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WEST BENGAL HOUSING BOARD. (PAN XXXXX0000X) a Statutory Body Corporate constituted under the West Bengal Housing Board Act, 1972 (Act XXXII of 1972), having its office at 000, X. X. Xxxxxxxx Road, Kolkata–700014 (represented by its Constituted Attorney, BENGAL AMBUJA HOUSING DEVELOPMENT LIMITED, a Joint Sector Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its Registered Office at “Xxxxxxxxxxx”, 00X, Xxxxxx Xxxx (Xxxxx), Xxxxxxx–000000 (BAHDL) through its Authorized Signatory, Mr. , son of ) Aadhar No. ) and authorized vide board resolution dated hereinafter referred to as the “OWNER” which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to mean and include its successor-in-interest, executors, administrators and permitted assignees):
WEST BENGAL HOUSING BOARD. (PAN AAJW0019K), a statutory body constituted under the West Bengal Housing Board Act, 1972 (W.B Act XXXII of 1972) having its registered office at 000, Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Road, Kolkata- 700014 written represented by , son of , (PAN )(Mobile No. ) residing at , P.O , P.S , Kolkata - and hereinafter jointly referred to as the OWNERS (which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context be deemed to mean and include their respective successor or successors-in-interest and assigns) of the FIRST PART
WEST BENGAL HOUSING BOARD is a body corporate having been incorporated in accordance with the provisions of the West Bengal Housing Board Act 1972 (W.B. Act XXXII of 1972 together with up-to-date amendments of the Act) and has been nominated by the Government of West Bengal to embark on the development of Housing Projects on a large scale in urban as well as rural area of West Bengal.
WEST BENGAL HOUSING BOARD. (Owner), is the absolute and lawful owner of ALL THAT piece and parcel of land measuring about 4.02 acres equivalent to 16268.36 square meters, forming part of L.R. Dag Nos. 379, 380, 382 (Part), 386 (Part), 000 (Xxxx), 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 (Xxxx), 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 410, 411, 413 and 414 (Part) under L.R. Khatian no. 986 in Mouza Dudhnai, X.X. 107 under PS: Baruipur in the District South 24 Parganas within the limits of Ramnagar-II Gram Panchayat (“Said Land”) vide a sale deed dated 30th July, 2010 and registered at the office of Additional Registrar of Assurances-I, Kolkata being Deed no. 7803 of 2010. The Owner and the Promoter have entered into a Development Agreement dated 27th August, 2010 for development of a residential complex over the said Land.
WEST BENGAL HOUSING BOARD. (Owner), is the absolute and lawful owner of ALL THAT piece and parcel of land measuring about 4.45 acres equivalent to 18008.51 square meters, forming part of R.S/L.R. Dag No. 3085 under Khatian no. 3688 in Mouza Ghuni X.X. 23 under PS: Rajarhat in the District North 24 Parganas within the limits of Jyangra Hatiara no. 2 Gram Panchayat (“Said Land”) vide several registered sale deeds. The Owner and the Promoter have entered into a Development Agreement dated 3rd September, 2009 for development of a residential complex over the said Land.
WEST BENGAL HOUSING BOARD a statutory body corporate constituted under the West Bengal Housing Board Act, 1972 (W.B Act XXXII of 1972) having its office at 000, Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Road, Post Office Taltala, Police Station New Market, Kolkata-700 014, having its Income Tax Permanent Account no. XXXXX0000X, through its Constituted Attorney Bengal Shrachi Housing Development Limited vide Power of Attorney dated 27 August 2010, represented by its Authorised Signatory Mr. Balai De, son of Late Xxxxxxxx Xxx, working for gain at Shrachi Tower, 686, Anandapur, Eastern Metropolitan Bypass – R.B. Connector Junction, Police Station- Anandapur , Post Office -Madurdaha, Kolkata - 700 107, having Income Tax Permanent Account No. XXXXX0000X, hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Owner” (which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof mean and include its successors-in-interest and permitted assigns) of the SECOND PART Mr …………………… [PAN: ……………], son of ………..and Mrs …………… [PAN: ……………], wife of… , both residing at ……………,P.S ….., P.O ……, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Allottee”(which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof mean and include his/her/their heirs, representatives, successors, executors and/or permitted assigns) of the THIRD PART. ………………………….[CIN: .....................] [PAN ],a company within the meaning of the Companies Act, 2013 and having its registered office at ………………… P.S ……, P.O ……Kolkata duly represented by its Director/Authorised Representative ……………… [PAN:…………….], son of ……., residing at ….. P.O ,


