WATER CHARGE. For each Fiscal Year, the Project Participants shall pay to the order of the Cooperative the applicable Water Charge as follows:
WATER CHARGE. Water charges will be levied as per meter reading as under. In case of faulty/damage, non- fixing of water meter or consumption is less than applied, minimum charge will be levied as shown below:
(A) Domestic and Apartment (purely residential) Connection:- I (a) (i) Rs.18.00 per KL up to 30 KL per 30 days.
WATER CHARGE. (A) Based on the amount of water read from the meter on the floor rented and measured on an apportioned area basis. A basic combined unit price of RMB 4.68 /m3. In the event of major policy and market adjustments, the above unit prices will be adjusted accordingly;
(B) The public share is to be apportioned in proportion to the rental area to the floor area. According to the proportion of the leased area to the construction area.
WATER CHARGE. Any Water delivered to Landowner though the Water Conveyance Facilities shall be measured by a meter or other measuring method acceptable to OAWD (and if required USBR and TCCA) and as required by law. OAWD will neither allocate nor convey any Water to Landowner for use on the Annexation lands if Landowner is delinquent in the payment of any water or other district charge.
WATER CHARGE. The Water Charge under this Agreement, based on the City of Detroit Water Tariff, is $0.72 per 1000 pounds of steam delivered to the Customer until July 3 1,2003. The Water Charge will be adjusted on August 1, 2003 to be equal to the then current charge under the City of Detroit Water Tariff.
WATER CHARGE. The Water Charge will be calculated as a charge per million gallons of water delivered each month by the AUTHORITY to ANSONIA DERBY through the Project (currently $730 per MG) and shall be computed using the cost allocations detailed in the study entitled "Wholesale Rate Study" prepared by Xxxxxxxxx Associates, Inc., and dated June 27, 1983, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C. It is agreed that this study will be updated at the time of each rate case of the AUTHORITY subsequent to the date of this Agreement and that the Water Charge will be revised to reflect such updating. The AUTHORITY will give ANSONIA DERBY written notice of any public hearing on any proposal to raise the wholesale water rates of the AUTHORITY not later than the date of publication of the public notice thereof. The amount used in such updating for calculating the operating and maintenance expenditure portion of the Water Charge will be based on the budget used by the AUTHORITY for rate-making purposes and will include any adjustments made during the rate-making process. The book value of Utility Plant used in such updating calculation will be based on the most recent filing with the Department of Public Utility Control. The percentages used to allocate expenditures to general service as used on Schedule B and Schedule C-1 of Exhibit C hereof, will not change during the term of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing or the amount of water actually delivered to ANSONIA DERBY, the monthly Water Charge and the Water Charge for the last month of each calendar year shall be adjusted if necessary, as provided in Section 6 hereof, to reflect the minimum purchase requirements of Section 6 hereof.