RESUMÉ Vzorová ustanovení

RESUMÉ. The topic of my bachelor´s thesis are public law contracts, which can be defined as bilateral or multilateral legal acts that establish, change or rescind law and obligations in field of public law. It is an institute that existed in the Austro- Hungarian Empire era and during the First Republic in the first half of the 20th century, too. Until recent time the Czech Republic had missed a complex law dealing with public law contracts. On 1st January 2006 the Rules of Administrative Procedure (normative act no. 500/2004) has come into effect and the public law contract began to be enacted. The public law contracts have their specific sings, however, in many cases they are very similar to private law contracts. Although the public law contracts have their deficiencies, in general their definition is of high quality. It is very important for the participants of the legal acts to proceed from the established principles and not to break the given rules and obligations. The thesis deeply discusses the types of public law contracts that are divided into coordinative contracts, subordinative contracts and contracts among the participants. At the beginning of the thesis there is a definition of public law contracts, its meaning and other key concepts that are significant to be mentioned in terms of this topic, such as public administration, private administration or administrative law. The thesis continues with revealing the historical development of the public law contracts and then it contains chapters dealing with entering or rescinding the contracts and solving potential disputes. Another topic that the thesis analyzes was a protection by the Rules of Administrative Procedure and by town law where public law contracts have their place as well. The thesis also describes and compares public law contracts in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The last chapter deals with the entering the public law contracts according to § 162 of Rules of Administrative Procedure. The aim of this bachelor´s thesis is to introduce the public law contracts to the public that has never met law before as well.
RESUMÉ. Das Thema meiner Bachalorarbeit war „Werkvertrag, Erfüllung, Ablieferung, Abnahme.“ Ich stellte mir das Ziel fest, die verständliche Darstellung der rechtlichen Ausgestaltung dieses Types des Vertags im Handelsgesetzbuch (weiter nur HGB) zu erstatten. In meiner Arbeit wollte ich nicht nur die Grundkennlinie des Werkvertrages nach dem HGB beschreiben, sondern auch wollte ich auf die Abgrenzungskriterien vor allem mit Kaufvertrag hindeuten. Mein Xxxxxx war, dass es so durch verständliche Art vorkam, die nicht nur belehrent ist, sondern auch ist in der täglichen Praxis benutzbar. Meine Arbeit besteht aus vier Grundteilen. Im ersten Teil beschreibe ich die Grundkennlinie des Werkvertrages und die Kernpunkte des Vertrags. Der dritte Teil der Arbeit trägt Name „Erfüllung des Werks durch ihre Ausführung und ihre Übergabe und Abnahme.“ Ich machte auch einige Empfehlungen, die wenn von Vertragsteinehmeren akzeptiert wurden, ihre Interessen besser zu beschützen. Sie führen auch zu ihrer gröβeren rechtlichen Sicherheit. Im Hinblick auf die Vergebung der Bachalorarbeit beschäftigte ich mich auch mit komplizierter Regelung, die bei Schlieβung des Werkvertrags für Bauausführung entsteht und ich hebe manche Besondereheiten auf, die nach meiner Meinung die Einzelreglung im HGB haben sollen. Mit Rücksicht darauf, dass viele unsere Wirtschaftsbetriebe die engen Geschäftsbeziehungen mit Deutschland haben, beschäftigte ich mich auch mit Frage der Reglung des Werkvertrags in der deutschen Rechtsordnung. Ich zeigte auf die bestimmten Verschiedenheiten gegenüber der tschechischen rechtlichen Ausgestaltung. Meine Empfehlungen, die ich zum Ende meiner Arbeit tat, sollen den Werkvertragsteilnehmeren helfen, Unterlassungen auszuweichen. Der Werkvertrag sollte nur keiner formale Akt der Kontrahenten und zu ihrem Inhalt sollte man mit der vollen Achtung herangehen. Ich glaube, dass ich die Angelpunkte des Werkvertrags ganz genau beschrieb und Empfehlungen tat, wo die Vertragsteinehmer des Rechts dazu ausgenüzt sollten, damit ihre rechtliche Verhältnisse so vertraglich decken, damit sie als die nächste Prozesssache nicht waren. Das Bekanntmachen mit Fachliteratur, Fachartikeln und zu Ende auch mit komentierten Gesetzten und Gerichtsjudikatur waren mir einer guten Vorbereitung zu selbständigen Handlung über die Werkvetragsschlieβung in meinem künftigen Beruf. Das war übrigens der Sinn, warum ich diese Arbeitaufgabe auswählte. Meiner Bemühung war, dass ich Kentnisse, die ich beim Schreib...