  • Governing Board The School shall be governed by a board (the “Charter Board”) in a manner that is consistent with the terms of this Certificate so long as such provisions are in accordance with state, federal, and local law. The Charter Board shall have final authority and responsibility for the academic, financial, and organizational performance of the School. The Charter Board shall also have authority for and be responsible for policy and operational decisions of the School, although nothing herein shall prevent the Charter Board from delegating decision-making authority for policy and operational decisions to officers, employees and agents of the School, as well as third party management providers.

  • Leave, Board of Directors A nurse who is elected to the Board of Directors of the Ontario Nurses' Association, other than to the office of President, shall be granted upon request such leave(s) of absence as she or he may require to fulfill the duties of the position. Reasonable notice - sufficient to adequately allow the Hospital to minimize disruption of its services shall be given to the Hospital for such leave of absence. Notwithstanding Article 10.04, there shall be no loss of seniority or service for a nurse during such leave of absence. Leave of absence under this provision shall be in addition to the Union leave provided in Article 11.02


  • LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Section 1. In order to facilitate communication between labor and management, a Labor Management Committee consisting of the Department Head and/or his designated alternate, the Assistant Chief of Police and two (2) Team Managers, and three (3) representatives of the Lincoln Police Union, along with at least one (1) Team Representative, will make up the Labor Management Committee. The Department Head will designate management personnel and the Union shall select Union representatives. Members will serve at the pleasure of the Department Head or Union President, depending upon who the member represents. Members will serve and be replaced on a staggered system (approximately three (3) year limit) depending upon the schedule agreed upon by the Department Head and the Union President. Section 2. Each Team area will be represented by a member of any rank to serve as spokesperson for that area. They will meet at least one week prior to the monthly Labor Management Committee meeting to formulate the common areas of interest and to elect a spokesperson to present the items in writing to the Labor Management Committee. Payment for attending this meeting will be at the discretion of the Department Head. Spokesperson will be chosen on a rotating basis. Team representatives will be picked by a vote of the Team members that they are representing. Section 3. The Labor Management Committee may discuss any area of the Department, with limitation only on those areas already under agreement between the City and the Union. The agenda will be based on the problem areas brought to the attention of the Committee by the Team Representatives and on any area representative members of Labor Management feel need to be discussed. Topics for discussion will be posted on the Union bulletin board and disseminated to Labor Management Committee members at least one (1) week prior to the monthly meeting. Section 4. Membership is subject to change through attrition and elected office, however, a one (1) week notice must be given to the Committee to afford the new member(s) voting privileges. Section 5. Realizing that communication is the key element to the smooth operation of any organization, the Labor Management Committee will xxxxxx an element of cooperation and unity of organizational members, be they labor or management. Section 6. Meetings shall be held at least once per calendar month. Additional meetings may be scheduled by mutual agreement of the Committee and the Department Head. Section 7. A quorum shall consist of two (2) members from labor and two (2) members from management.

