Examples of Bank Rules in a sentence
A Fund may invest in OTC derivatives in accordance with the Central Bank Rules and provided that the counterparties to the OTC derivatives are Eligible Counterparties.
In respect of the investment in such CIS, the Fund will at all times comply with the provisions of the Regulations and the Central Bank Rules in respect of any investments in the CIS.
Whenever the share capital is divided into different Classes, the class specific characteristics of a Class may be varied or abrogated by the ICAV, subject to the Central Bank Rules.
Additional Classes in respect of which a Supplement or Supplements will be issued may be established by the Directors and notified to and cleared in advance with the Central Bank or otherwise must be created in accordance with the Central Bank Rules.
A Fund may use repurchase agreements, reverse repurchase agreements and/or securities lending agreements in accordance with normal market practice and the Central Bank Rules.
Any receipt or posting of collateral by a Fund will be conducted in accordance with the Central Bank Rules and the terms of the Company’s collateral policy outlined below.
Pursuant to the Central Bank Rules, a rating downgrade for such OTC counterparty to A-2 or below (or a comparable rating) shall require the relevant Fund without delay to conduct a new credit assessment of the OTC counterparty.
As many banks are now issuing statement of accounts in lieu of pass books, the Savings Bank Rules must be annexed as a tear-off portion to the account opening form so that the account holder can retain the rules.
Any receipt or posting of collateral by a Fund will be conducted in accordance with the Central Bank Rules and the terms of the ICAV's collateral policy outlined below.
A Fund may use Securities Financing Transactions in accordance with normal market practice and subject to the requirements of the SFTR and the Central Bank Rules.