RESUMÉ. Tato bakalářská práce se orientuje na náležitostmi společenské smlouvy při založení společnosti s ručením omezeným se zaměřením na fakultativní náležitosti. Práce zkoumá možné formulace některých ustanovení, které zákon o korporacích řeší pro společenskou smlouvu dispozitivně. Cílem práce je rozebrat možnosti formulování některých fakultativních náležitostí společenské smlouvy společnosti s ručeným omezeným podle platné judikatury a zároveň upozornit na možné zákonné souvislosti. Řešení práce dosahuje zejména pomocí rozboru jednotlivých okruhů ujednání společenské smlouvy, kde čtenáři otevírá pohled na danou problematiku a seznamuje ho s možností upravit daný problém ve společenské smlouvě. Klíčová slova: Společnost s ručením omezeným, společenská smlouva, založení společnosti, obchodní podíl, fakultativní údaje, obligatorní údaje.
RESUMÉ. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war ausgewählte Richtlinien in der Firma Smalt, s. r. o. zu entwerfen, die veraltet sind. Es war notwendig, diese Richtlinien zu aktualisieren und zu erweitern, weil sie dem aktuellen Stand nicht entsprechen. Aus der ursprünglichen Richtlinie, habe ich die Bestimmungen hinsichtlich des Geldes und Wertgegenstände, Löhne, Vergütung und Zulassung neuer Mitarbeiter ausgeschlossen und dann habe ich diese Richtlinien erweitert und aktualisiert. Neu habe ich die Richtlinie für Debitorenrechnung geschaffen. Für die Entwicklung von klaren Richtlinien gibt es keine klaren genauen und Verfahren für ihre Schöpfung. Daher habe ich versucht zu verhindern, dass die Richtlinie nicht zu kompliziert und verwirrend sind. Es ist wichtig, alle wesentlichen Tatsachen von Organisationen verwendeten wirtschaftlichen, Buchhaltungs- und Management-Praktiken zu erfassen, die Einhaltung der Rechnungslegungsvorschriften, die Vollständigkeit, Relevanz und Richtigkeit der Buchführung und auch Security Kosten, Haftung und Schutz des Eigentums des Unternehmens. Es ist wichtig nicht nur, dass die Richtlinie ausgearbeitet und eingehalten werden, vor allem aber, dass sie ständig aktualisiert werden. Jedes Jahr sollte daher sowohl zur Kontrolle der internen Richtlinien, als auch zu deren möglichen Aktualisierung. Die Änderungen der internen Richtlinien müssen gesetzliche Änderungen, die jährlich auftreten und zu Beginn des Abrechnungszeitraums erfolgen hervorgehen. Die Veränderungen während des Jahres zum Beispiel genem aus Veränderungen in der inneren Verhältnisse des Unternehmens hervor. Soweit die Richtlinien gut etabliert sind, vereinfachen sie den Verlauf externer Kontrollen und wenn sich das Unternehmen an diese aktuellen Richtlinien orientieren wird, führt es zu einem effizienteren und besserem Betrieb der Gesellschaft. Die Richtlinie wurden so entworfen, dass sie die gesetzlichen Bedingungen erfüllen, den Anforderungen des Unternehmens entgegenkommmen und zur Einigung der Verfahren führen. Ich glaube, dass die Ausarbeitung dieser Bachelorarbeit für beide Seiten von Nutzen war. Die Firma erhielt eine Aktualisierung der bestehenden Richtlinien und eine neue Richtlinie, und ich gewann viele neue Erfahrungen. [8] XXXXXXXXX, M. Problematika vytváření vnitropodnikových směrnic ve firmě Synot Auto a. s. Bakalářská práce. Zlín, 2006. Kapitola 3, Vnitřní předpisy, 2006 s. 10-14. [9] SOTONA, M. Vnitropodnikové směrnice – 1. vyd. Praha: Bilance, 2005. 332 s. ISBN 80-251-09...
