Approval Musterklauseln

Approval. Advertising by means of loudspeakers, the display of slides or films, or the inclusion of performances or shows require the written approval of Messe Berlin. Written approval must also be obtained for the use of other equipment and installations intended to enhance the impact of advertising either optically or acoustically. Advertising of a political nature is strictly prohibited. In all cases it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to obtain official approval. Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring the compliance with GEMA (performing rights) regulations, as well as with regulations pertaining to trading and industrial law, police regulations, health regulations and other legal requirements. This also applies in particular to the “Law on technical equip- ment“ (Gerätesicherheitsgesetz). Moreover, exhibitors must observe the “Technical Guidelines“ as specified in the Exhibitor Ser- vice Documents, in particular with regard to the regulations contained therein relating to stand construction and design, and the extensive safety regulations also specified in this folder.
Approval. The Contractor is obliged, to inform the Principal in sufficient time of any intended subcontracting arrangements and to seek the Principal’s prior written approval. Upon request, the Contractor shall make a copy of the relevant subcontract order available to the Principal. This obligation to provide information and seek approval does not, however, apply to standard parts and components. If the Contractor fails to comply with these obligations, it shall be required to indemnify the Principal for all consequences arising therefrom, specifically in relation to the following criteria: ‐ quality ‐ scheduling/delays ‐ compensation requirements ‐ technical cross‐standardization ‐ compliance with the Final Customer’s subcontracting requirements ‐ customs notification, customs clearance, import and transport In the event of any subcontracting by the Contractor that has not been authorized by the Principal, the Contractor shall, irrespective of other consequences, immediately pay the Principal a contractual penalty in the amount of 10% (ten percent) of the value of the subcontract order(s). This shall not affect the Principal’s right of rescission as a result of any unauthorized subcontracting arrangements. The Principal’s approval of any subcontracting shall not limit the Contractor’s obligations in any way. Notwithstanding any subcontracting authorized hereunder, the Contractor shall remain fully liable to the Principal for the fulfillment of the entire Order. The Contractor is obliged to observe the provisions of the Ausländerbeschäftigungsgesetz (“AuslBG”, Law on the Employment of Foreigners). The Contractor is obliged – even without special request – to provide all necessary documents of its employees, who are subject to the conditions of the AuslBG, or its temporary workers to the Principal within 7 (seven) days before start of work at the construction site. A confirmation shall also be carried out in case of lack of employment of foreigners, otherwise the Principal will give a report to the Central Coordination Office for Illegal Employment at the Federal Ministry of Finance. Auf Verlangen des AG hat der AN jederzeit den Nachweis der Einhaltung seiner Verpflichtungen nach dem AuslBG zu erbringen. Der AG behält sich das Recht vor, jederzeit eigene Kontrollen am Einsatzort (Baustelle) durchzuführen (z.B. Pass‐/ID‐Kontrolle oder Arbeitsbewilligungen der ausländischen Arbeitnehmer) und allenfalls notwendige Maßnahmen zu ergreifen (z.B. Wegweisung vom Einsatzort)...
Approval. If the mediating bank designated on the card (hereinafter referred to as the “bank”) permits the card to be used at ATMs to make direct withdrawals from the cardholder‘s bank account, the following provisions shall apply.
Approval. 1. The customer shall be obliged to accept the service as soon as he has been notified of its completion and any contractually agreed acceptance procedures have tak- en place. Should the service fail to comply with the provisions of the contract, we shall be obliged to rectify it. This shall not apply if the defect is insignificant for the interests of the customer or is due to a circum- stance attributable to the customer. If there is an insig- nificant defect, the customer shall not be entitled to re- fuse acceptance.

Related to Approval

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