Payment Conditions Vzorová ustanovení

Payment Conditions. 4.1 Pokud nebude písemně dohodnuto jinak, bude platba za Výrobky provedena Kupujícím bankovním převodem k datu splatnosti, uvedeném na faktuře. Dnem úhrady ceny Kupujícím se rozumí den připsání příslušné částky na bankovní účet Společnosti. 4.2 V případě prodlení Kupujícího se zaplacením faktury, je Společnost oprávněna fakturovat Kupujícímu smluvní 4.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, payment for the Products shall be made by the Buyer by wire transfer as of the maturity date specified in the invoice. Day of price reimbursement by the Buyer means the day when the particular amount is credited to the bank account of the Company. 4.2 In the event of Xxxxx'x delay with invoice reimbursement, the Company will be authorized to charge the Buyer a contractual penalty amounting pokutu ve výši 0,05 % z celkové fakturované částky za každý i započatý den prodlení. Uhrazením smluvní pokuty, není dotčeno právo Společnosti na náhradu škody. 4.3 Kupující není za žádných okolností oprávněn zdržovat platby za Výrobky. Bankovní náklady spojené s platbami bankovním převodem nebo jiné obdobné náklady, hradí Kupující. 4.4 Pokud Společnost v dobré víře zjistí, že obchodní situace Kupujícího může představovat překážku pro pokračování výroby nebo dodávek Výrobků podle dohodnutých podmínek, může Společnost (bez omezení jakéhokoliv jiného práva či prostředku nápravy, které jsou ji k dispozici, a aniž by jí vznikl jakýkoli závazek vůči Kupujícímu) pozastavit výrobu a/nebo dodávky a požadovat plnou nebo částečnou platbu předem formou zálohy, jinak není povinna pokračovat ve výrobě či distribuci Výrobků. 4.5 Nebudou-li platby hrazeny k datu splatnosti, je Společnost bez dalšího, oprávněna pozastavit jakékoli dodávky Výrobků a/nebo poskytování služeb a/nebo odstoupit od rámcové či dílčí smlouvy. V takovém případě se všechny nesplacené faktury stanou automaticky splatnými. 4.6 U všech faktur Společnosti, proti kterým nejsou do osmi (8) dní ode dne jejich doručení vzneseny námitky ze strany Kupujícího, se má za to, že byly s konečnou platností přijaty. Jakákoli námitka vůči faktuře nemá odkladný účinek, co se týče platební povinnosti Kupujícího. 4.7 Kupující není oprávněn provádět vůči Společnosti jakékoliv započtení pohledávek.
Payment Conditions. 5.1 By confirming the booking, the Client agrees to pay for the stay booked by her / him in favour of the Operator. The Client is obliged to pay for the booked stay in advance in the amount of the deposit specified in a proforma invoice / online pre-booking via the booking form on the hotel website / in the booking confirmation for direct booking by phone or email sent to the email address stated by the Client in the form. 5.2 Within the booking process, Operator has the right to request a deposit of up to 100% of the price of all services booked by the Client for the stay, with a due date of 3 days from the booking confirmation. The booking becomes binding when the deposit is credited to the Operator´s account. 5.3 Payment of the deposit for ordered and confirmed services must be made no later than 3 days from receipt of a proforma invoice / booking confirmation, otherwise the booking is considered cancelled. The payment can be made: 5.3.1 By bank transfer: Tatra banka, a.s., account number 2627715519/1100 (IBAN XX00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000), SWIFT code: TATR SK BX, with the indication of the variable symbol, i.e., booking reference number. 5.3.2 By credit card: the Client states the holder's name, booking reference number, card expiration date, credit card number and written consent to use the card for payment. 5.4 Bank fees associated with the payment of the price for the services booked by the Client are borne in full by the Client. 5.5 The price for accommodation and related services also includes value added tax in accordance with applicable legislation. However, the price does not include municipal accommodation tax, which the Client is obliged to pay directly in the relevant accommodation facility according to the local tax rates valid in accordance with the relevant legislation at the time of the Client's stay in the relevant accommodation facility. 5.6 A bill for services (invoice) is issued to the Client on the day of departure directly at the hotel reception. If the Client wishes to have the invoice issued in favour of a legal entity or natural person - entrepreneur, she / he is obliged to inform the Operator during making an online booking by entering the information in "comments" in the online booking system, where she / he states the exact and correct invoicing data of a legal entity (business name, registered office, CRN, TAX ID, VAT ID, entry in the commercial register, bank account) or natural person - entrepreneur (business name, place ...
Payment Conditions. 9.5.1 An advance payment is calculated according to the Provision 5.2 of these GTC. 9.5.2 An invoice will be issued with payment date of 14 days of delivery of services. 9.5.3 In the event of non-complying with the due date in the invoice, the Operator is entitled to charge the Client interest on arrears in the amount of 0.1% due for each day of delay.
Payment Conditions. 7.1. The Client shall pay the agreed to Price of Works according to article 6.1. on the basis of an invoice issued by the Contractor. 7.2. The Client permits partial invoicing and proforma invoices. 7.3. Tax documents (invoices) shall be issued with a 14-day payment term from the date the invoice was issued to the Client. The obligation shall be considered fulfilled on the day that the respective amount is credited to the account of the Contractor.
