PROCEDURE Vzorová ustanovení

PROCEDURE. (1) By decision of 18 December 2008 the European Commis­ sion approved in case N 615/08 emergency State aid from Germany to BayernLB in form of a risk shield of EUR 4,8 billion and a capital injection of EUR 10 billion on the basis of Article 107(3)(b) TFEU for a period of six months or until the submission of a credible and substantiated restruc­ turing plan for the bank (1). a výhledově vysoké náklady na financování vzhledem k ukončení platnosti záruk spolkové země Korutany a ukončení finanční podpory ze strany původního vlastníka
PROCEDURE. (1) By decision of 2 June 2010 (4), the Commission temporarily authorised a recapitalisation of Educational Building Society (hereinafter “EBS”) as emergency aid subject to the condition that Irish authorities would submit an in-depth restructuring plan for EBS before 30 June 2010.
PROCEDURE. (1) By letter dated 15 april 2010 Den Norske Forleggerforening, the Norwegian Publishers association (‘NPa’), sent a complaint alleging that illegal State aid has been granted to the Nasjonal digital læringsarena (‘NDLa’). The letter was received and registered by the authority on 16 april 2010 (Event No 553723). Following a telephone conference on 15 July 2011 the complainant provided additional information by email on the same day (Event No 608593).
PROCEDURE. (1) Following pre-notification contacts (1), on 13 August 2020, Portugal notified to the Commission its plans to grant rescue aid in favour of XXXX. Portugal amended and completed the notification on 14 August 2020.
PROCEDURE. (1) On 13 July 2009, the Commission approved aid for the financing of the planning phase of the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link project (‘Fehmarn Belt’) (3).
PROCEDURE. (1) On 14 October 2019, the Commission adopted a decision (hereinafter ‘the Opening Decision’) (1) to initiate the formal investigation procedure in relation to a regional investment aid measure (hereinafter ‘the measure’ or ‘the notified measure’) in favour of Samsung SDI Magyarország Zrt (hereinafter ‘Samsung SDI’ or ‘the beneficiary’).
PROCEDURE. (1) On 16 October 2013, the Commission initiated a formal investigation procedure to verify whether the passive interest and royalty income tax exemption (2) in Gibraltar’s Income Tax Act 2010 (‘ITA 2010’) selectively favours certain companies, in breach of Union State aid rules (the decision taken to initiate that procedure is referred to in this Decision as ‘the First Opening Decision’).
PROCEDURE. (1) On 19 September 2011, the authority received a complaint, dated 13 September 2011 (Event No 608967), concerning the alleged subsidising by the Icelandic State and the City of Reykjavík (‘the City’) of conference services and restaurant/catering services in the Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre (‘Harpa’) (3).
PROCEDURE. (1) On 2 October 2008, the Commission approved emergency rescue aid for Hypo Real Estate (HRE) amounting to EUR 35 billion, registered under Case number N 44/08.
PROCEDURE. (1) On 20 June 2014, after pre-notification contacts with the Commission, the Hellenic Republic submitted a notification concerning the establishment of a mechanism for the compensation of Hellenic Post S.A. (ELTA) for the delivery of the Universal Postal Service over the whole territory of Greece.