and traffic conditions on Dingleton Road despite the proposed improvements. Also reports significant concerns over visual and landscape impact on the Eildon Hills and suggests a variety of colours and a Landscape Design Brief to mitigate. Finally, concerns over burn culverting and blockage potential, impacts on the nursery and on local schools and health services. Ultimately and whilst the Community Council feel the number of the houses on the site have been reduced to acceptable levels, many objectors now question the principle of the development especially given other sites being brought forward such as Lowood at Tweedbank. REPRESENTATION SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN POLICIES: Scottish Borders Local Development Plan 2016 OTHER PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS
Waste Services. The Contractor shall provide all residents with quarterly collection of bulk waste. Bulk Waste collection shall include:
Waste Services. This Schedule A applies to all or any of the containment, collection, transportation, handling, processing, recycling and disposal of containerized Waste by Secure.
Waste Services. This Schedule A applies to all or any of the containment, collection, transportation, handling, processing, recycling and disposal of containerized or bulk Waste by KBL. This includes the processing of wastes at KBL’s Facilities.