YSU-APAS Emergency Sick Leave Bank Committee Sample Clauses

YSU-APAS Emergency Sick Leave Bank Committee. 1. The ESLB will be operated on a voluntary basis consistent with state law. A committee shall be formed to administer the ESLB and to provide the information whereby the Chief Human Resources Officer or their designee will keep the records. This committee shall be empowered to adopt rules and regulations and to make decisions required to administer the ESLB. This committee will be entitled the “YSU-APAS Emergency Sick Leave Bank Committee” (hereafter the ESLB Committee) and shall be composed of three (3) bank members appointed annually as follows: (i) The president of the YSU-APAS or their designee (ii) The Chief Human Resources Officer, or their designee (iii) A bank member selected by the above two (2) members. 2. During its annual meeting, the ESLB Committee will choose a chairperson from among its three (3) members. The Chairperson will be rotated annually. 3. Should a vacancy occur on the ESLB Committee, a replacement for the vacant position shall be appointed by the authority[s] making the original appointment. 4. The ESLB Committee will be responsible for developing the forms, if any, needed to operate the ESLB. 5. The ESLB Committee shall annually review and amend (if necessary) the bank rules and regulations. All members and potential members will be notified of any changes before the beginning of the new enrollment period.
YSU-APAS Emergency Sick Leave Bank Committee. 1. The ESLB will be operated on a voluntary basis consistent with state law. A committee shall be formed to administer the ESLB and to provide the information whereby the Chief Human Resources Officer or his/her designee will keep the records. This committee shall be empowered to adopt rules and regulations and to make decisions required to administer the ESLB. This committee will be entitled the “YSU-APAS Emergency Sick Leave Bank Committee” (hereafter the ESLB Committee) and shall be composed of three (3) bank members appointed annually as follows: (i) The president of the YSU-APAS or his/her designee (ii) The Chief Human Resources Officer or his/her designee (iii) A bank member selected by the above two (2) members 2. During its annual meeting, the ESLB Committee will choose a chairperson from among its three
YSU-APAS Emergency Sick Leave Bank Committee. 1. The ESLB will be operated on a voluntary basis consistent with state law. A committee shall be formed to administer the ESLB and to provide the information whereby the Chief Human Resources Officer or his/her designee will keep the records. This committee shall be empowered to adopt rules and regulations and to make decisions required to administer the ESLB. This committee will be entitled the “YSU-APAS Emergency Sick Leave Bank Committee” (hereafter the ESLB Committee) and shall be composed of three

Related to YSU-APAS Emergency Sick Leave Bank Committee

  • Sick Leave Bank Committee The committee shall consist of two members of the administration, appointed by the Superintendent, and two members of the bargaining unit, appointed by the President of the Association. The President of the Association will act as chairperson of this committee and will have no voting power except in the event of a tie vote by the committee.

  • Developer Compensation for Emergency Services If, during an Emergency State, the Developer provides services at the request or direction of the NYISO or Connecting Transmission Owner, the Developer will be compensated for such services in accordance with the NYISO Services Tariff.

  • Catastrophic Leave Bank The City agrees to establish a Catastrophic Leave Bank to assist employees who have exhausted accrued leave time due to a serious or catastrophic illness or injury. The Catastrophic Leave Bank (CLB) will allow the bargaining unit employees to donate time to affected employees within and outside the unit, so that he/she can remain in a paid status for a longer period of time, thus partially ameliorating the financial impact of the illness, injury or condition. This donated time will be placed in a CLB and drawn down from the CLB by the eligible employee. Eligibility To be eligible for this benefit, the receiving employee must: 1) Be a regular full time employee, 2) Have sustained or have an immediate family member who has sustained a life threatening or debilitating illness, injury or condition which may require confirmation by a physician, 3) Have exhausted all accumulated paid leave including vacation, holiday, sick leave, and/or compensatory time off, 4) Be unable to return to work for at least 30 days or in the case of the condition affecting the immediate family member, that member must be in need of prolonged and significant personal care; and 5) Conformed with the requirements of the Family Medical Leave Act and/or Worker's Compensation.