RESUMÉ. Consequences of breaking the contract in civil law – Most of the relations is in civil law established by the contract. Contractual freedom is one of the basic freedoms provided by modern democtratic state. But unfortunately with the increasing amount of contracts there is also increasing number of cases when the contract is breached (intentionaly or not) by one of the contractual partners. The law presumes such cases and provides particular consequences. These consequences are the subject of this thesis. According to the Czech civil law there are following istitutes which can follow after breaching the contract: Default, the interest on the sum in arrears, a late payment charge, damages, penalty clause, liability for defects. The thesis is divided into several parts according to the described consequence. At the beginning of the thesis, there is an introduction into the problem, then there is described the contract. There is explained the term, then the process of making the contract (proposal and its acceptation). After clarifying the basic term of the thesis follows the description of mentioned consequences. The first is damages, it is placed in the front place because of its importance and many variations and possibilities of use. It comes after fulfilling certain conditions: Breaching of the legal duty, existence of the damage, relationship of cause and effect between the wrongful act and the harm and fault. The regulation of the liability for damage is in Civil Code §420 and following. This regulation is completed by the particular law no 59/1998 Coll., as amended by Act no 209/2000 Coll., which is based on directive no 85/374/EEC Product Liability. The princip of liability for damages is that the subject, who violated the contract should compensate to the other side not only the damage, that was caused. But also other provable costs which has the aggrieved party with lodging the claim. Penalty clause is another very important institute of private law, its functions are mainly to punish the breacher of the contract and to use the money as a monetary compensation of the caused damage. When one side of the contract is delayed with the payment it gets to the default. With default is connected paying the interest. Interests are considered as a price of the money and according to the Civil code it is impossible to claim both together. Typical institut for consumers and their protection is liability for defects. The consumer protection has an increasing tr...
RESUMÉ. The aim of this work was to deal completely dealer contract in frame of commercial law. The thesis deal mainly with the concept of dealer contract, the contract content and contracting. One of the aims was to express my own opinions and to propose the solution of the problem of abuse of position by the producer. The motivation for this choice was the fact that it has not been published yet many publications about the dealer contract. This topic was focused on the car sales. In some chapters the dealer's contract was compared with the commercial agency contract. For the introduction and processing this topic have been used mainly books dealing with trade obligations, technical articles related to the topic, internet sources and annotated acts. An important source for writing the thesis was a specific dealer contract between the significant Czech car producer and car seller. Dissertation I divided into five separate chapters dealing with complex contract dealer issue. Chapters have the following wording: commercial obligations, the term of the dealer contract and its position in the Czech legal system, contracting, content of the dealer contract, related contracts in commercial law. The Dealer contract is innominate contract and it is a part of the commercial law, specifically the “relative trades”, which are lead by the third part of the Czech Commercial Code. General arrangements of innominate contract we can find in § 269, paragraph 2 of the Commercial Code. General rules in the third part of the Commercial Code are important for the creation of the dealer contract. Dealer contract is lead mainly by the actual content on that the parties have agreed. In the section dealing with contracting are summarizes the basic requirements, advice and suggestions for making the dealer contract in the field of car sales. Certainty and definition of the contract subject by the parties is an important fact for the validity of the entire dealer contract. The rights and obligations of the contract are a matter of contractual negotiation and in this section there is a abuse of position by the producer. The abuse of position by the producer is caused by non-mandatory form of innominate contract. A solution would be the establishment of a dealer contract, including the definition of basic rights and duties in the Commercial Code. Proposals de lege ferenda and conclusions for this problem are described in the end of each chapter. In the end of the thesis is devoted to contract...