Payment Conditions. 1. Payment for ordered goods and services may be done by following ways: a) by a bank transfer after issuing of the Seller´s proforma invoice, b) cash on delivery by the delivery of the goods (cash is taken over by the carrier), c) in case of long-termed partners in the form of the invoice after the delivery of the goods based on the issued invoice with the maturity of 14 days as of its issuance, unless contacting parties agree differently. 2. The buyer is obliged in case of the delay with payment of the purchase price to pay to the seller contractual penalty amounting to 0,05 % from the owed sum for each day of the delay, in case of the delay of the buyer with the payment of the purchase price longer than 30 days, the buyer is obliged to pay to the seller contractual penalty amounting to 0,1 % from the owed sum, per each day of the delay.
Payment Conditions. 1. The exhibitor undertakes to pay to the organiser the registration fee and the price of rental of the exhibition space and of the ordered services by the payment-due date stated on the invoice. 2. The exhibitor’s failure to pay the rental fee, registration fee and cost of services in full within the time period stated on the invoice shall be deemed a material breach of this contract, on the basis of which the organiser is authorised to withdraw from the contract. In such case, the exhibitor undertakes to pay to the organiser a contractual penalty in the full amount of the ordered performance. The obligations of the parties shall expire upon payment of the contractual penalty. 3. In the event that the exhibitor cancels its participation after signing the Registration Form for Participation, the exhibitor undertakes to pay to the organiser a cancellation fee in the full amount of the rental fee for the space, the registration fee and the costs of ordered services. 4. The exhibitor undertakes to notify the organiser of the cancellation of participation in writing. Such notification must be verifiably delivered to the organiser. If the exhibitor does not cancel its participation in this manner, it shall be obligated to pay to the organiser all damages arising from its non-participation in addition to the cancellation fee referred to in item 3 of this article. 5. In the event of a claim relating to the payment of invoices, the exhibitor is obligated to deliver such claim in writing within 14 days of receipt of the invoice. After the expiry of such period, the claim will not be accepted. 6. In the event of a claim relating to work and services provided by the organiser, the exhibitor is obligated to deliver such claim to the organiser in writing without undue delay, no later than the end of the exhibition event. The claim will not be accepted after expiry of such period. 7. If the exhibitor has not fulfilled all of its obligations toward the organiser, the organiser reserves the right to retain and store the exhibition stand and exhibits at the exhibitor’s expense and risk. If, after the expiry of a 30-day period, the exhibitor has not fulfilled its obligations, the organiser reserves the right to sell the exhibition stand and exhibits publicly or, as the case may be, privately or to use them at its own discretion. The organiser reserves the right to invoice the difference between the sale proceeds and the exhibitor’s outstanding debt. 8. In the event that ban...
Payment Conditions. 4.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, payment for the Products shall be made by the Buyer by wire transfer as of the maturity date specified in the invoice. Day of price reimbursement by the Buyer means the day when the particular amount is credited to the bank account of the Company. zaplacením faktury, je Společnost oprávněna fakturovat Kupujícímu smluvní pokutu ve výši 0,05 % z celkové fakturované částky za každý i započatý den prodlení. Uhrazením smluvní pokuty, není dotčeno právo Společnosti na náhradu škody.
Payment Conditions. 5.1 Invoicing and the manner of the payment of the contractual price. The Customer shall pay the contractual price on the basis of the Invoices and advance payment notes issued by the Contractor. The Customer shall execute the payment of the contractual price by a wire transfer to the bank account of the Contractor referred to in the Contract or notified to the Customer in compliance with Article 18 of these Contractor's Conditions (Notifications). Unless the Contract stipulates otherwise, the Contractor is entitled to issue the Invoices/advance payment notes for the payment of the contractual price at the moment of fulfilment of the conditions referred to in Article 4.3 of these Contractor's Conditions. The term of payment of the Invoices/advance payment notes issued by the Contractor on the basis of the Contract shall be thirty (30) calendar days at the latest, unless the Contract stipulates another term of payment. As the moment of payment of the invoiced amount shall be considered the moment when the respective amount is fully credited to the bank account of the Contractor.
Payment Conditions. 7.3.1 The maturity period of an invoice is 90 days from the date of the end of the month in which the invoice was received by DS Xxxxx, unless a different invoice due date is agreed in writing. The maturity period of the invoice begins from the first day following the month in which the invoice was delivered to DS Xxxxx. If the last day of the maturity period of the invoice falls on a non- working day, the invoice will be due on the first subsequent working day. The day of the complying with the DS Xxxxx'x financial obligation is deemed to be the date of deducting the amount due from DS Xxxxx'x account. 7.3.2 The payment will be made in full to the account number as specified on the invoice or in the notice within the meaning of section 7.2.14, no later than the due date of the invoice. In the event that the invoice does not contain the statements required under the applicable legal rules, or if the data in the invoice is not provided in the invoice in accordance with the conditions agreed upon in the Contract/GBTC, DS Xxxxx shall be entitled to return the invoice to the Contractor without making a payment. In this case, the time limit for payment of the invoice shall be terminated. DS Xxxxx is obliged to state the reason for returning the invoice. The maturity period of the invoice begins anew from the date of receipt of the corrected (new) invoice which meets the requirements of universally binding legal rules and the Contract. 7.3.3 DS Xxxxx reserves the right to withhold a payment invoiced in the case of claims arising from defects of the Performance provided against the Contractor, up to the time of the removal of the defects as claimed by DS Xxxxx.