  • Sick Leave Bank The school corporation agrees to, and hereby establishes a voluntary sick leave bank to which certificated persons may contribute unused sick leave days, and from which a contributing individual may draw sick leave days when the individual’s annual and accumulated sick leave days are exhausted, in accordance with the following provisions. Please see the definitions of sick leave under Article IV. 1. The sick leave bank shall apply to all persons employed by the school corporation whose employment requires the holding of a license issued by the Indiana Department of Education, whether or not any such person is a member of the bargaining unit to which this contract applies. 2. A “contributing individual” is one who, within the first thirty (30) days of the contract year, signs a contribution form. Such contribution form shall require the assigning of one (1) day of sick leave to the sick leave bank and an individual may contribute up to five (5) total days if so motivated during any enrollment period. 3. A person shall cease to be a contributing individual upon the failure of such individual to sign such contribution form and such individual shall thereafter not be entitled to draw any sick leave days from the sick leave bank until becoming a contributing member the following year. 4. Present and new faculty members who wish to become “contributing individuals” may do so by following the procedure in paragraph two (2). Staff who hire in after the annual enrollment period closes can still enroll under equivalent timelines as original enrollment period. 5. Use of the sick leave bank shall be subject to the following limitations: a. Sick bank leave shall be used on a teacher’s first day receiving no pay as long as the teacher has exhausted all accumulated sick days, as well as all annual sick and personal days. Days may need to be allotted retroactively to allow time for the sick bank committee to meet and review the request. In the event a teacher on sick bank leave returns to work and then finds it necessary on advice of a doctor to take additional leave for the same disability, no additional days shall be deducted subject to the approve of the Sick Bank Review Committee. b. In the even a teacher is disabled as a result of illness or injury of a different nature during the same school year, any additional sick leave bank time granted is subject to approval of the Sick Bank Review Committee. c. Sick bank leave shall be used for the purposes permitted by the Federal Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and must be supported by a written request by the contributing individual and the appropriate FMLA certification specifying the nature of the illness and prognosis report for the teacher’s return to work. d. Days taken from the sick leave bank shall apply only to those days on which a teacher would receive pay if the teacher were not under disability. e. All contractual leave days shall be waived while drawing pay from the sick leave bank so that a teacher in no case will be drawing double pay for any day. f. This sick leave bank section shall not operate in any manner such that any teacher receiving workers compensation benefits receives more than such teacher’s regular pay. g. Paid holidays, if any, shall not be charged against the sick leave bank, but shall be compensated for under the terms of the teacher’s contract. h. Sick leave bank days shall not be used during summer school employment, nor shall such days be used at any other times except the regular school year. i. Leave from the sick leave bank may not be used for maternity or childbirth leave, but may be used for any physical disability arising out of a pregnancy. j. Teachers who, as of the beginning of the school year in which sick leave bank benefits are requested and used, have accumulated the following number of sick leave days under the sick leave section of this contract, shall be eligible to draw up to a maximum number of days from the sick leave bank in any single year as follows: (1) 0-10: Up to 60 days (2) 11-40: Up to 90 days (3) 41 or over: Up to 120 days k. Teachers may be awarded fewer than maximum days (listed in Section j) at the discretion of the Sick Bank Review Committee. 6. Should the sick leave bank fall to a thirty (30) day balance during a school year, an additional contribution will be requested and will count toward the subsequent enrollment period. 7. A Sick Bank Review Committee shall be formed and shall be comprised of three (3) members appointed by the exclusive representative and one (1) individual appointed by the Superintendent. The committee shall consider and review all requests for use of sick bank days to ensure that all applications submitted, and any grants made, are in accordance with the provisions of this contract. 8. The school district shall notify certificated employees of the enrollment period for the sick bank, including required contribution forms and appropriate deadlines, within the first five (5) school days of each school year. 9. If there are seven hundred and fifty (750) days in the bank at the time of open enrollment, no contribution will be necessary unless it falls below the previously described number of thirty (30) days.

  • Labour Management Committee (a) Where the parties mutually agree that there are matters of mutual concern and interest that would be beneficial if discussed at a Labour Management Committee Meeting during the term of this Agreement, the following shall apply. (b) An equal number of representatives of each party as mutually agreed shall meet at a time and place mutually satisfactory. A request for a meeting hereunder will be made in writing prior to the date proposed and accompanied by an agenda of matters proposed to be discussed, which shall not include matters that are properly the subject of grievance or negotiations for the amendment or renewal of this agreement. Any representative(s) attending such meetings during their regularly scheduled hours of work shall not lose regular earnings as a result of such attendance. (c) It is agreed that the topic of a rehabilitation program for drug and alcohol abuse is an appropriate topic for the Labour-Management Committee. It is also agreed that the topic of the utilization of full-time and part-time staff is an appropriate topic for the Labour-Management Committee. The committee shall have access to work schedules and job postings upon request. (d) It is understood that joint meetings with other Labour-Management Committees in the Hospital may be scheduled concerning issues of mutual interest if satisfactory to all concerned. (e) Where two or more agreements exist between a Hospital and CUPE the Committee may be a joint one representing employees under both agreements, unless otherwise agreed.

  • Interconnection Customer Compensation for Actions During Emergency Condition The CAISO shall compensate the Interconnection Customer in accordance with the CAISO Tariff for its provision of real and reactive power and other Emergency Condition services that the Interconnection Customer provides to support the CAISO Controlled Grid during an Emergency Condition in accordance with Article 11.6.

  • Nurse Representatives & Grievance Committee (a) The Hospital agrees to recognize Association representatives to be elected or appointed from amongst nurses in the bargaining unit for the purpose of dealing with Association business as provided in this Collective Agreement. The number of representatives and the areas which they represent are set out in the Appendix of Local Provisions. (b) The Hospital will recognize a Grievance Committee, one of whom shall be chair. This committee shall operate and conduct itself in accordance with the provisions of the Collective Agreement and the number of nurses on the Grievance Committee is set out in the Appendix of Local Provisions. (c) It is agreed that Union representatives and members of the Grievance Committee have their regular duties and responsibilities to perform for the Hospital and shall not leave their regular duties without first obtaining permission from their immediate supervisor. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. If, in the performance of their duties, a union representative or member of the Grievance Committee is required to enter a unit within the hospital in which they are not ordinarily employed they shall, immediately upon entering such unit, report their presence to the supervisor or nurse in charge, as the case may be. When resuming their regular duties and responsibilities, such representatives shall again report to their immediate supervisor. The Hospital agrees to pay for all time spent during their regular hours by such representatives hereunder.

  • Mandate of the Committee The mandate of the Education Worker Diverse and Inclusive Workforce Committee is to jointly explore and identify best practices that support diversity, equity, inclusion and to xxxxxx diverse and inclusive workforces reflective of Ontario’s diverse communities.

  • Training Committee The parties to this Agreement may form a Training Committee. The Training Committee will be constituted by equal numbers of Employer nominees and ETU employee representatives and have a charter which clearly states its role and responsibilities. It shall monitor the clauses of this Agreement which relate to training and ensure all employees have equal access to training.

  • JOINT LABOUR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE A Joint Labour Management Committee shall be established to attend to those matters which are of mutual interest. To ensure its effectiveness the Committee shall be separate and apart from the grievance procedure.