RESUMÉ Vzorová ustanovení

RESUMÉ. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war ausgewählte Richtlinien in der Firma Smalt, s. r. o. zu entwerfen, die veraltet sind. Es war notwendig, diese Richtlinien zu aktualisieren und zu erweitern, weil sie dem aktuellen Stand nicht entsprechen. Aus der ursprünglichen Richtlinie, habe ich die Bestimmungen hinsichtlich des Geldes und Wertgegenstände, Löhne, Vergütung und Zulassung neuer Mitarbeiter ausgeschlossen und dann habe ich diese Richtlinien erweitert und aktualisiert. Neu habe ich die Richtlinie für Debitorenrechnung geschaffen. Für die Entwicklung von klaren Richtlinien gibt es keine klaren genauen und Verfahren für ihre Schöpfung. Daher habe ich versucht zu verhindern, dass die Richtlinie nicht zu kompliziert und verwirrend sind. Es ist wichtig, alle wesentlichen Tatsachen von Organisationen verwendeten wirtschaftlichen, Buchhaltungs- und Management-Praktiken zu erfassen, die Einhaltung der Rechnungslegungsvorschriften, die Vollständigkeit, Relevanz und Richtigkeit der Buchführung und auch Security Kosten, Haftung und Schutz des Eigentums des Unternehmens. Es ist wichtig nicht nur, dass die Richtlinie ausgearbeitet und eingehalten werden, vor allem aber, dass sie ständig aktualisiert werden. Jedes Jahr sollte daher sowohl zur Kontrolle der internen Richtlinien, als auch zu deren möglichen Aktualisierung. Die Änderungen der internen Richtlinien müssen gesetzliche Änderungen, die jährlich auftreten und zu Beginn des Abrechnungszeitraums erfolgen hervorgehen. Die Veränderungen während des Jahres zum Beispiel genem aus Veränderungen in der inneren Verhältnisse des Unternehmens hervor. Soweit die Richtlinien gut etabliert sind, vereinfachen sie den Verlauf externer Kontrollen und wenn sich das Unternehmen an diese aktuellen Richtlinien orientieren wird, führt es zu einem effizienteren und besserem Betrieb der Gesellschaft. Die Richtlinie wurden so entworfen, dass sie die gesetzlichen Bedingungen erfüllen, den Anforderungen des Unternehmens entgegenkommmen und zur Einigung der Verfahren führen. Ich glaube, dass die Ausarbeitung dieser Bachelorarbeit für beide Seiten von Nutzen war. Die Firma erhielt eine Aktualisierung der bestehenden Richtlinien und eine neue Richtlinie, und ich gewann viele neue Erfahrungen. [8] XXXXXXXXX, M. Problematika vytváření vnitropodnikových směrnic ve firmě Synot Auto a. s. Bakalářská práce. Zlín, 2006. Kapitola 3, Vnitřní předpisy, 2006 s. 10-14. [9] SOTONA, M. Vnitropodnikové směrnice – 1. vyd. Praha: Bilance, 2005. 332 s. ISBN 80-251-09...
RESUMÉ. This bachelor‘s thesis is concerned with the issue of the Těšín region. Currently, the area of the historical region of the Těšín Princedom is divided between the Czech Republic and Poland. It is a distinctive region with deeply enrooted historical traditions, which is entirely unique in both of the countries it is a part of. It differs especially because of its vivid local identity, dialect, language and religious diversity. All of those specifics faced many assimilation efforts, some of which were suppressed only to regain significance later. The fastest developing region is, with the help of the transfrontier cooperation on the platform of Euroregion, Těšín Silesia - Śląsk Cieszyński. The issue of the Těšín region is not only an important part of both Czechoslovak and Polish national history, but also a significant part of the history of international relations in terms of the newly established states in Europe. This is the reason why the author of this thesis is concerned with it. The dispute over the Těšín region has been going on for a really long time, but there was never really any strong public awareness of it. The region deserves to be more closely observed because of its international, political, strategic as well as economic significance in the last few hundred years. In the first part of the thesis, theoretical terminology and basic characteristics of the region were introduced. Subsequently, the history of the region, with focus on the most significant events, was briefly described. The elements, which have a direct impact on the future of the region, for example the heterogeneity of its inhabitants and the economic and political situation, were mentioned. The following part of the thesis was concerned with the radical changes in the development of the region in the course of the 18th and 19th century, when the modern shape of the Těšín region started to form. The following chapter analyses the Czechoslovak-Polish dispute over the region, which went on for pretty much the entire 20th century and which was divided into a number of stages. The last part of the thesis focuses on the establishment and functioning of the Těšín Silesia - Śląsk Cieszyński Euroregion. The objective of this bachelor’s thesis was to analyse the development of the Těšín region from its creation to the present, with special attention paid to its distinctive features as well as its fluctuating importance. The objective was fulfilled systematically throughout the entire th...
