Xxxxxx Youth. An individual between the ages of birth (0) to eighteen (18) years, referred for xxxxxx care services.
Xxxxxx Youth. Following is the minimum medical/dental care to be made
Xxxxxx Youth. Each Xxxxxx Youth shall be afforded a reasonable degree of
Xxxxxx Youth. NMD shall be supervised by direct service staff, and staffing ratios that include non-direct staff shall be in compliance with Title 22 CCR,
Xxxxxx Youth. A Child/Youth adjudicated under WIC §300, 601, or 602 and who is being served by a county child welfare agency or Probation Department.
Xxxxxx Youth. Shall be defined pursuant to California Education Code section 42238.01(b). The LEA shall annually notify the CONTRACTOR who the LEA has designated as the educational liaison for xxxxxx children. When a pupil in xxxxxx care is enrolled in a nonpublic school by the LEA any time after the completion of the pupil’s second year of high school, the CONTRACTOR shall schedule the pupil in courses leading towards graduation based on the diploma requirements of the LEA unless provided notice otherwise in writing pursuant to Section 51225.1.
Xxxxxx Youth s records to be maintained by CONTRACTOR
28 Copies of the initial and all revised Needs and
1 Services Plans;
Xxxxxx Youth. All school-aged homeless children are entitled to the same free and appropriate public education that is provided to non-homeless students. Schools are required to remove barriers to the enrollment, attendance, and academic success of homeless students. Please visit the IUSD website for additional information (link). Expectations for students with an IEPs/504 plan will be accommodated/modified as documented in their IEP/504 plan. IUSD is committed to providing language acquisition and integrated instructional programs for English Learners that ensure access to the same rigorous and meaningful learning experiences for all students. Instructional plans are designed to ensure the rapid and effective acquisition of English proficiency with academic literacy and language skill development across the content areas. Students participating in IUSD language acquisition programs are provided instruction on state-adopted academic content standards, including the English Language Development (ELD) standards. (Education Code 306) The student is completing their grade level curriculum via Independent Study. The student’s successful completion, resulting in a number/letter grade for the class will be measured by work completed, performance on standardized tests, and performance on other measures of achievement as outlined in the individual course contracts for each assigned course.
Xxxxxx Youth. A child, youth, or young adult who is a dependent of the Juvenile Court; probation youth with a placement order; and as otherwise allowed by regulations that govern the Xxxxxx Youth Services Coordinating Program. A Child/Youth adjudicated under WIC §300, 601, or 602 and who is being served by a county child welfare agency or Probation Department.
Xxxxxx Youth s clothing allowance and