XXXXX CATEGORIES AND RATES. The below Labor Rate Table provides the labor categories and corresponding fully loaded hourly labor rates. The fully-loaded hourly labor rates are the ceiling rates representing the maximum labor rates allowable. The fully-burdened labor rates include all direct, indirect, General and Administrative (G&A) costs, and profit associated with providing the required labor category. These fully-loaded hourly labor rates are intended to be used for other than firm-fixed price tasks, as well as for “hybrid” tasks that can be priced on either a Firm Fixed-Price (FFP) or Time and Materials (T&M) basis.
XXXXX CATEGORIES AND RATES. The below Labor Rate Table provides the labor categories and corresponding fully loaded hourly labor rates. The fully-loa ded hourly labor rates are the ceiling rates representing the maximum labor rates allowable. The fully-burdened labor rates include all direct, indirect, General and Administrative (G&A) costs, and profit associated with providing the required labor category. These fully-loaded hourly labor rates are intended to be used for other than firm-fixed price tasks, as well as for “hybrid” tasks that can be priced on either a Firm Fixed-Price (FFP) or Time and Materials (T&M) basis. Please see Attachment OTSS-2 – Labor Categories and Rates The below Labor Categories and Descriptions table provides the labor categories and their corresponding minimum requirements and general responsibilities. Please see Attachment OTSS-3 – Labor Categories and Descriptions Please see Attachment OTSS-4 – Statement of Work The following additional requirements shall apply to the BPA and, shall, unless otherwise specified, also apply to all BPA Orders: TSA-RQMTS: PACKAGING AND MARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR TRANSPORTATION SECURITY SCREENING EQUIPMENT UNDER PRODUCTION AND/OR EXISTING MAINTENANCE SERVICES (SEP 2020) A. Governme nt Property Manage me nt


  • Employee Categories All employees fall into one or the other of four principal categories as outlined below.

  • Employment Categories (a) Employees under this Agreement will be employed in one of the following categories: (i) full-time; (ii) part time; or (iii) casual. (b) At the time of engagement an employer will inform each employee whether they are employed on a full-time, part time or casual basis. An employer may direct an employee to carry out such duties that are within the limits of the employee’s skill, competence and training, consistent with the respective classification.

  • Categories All personnel of the Logistics & Supply Business Unit, within the following work categories and in classifications as enumerated in Article 8.03, are covered by this Agreement. Nothing in this agreement prevents an employee from performing either on a day to day or regular basis, any function or task that is generally performed by any category, provided that the employee is competent to perform the work required. Any efficiencies attained out of this flexibility is not intended to eliminate a category.

  • FIXED RATES If a fixed rate is in this Agreement, it is based on an estimate of the costs for the period covered by the rate. When the actual costs for this period are determined, an adjustment will be made to a rate of a future year(s) to compensate for the difference between the costs used to establish the fixed rate and actual costs.

  • Criminal History Category With regard to determining defendant’s criminal history points and criminal history category, based on the facts now known to the government, defendant’s criminal history points equal zero and defendant’s criminal history category is I.

  • Client Categorisation 4.1. The client understands and accepts that each category of Clients has its individual level of regulative protection acknowledging that Retail Clients have the highest level of protection whereas Professional Clients and Eligible Counterparties are considered to be more experienced, informed, skilled and able to estimate their risk, therefore are provided with a lower level of protection. 4.2. The Company will treat the Client as a Retail Client, Professional Client or Eligible Counterparty, depending on how the Client completes the Application Form and according to the method of categorisation as this method is explained under the title “Client Categorisation” (Appendix II), and by accepting this Agreement the Client accepts application of such method. 4.3. The Client accepts that when categorising the Client and dealing with him, the Company will rely on the accuracy, completeness and correctness of the information provided by the Client in his Application Form and the Client has the responsibility to immediately notify the Company in writing if such information changes. 4.4. The Company has the right to review the Client’s Categorisation and change his Categorisation if this is deemed necessary (subject to Applicable Laws).

  • Non-Student Rates The Residence Fees payable under this Agreement are a special student rate for full-time students of the Institution. If the Resident ceases to be a full-time student of the Institution, and wishes to continue to occupy a Room: (i) the Resident must deliver a written request to the Manager no later than two (2) business days after ceasing to be a full-time student of the Institution, which the Manager may accept or reject in its sole and unfettered discretion, and (ii) if the request is accepted by the Manager, the Resident must pay within two (2) business days of receiving notice of that acceptance (a) any unpaid Residence Fees (whether or not otherwise due) and (b) a supplementary fee equal to the difference between (1) the product of the number of days remaining in the Term as of two (2) business days after the date on which the Resident ceases to be a full-time student of the Institution and the daily conference rate then charged by the Manager for rooms in the Residence, minus (2) the Residence Fees.

  • Overhead Rates The Engineer shall use the provisional overhead rate indicated in Attachment E. If a periodic escalation of the provisional overhead rate is specified in Attachment E, the effective date of the revised provisional overhead rate must be included. For lump sum contracts, the overhead rate remains unchanged for the entire contract period.

  • Category 5+ 1. Eligibility for Category 5+ a. An employee with a Teacher Qualification Service (TQS) Category 5 and an additional 30 semester credits, or equivalent, as accepted by TQS; i. Credits must be equivalent to standards in British Columbia’s public universities in the opinion of the TQS. ii. Credits must be in no more than two (2) areas of study relevant to the British Columbia public school system. iii. At least 24 semester credits of the total requirement of 30 semester credits, or equivalent, must be completed at the senior level. b. Post undergraduate diplomas agreed to by the TQS; or c. Other courses or training recognized by the TQS. 2. Criteria for Category 5+ a. The eligibility requirements pursuant to Article B.12.1 must not have been used to obtain Category 5. 3. Salary Rate Calculation a. Category 5+ shall be seventy-four percent (74%) of the difference between Category 5 and Category 6 except where a superior salary rate calculation remained as at March 31, 2006 and / or during the term of the 2006-2011 Provincial Collective Agreement. 4. Application for Category 5+ a. BCPSEA and the BCTF agree that the TQS shall be responsible for the evaluation of eligibility and criteria for Category 5+ pursuant to Article B.12.1 and Article

  • CLASSIFICATIONS AND RATES OF PAY ‌ 4.1 The classifications of employees covered under this Agreement and the corresponding rates of pay are set forth within Appendix “A” which is attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. 4.2 Effective December 26, 2018,wages will be increased by .5% plus 100% of the annual average growth rate of the bi-monthly Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue Area Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) for the period June 2016 through June 2017 to the period June 2017 through June 2018, minimum 1.5% maximum 4%. 4.2.1 Effective December 25, 2019, wages will be increased by 1% plus 100% of the annual average growth rate of the bi-monthly Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue Area Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) for the period June 2017 through June 2018 to the period June 2018 through June 2019, minimum 1.5%, maximum 4%. 4.2.2 Effective January 6, 2021, wages will be increased by 1% plus 100% of the annual average growth rate of the bi-monthly Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue Area Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) for the period June 2018 through June 2019 to the period June 2019 through June 2020, minimum 1.5%, maximum 4%. 4.2.3 The base wage rates referenced above will be calculated by applying the appropriate percentage increase to base hourly rates or as otherwise provided for herein. The rates in each Appendix are understood to be illustrative of the increases provided in Articles