RESUMÉ. Consequences of breaking the contract in civil law – Most of the relations is in civil law established by the contract. Contractual freedom is one of the basic freedoms provided by modern democtratic state. But unfortunately with the increasing amount of contracts there is also increasing number of cases when the contract is breached (intentionaly or not) by one of the contractual partners. The law presumes such cases and provides particular consequences. These consequences are the subject of this thesis. According to the Czech civil law there are following istitutes which can follow after breaching the contract: Default, the interest on the sum in arrears, a late payment charge, damages, penalty clause, liability for defects. The thesis is divided into several parts according to the described consequence. At the beginning of the thesis, there is an introduction into the problem, then there is described the contract. There is explained the term, then the process of making the contract (proposal and its acceptation). After clarifying the basic term of the thesis follows the description of mentioned consequences. The first is damages, it is placed in the front place because of its importance and many variations and possibilities of use. It comes after fulfilling certain conditions: Breaching of the legal duty, existence of the damage, relationship of cause and effect between the wrongful act and the harm and fault. The regulation of the liability for damage is in Civil Code §420 and following. This regulation is completed by the particular law no 59/1998 Coll., as amended by Act no 209/2000 Coll., which is based on directive no 85/374/EEC Product Liability. The princip of liability for damages is that the subject, who violated the contract should compensate to the other side not only the damage, that was caused. But also other provable costs which has the aggrieved party with lodging the claim. Penalty clause is another very important institute of private law, its functions are mainly to punish the breacher of the contract and to use the money as a monetary compensation of the caused damage. When one side of the contract is delayed with the payment it gets to the default. With default is connected paying the interest. Interests are considered as a price of the money and according to the Civil code it is impossible to claim both together. Typical institut for consumers and their protection is liability for defects. The consumer protection has an increasing tr...
RESUMÉ. This bachelor thesis is about problematic of transfer and delimitation of competences from member states to European Union according to Lisbon treaty. I have chosen this topic because I was always interested in European law. Lisbon treaty was some form of replacement for rejected European constitution and it too caused much disagreement amongst politicians and people. Although Lisbon treaty differs from European constitution; it keeps some ideas from it so it has still many enemies. This caused Lisbon treaty to be perhaps most discussed European treaty. Also some nations were more skeptical than the others and in these nations the discussions were fiery. I am member of one such nation so this discussion also motivated me to choose this topic to learn about this problematic. In the first part of this thesis I deal with question what are the competences, their classification and principles used in conjunction with these competences. In this part I also mention sources of these competences. Next part names in which areas were competences transferred to European Union by Lisbon treaty. Then they are compared to those that were transferred by previous treaties. In the fifth part I analyze some concrete areas of competences chosen by type and importance. Last part is conclusion in which I present our opinion on a whole problem. I think that although Lisbon treaty is far from being perfect it still is a step forward. It solves many problems which were raised by tightening the bonds between European states and is solid foundation for future development of European Union. Sadly it also introduces some new and unclear issues and keeps some problems unresolved. Other benefit of Lisbon treaty is strengthening of democratic principles in European Union by giving new competences to member states’ parliaments. Considering all cons and pros I see Lisbon treaty quite positively.
RESUMÉ. The topic of this thesis is the relapionship of the society, going though a komplex period of fundamental transformation of the social structure, to the cultural heritage. The subjekt of the study is the relationship to the tangible heritage particularly to the historic building fund as well as to the spiritual heritage which covers the entire legacy of the past including the langure, historical awareness or the sense of togetherness with the specific tradition or region. The problem for the incoming power during any social revolution is how they will deal with the legacy of the past. Tradicion is always confronted with the change and the problem then is how the present society interprets the past and how they deal with cultural values and historical facts which are not in accordance with the current political ideology. Communist leaders were very well aware of the fact that culture and cultural heritage were crucial for maintaining the incoming doctrine or rather the necessity to interpret these values in such a way that whoud provide support for drastic social ganges and a new policy. Cultural heritage could not be accepted in its authentic form and just as the reflection of history it had to be ideologically revised. The historical development of the border areas of the country and the achal role of the German-speaking inhabitants in te history of the Czech state in general – those were historically misinterpreted facts from the perspective of collective guilt feelings for the horror sof World War II. The city of Cheb has been used as a concrete example to describe the atmosphere and the problems of a place looking for its new identity after the expulsion of the originál inhabitants. Based on archival materials the thesis describes the situation of the new settlers coming into a part of the country where the centuries-long continuity of development had been interrupted. The example of the so-called renovation of Cheb shows the relationship of these people as well as of the ruling regime to the cultural heritage built by a community belonging to a different langure family and culture, whose spiritual heritage had been practically erased from the place. Tangible cultural heritage which, in the formo f an extremely valuace historical city center, had remained was then subjekt to devastation and eventually was significantly damaged in the course of its redevelopment. The destiny of the previous prosperous city with its distinctive history serves here as an ...