  • Hospital-Association Committee (a) There shall be a Hospital-Union Committee comprised of representatives of the Hospital, one of whom shall be the Chief Nursing Officer or designate and of the Union, one of whom shall be the Bargaining Unit President or designate. The number of representatives is set out in the Appendix of Local Provisions and the membership of the Committee may be expanded by mutual agreement. (b) The Committee shall meet every two (2) months unless otherwise agreed and as required under Article 8.01 (a) (iv). The duties of chair and secretary shall alternate between the parties. Where possible, agenda items will be exchanged in writing at least five (5) calendar days prior to the meeting. A record shall be maintained of matters referred to the Committee and the recommended disposition, if any, unless agreed to the contrary. Copies of the record shall be provided to Committee members. (c) The purpose of the Committee includes: i) promoting and providing effective and meaningful communication of information and ideas, including but not limited to workload measurement tools and the promotion of best practices. Such communication may include discussion of nursing workload measurement and patient acuity systems. The Hospital will provide, upon request, information on workload measurement systems applicable to nursing currently used by the Hospital, and evaluations completed by the Hospital of such systems. ii) reviewing professional responsibility complaints with a view to identifying trends and sharing organizational successes and solutions, making joint recommendations on matters of concern including the quality and quantity of nursing care and discussing the development and implementation of quality initiatives; iii) making joint recommendations to the Chief Nursing Officer on matters of concern regarding recurring workload issues including the development of staffing guidelines, the use of agency nurses and use of overtime; iv) dealing with complaints referred to it in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, Professional Responsibility; v) discussing and reviewing matters relating to orientation and in- service programs; vi) promote the creation of full-time positions for nurses, and discuss the effect of such changes on the employment status of the nurses. This may include the impact, if any, on part-time and full-time, job sharing and retention and recruitment. (d) The Hospital agrees to pay for time spent during regular working hours for representatives of the Union attending at such meetings. (e) Where a Committee representative designated by the Union attends Committee meetings outside of her or his regularly scheduled hours, she or he will be paid for all time spent in attendance at such meetings at her or his regular straight time hourly rate of pay. Such payment shall be limited to two (2) Committee representatives per meeting.

  • Labour Management Committee (a) Where the parties mutually agree that there are matters of mutual concern and interest that would be beneficial if discussed at a Labour Management Committee Meeting during the term of this Agreement, the following shall apply. (b) An equal number of representatives of each party as mutually agreed shall meet at a time and place mutually satisfactory. A request for a meeting hereunder will be made in writing prior to the date proposed and accompanied by an agenda of matters proposed to be discussed, which shall not include matters that are properly the subject of grievance or negotiations for the amendment or renewal of this agreement. Any representative(s) attending such meetings during their regularly scheduled hours of work shall not lose regular earnings as a result of such attendance. (c) It is agreed that the topic of a rehabilitation program for drug and alcohol abuse is an appropriate topic for the Labour-Management Committee. It is also agreed that the topic of the utilization of full-time and part-time staff is an appropriate topic for the Labour-Management Committee. The committee shall have access to work schedules and job postings upon request. (d) It is understood that joint meetings with other Labour-Management Committees in the Hospital may be scheduled concerning issues of mutual interest if satisfactory to all concerned. (e) Where two or more agreements exist between a Hospital and CUPE the Committee may be a joint one representing employees under both agreements, unless otherwise agreed.

  • Professional Development Leave A. Policy. Professional development leave shall be made available to employees who meet the requirements set forth below. Such leaves are granted to increase an employee's value to the University through enhanced opportunities for professional renewal, educational travel, study, formal education, research, writing, or other experience of professional value, not as a reward for service.

  • Professional Development Committee There shall be a Professional Development Committee composed of two (2) members of the Association one of whom shall be the Bargaining Unit President or designate and two (2) representatives of the Hospital one of whom shall be the Chief Nursing Officer or designate and one human resources representative.

  • Union/Management Committee There shall be a union/management committee comprised of four (4) employee representatives appointed by the Union and four (4) employer representatives. The Committee's purpose is to provide and promote effective and meaningful communication of information and ideas and to make joint recommendations on matters of concern. Matters that are properly the subject of an individual grievance will not be discussed at this committee. The Committee will meet quarterly, unless agreed otherwise, at a time and place mutually agreed to provided there is business for their joint consideration. The parties will exchange agenda items at least one (1) week prior to the meeting. The parties further agree the Committee may meet at any time its members mutually agree a meeting should be held. The duties of the Chairperson will be shared by the parties. Copies of the minutes shall be provided to Committee members. The employer agrees to pay for time spent during regular working hours for representatives of the union attending such meetings. The parties may utilize video or teleconferencing services for the purposes of committee members attending committee meetings, where appropriate and available. Neither party can unreasonably deny an initiative to utilize video or teleconferencing services.

  • School Board Any reference to School Board or District in this Agreement shall mean the District and/or its designated officials.