RESUMÉ. The topic of my thesis is A contract for work focusing on essential aspects. A contract for work is one of the crucial, historically the oldest and in practice the most widely used type of contracts. This fact was one of the reasons why I choose this topic. Nowadays the legislation is divided into two codes which are in lex specialis derogat generali relation. First of them is the Civil Code (lex generalis), which is related to the adjustment of civil relations. The second code is the Commercial Code (lex specialis), which is used for commercial relations. This current state of the Czech law will be most likely short-lived. To the date 1th of January 2014 a new Civil Code, which is currently valid, should come into force. This code will remove legal dualism of a contract for work which is adjusted in the Civil Code same as in the Commercial Code. The work itself is divided into six principal chapters and in some cases is subsequently divided into subchapters. In the introduction of my thesis the reasons of choice of the theme and defining goals of the work are given. As it was already mentioned my work is focused on the essential aspects of a contract for work. The first chapter is called „Historical excursion“. This chapter describes a historical development of a contract for work starting from ancient Rome followed by a transformation of a contract for work. The transformation happened due to significant codes of our history. The chapter ends with the current form of a contract for work in Act No. 513/1991 Coll., thus in the valid and effective Commercial Code. Following chapter deals with a definition of the terms contract for work. At the beginning the commercial relations are characterized by a general way. Afterwards a contract for work itself is generally characterized and compared with different types of contracts as well. Specifically with work contracts, purchase contracts and others. The conclusion of this chapter is devoted to the structure of a contract for work. The third chapter focuses on essential aspects of the contract for work themselves. First of all the authors’ ideas about the term essential aspects are introduced and after that the chapter deals with contracting parties, the subject of the work and contract valuation, i.e. essential aspects which are necessary for a valid form of a contract for work. The next chapter concentrates on non-essential aspects which are parts of a contract for work. In a contract for work we can usually f...
RESUMÉ. My diploma thesis deals with the relationships, which are important for establishing of the employment and for the labor contracts as the most common legal fact, which establishes the employment. We can define the labor contract as the bilateral legal act between employer and employee, whose basic principle is voluntariness and leads to the establishing of the employment. Employment is very important for the both parties. For the employee, because he earns the money for the means of living via the employment. And also for the employer, because employees help him to fulfill the tasks, which are subjects of his enterprise. The labor code, is the law, which regulates these relationships in our law system. There is a quite new labor code in The Czech republic, which took effect on January 1st 2007. There was the old labor code before this date, which was effective for more than 40 years. It was necessary to adopt the new law after the changes, which were caused by the revolution in 1989. Because after that year, there is a democracy in The Czech republic and it was necessary to adapt our laws to this new situation. I started my work with the employment. I mentioned really briefly the theoretic conceptions of the employment, which were very important during the history. The whole one chapter is dedicated to the main kinds of the employment. It is possible to divide the employment in many ways, e.g. if it is a employment for a fixed period or employment for an indefinite time, if the employer is a natural person or a legal person, etc. I mentioned the duties of the employers and the employees. To the duties of the employers belongs for example prohibition of discrimination, duty to assign work, to control work, to pay for the performed work, etc. Also the employees have a lot of duties, to the most important belong to observe disciplinary rules, to practice work during the working hours, etc. Next two chapters are about establishing of the employment and about working agencies. And, in my personal opinion, the most important part of my thesis is about labor contract. In our law system is necessary to have a written form of the contract. Valid labor contract has to have only three essential elements:
RESUMÉ. This bachelor‘s thesis is concerned with the issue of the Těšín region. Currently, the area of the historical region of the Těšín Princedom is divided between the Czech Republic and Poland. It is a distinctive region with deeply enrooted historical traditions, which is entirely unique in both of the countries it is a part of. It differs especially because of its vivid local identity, dialect, language and religious diversity. All of those specifics faced many assimilation efforts, some of which were suppressed only to regain significance later. The fastest developing region is, with the help of the transfrontier cooperation on the platform of Euroregion, Těšín Silesia - Śląsk Cieszyński. The issue of the Těšín region is not only an important part of both Czechoslovak and Polish national history, but also a significant part of the history of international relations in terms of the newly established states in Europe. This is the reason why the author of this thesis is concerned with it. The dispute over the Těšín region has been going on for a really long time, but there was never really any strong public awareness of it. The region deserves to be more closely observed because of its international, political, strategic as well as economic significance in the last few hundred years. In the first part of the thesis, theoretical terminology and basic characteristics of the region were introduced. Subsequently, the history of the region, with focus on the most significant events, was briefly described. The elements, which have a direct impact on the future of the region, for example the heterogeneity of its inhabitants and the economic and political situation, were mentioned. The following part of the thesis was concerned with the radical changes in the development of the region in the course of the 18th and 19th century, when the modern shape of the Těšín region started to form. The following chapter analyses the Czechoslovak-Polish dispute over the region, which went on for pretty much the entire 20th century and which was divided into a number of stages. The last part of the thesis focuses on the establishment and functioning of the Těšín Silesia - Śląsk Cieszyński Euroregion. The objective of this bachelor’s thesis was to analyse the development of the Těšín region from its creation to the present, with special attention paid to its distinctive features as well as its fluctuating importance. The objective was fulfilled systematically throughout the entire th...
RESUMÉ. Tato práce pojednává o zákonné úpravě smlouvy o obchodním zastoupení dle zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, se zaměřením na porovnání změn mezi právní úpravou smlouvy o obchodním zastoupení obsaženou v zákoně č. 513/1991 Sb., obchodní zákoník, a právní úpravu smlouvy o obchodním zastoupení dle zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník. I když je hlavní náplní práce popis a rozbor provedených změn, práce se také, alespoň okrajově, dotýká praktického užití smlouvy o obchodním zastoupení, když pojednává mimo jiné o tzv. švarcsystému. Cílem práce je popsat změny, které byly provedeny zákonem č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, a které byly vysvětleny důvodovou zprávou k zákonu č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, a dále pak poukázat na ty změny, o kterých se tato důvodová zpráva nezmiňuje. Práce je členěna do pěti kapitol, přičemž první čtyři kapitoly postupně popisují jednotlivé provedené změny a případné problémy, které se mohou objevit. Závěrečná, tedy pátá, kapitola pojmenovaná „Další informace vztahující se ke smlouvě o obchodním zastoupení“ se od ostatních kapitol liší tím, že nepopisuje změny zákonné úpravy, ale věnuje se praktickým problémům užití smlouvy o obchodním zastoupení, o kterých bylo dle autora této práce nutné pojednat. Jedná se o problémy rozpoznání smlouvy o obchodním zastoupení od ostatních příkazních smluv, pojednání o švarcsystému a jeho identifikace a projevy snahy o omezení výhradního a nevýhradního obchodního zástupce uvedené na příkladu. Každá kapitola je pak pro větší přehlednost dělena na subkapitoly, které svým názvem uvozují téma, kterému se daná subkapitola věnuje. Práce přitom odkazuje na komentářovou literaturu a judikaturu vztahující se k zákonné úpravě obsažené v zákoně č. 513/1991 Sb., obchodní zákoník. V závěru práce je zhodnoceno, zda bylo dosaženo cílů práce, které byly vymezeny v úvodu práce. Klíčová slova: smlouva o obchodním zastoupení, obchodní zástupce, This thesis discusses the legal regulation of an agency contract according to the Act no. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code, with the focus on the comparison of the changes between the legislative frame of the agency contract contained in the Act no. 513/1991 Coll., The Commercial Code, and the legislative frame of the agency contract contained in the Act no. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code. Although the main focus of the thesis lies in description and analysis of the changes, the thesis also examines the practical use of the agency contract, when discussing so called švar...