RESUMÉ. Tato bakalářská práce se orientuje na náležitostmi společenské smlouvy při založení společnosti s ručením omezeným se zaměřením na fakultativní náležitosti. Práce zkoumá možné formulace některých ustanovení, které zákon o korporacích řeší pro společenskou smlouvu dispozitivně. Cílem práce je rozebrat možnosti formulování některých fakultativních náležitostí společenské smlouvy společnosti s ručeným omezeným podle platné judikatury a zároveň upozornit na možné zákonné souvislosti. Řešení práce dosahuje zejména pomocí rozboru jednotlivých okruhů ujednání společenské smlouvy, kde čtenáři otevírá pohled na danou problematiku a seznamuje ho s možností upravit daný problém ve společenské smlouvě. Klíčová slova: Společnost s ručením omezeným, společenská smlouva, založení společnosti, obchodní podíl, fakultativní údaje, obligatorní údaje.
RESUMÉ. The diploma work that I am attaching has the name “Additional Contract for the Construction”. The aim of this work was mainly to analyse the legal relationships created during the construction of a building based on a so-called additional agreement on construction entered into pursuant to Section 17 et seq of Act No. 72/1994 Coll., which amends certain co-ownership relationships to buildings and certain ownership laws regarding residential and non-residential units and complements certain other acts (the act on ownership of residential units), as amended. This involves a situation when an agreement on construction is entered into during the construction of the building, both before and after the creation of units under construction. In the assignment for this work, my task was to evaluate the effectiveness of current legislation, evaluate available jurisprudence and formulate suggestions for potential amendments. I believe that the topic of this work is very currently relevant, especially in view of the unfair practices of certain developers during the process of finishing the development of residential buildings and during the contract arrangement process when arranging contracts with parties interested in obtaining needed residential units. This work is not criticism of current legislation, and in view of my position and acquired knowledge, I would not even attempt to present such criticism. Instead, I am only attempting to present an objective overview of the private law phenomenon of agreements on construction, which although it is defined in the specified legislative act (and this definition has already been criticised repeatedly by both the academic community and practising attorneys), it is not used to a sufficient extent. During the process of finding basis materials for this work, after sharing the topic of my work I always encountered a lack of understanding, even at state bodies from which I had expected more knowledge regarding this issue. This is not surprising, since the phenomenon of a agreement on construction in a “green meadow” is used so little in this country, that even the employees of construction and cadastral authorities are unable to grasp this issue. So where is the problem? The demand for new housing, especially recently, has been almost impossible to satisfy, and as a result a large number of residential projects mainly in larger agglomerations emerged in which emphasis was placed on satisfying demand. Due to the large demand, a...
RESUMÉ. My diploma thesis is dealing with international treaties concluded by EU and non-Member states of EU. The thesis is focused on EU non-Member states of the Mediterranean Region. EU is not currently expecting the entry of these countries into the Union, but it does not mean that EU would not take importance of the mutual cooperation into consideration. This is being proved by a large number of areas of the cooperation establishing political, economical and other relations between EU and the Mediterranean. My work consists of two parts. First part deals extensively with description of the term “international treaties concluded by the European Union and third countries”195. It shows examples of these international treaties, privilege to conclude them and it clarifies process preceding the entrance of such a treaties into force. In addition, a part notifying impact of these international treaties on the national law of EU Member states is also included. Second part presents in detail cooperation with EU and the Mediterranean countries. A brief historical introduction of relation between EU and the Mediterranean follows and the Association Agreements with three countries, the Association Agreement with Tunisia, Egypt and Israel are described. For each agreement a decision of the European Court of Justice is selected and is closely examined. The aim of my diploma thesis is to summarize and evaluate the activities of EU relating to international treaties between EU and the Mediterranean countries.
RESUMÉ. This thesis is about the Theory of the Social Contract from the Perspective of Feminism. The main point is to introduce the Theory from the viewpoint of three classical authors: Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx-Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx and Xxxx Xxxxx and bring critical feminist reflection. These three contract theorists divided the state of human history into two periods, which we call The State of Nature and the period after the contract, Civil Society (apart from Xxxxxxxx and his concept of wild man).
RESUMÉ. Bakalářská práce s názvem Pracovní smlouva jako základ vzniku pracovního poměru se zabývá pracovní smlouvou, jako základnímu prvku uzavření pracovního poměru. Práce je členěna do 5 na sebe navazujících kapitol. První kapitola se zabývá úvody do pracovního práva – vymezení pracovního práva a jeho postavení v českém právním systému. Ve druhé kapitole práce se objevují postupy před uzavřením pracovní smlouvy, podle platného zákoníku práce. Klíčová třetí až pátá kapitola je souborně věnována právě pracovní smlouvě – vymezení základních pojmů (zaměstnanec, zaměstnavatel, pracovní poměr, pracovní smlouva), zmínění povinných a nepovinných náležitostí pracovní smlouvy s popisem dvou nepovinných náležitostí (zkušební doba, konkurenční doložka), dále jsou zmíněny změny pracovní smlouvy a odstoupení od ní.