Exclusion of liability Musterklauseln

Exclusion of liability. 26.1. Außer bei Fahrlässigkeit oder Betrug des Unternehmens haftet das Unternehmen nicht für Verluste aufgrund von Handlungen und / oder Unterlassungen, die vom Kunden oder von einem Dritten in seinem Namen in Bezug auf das Unternehmen ausgeführt werden ihre Transaktionen mit der Gesellschaft. 26.2. Im Allgemeinen haftet keine Partei für Verluste, die aufgrund unvorhersehbarer Ereignisse zum Zeitpunkt des Inkrafttretens des Vertrags entstehen könnten, und auch keine Partei für Verluste, die nicht durch einen Verstoß gegen die darin enthaltenen Bestimmungen entstanden sind hierin. 26.3. Falls das Unternehmen dem Kunden Informationen, Empfehlungen, Nachrichten, Informationen in Bezug auf Transaktionen, Marktkommentare oder Marktforschung (oder in Newslettern, die es auf seiner Website veröffentlicht oder Abonnenten über seine Website oder auf andere Weise zur Verfügung stellt) zur Verfügung stellt, darf das Unternehmen dies nicht tun Ohne Betrug, vorsätzliches Versäumnis oder grobe Fahrlässigkeit haftet er für Verluste, Kosten, Aufwendungen oder Schäden, die dem Kunden durch Ungenauigkeiten oder Fehler in den angegebenen Informationen entstehen. 26.4. Unternehmen haftet nicht für Verluste, Schäden, Kosten oder Verluste, die dem Kunden in direktem oder indirektem Zusammenhang entstehen, die sich ergeben aus, aber nicht beschränkt auf: a) Fehler, Ausfälle, Unterbrechungen oder Unterbrechungen beim Betrieb der Plattform (en) oder Verzögerungen, die durch das Client-Terminal oder durch das Kunden-Terminal verursachte Transaktionen verursacht werden, technische Probleme, Systemfehler und -fehlern, Kommunikationsleitungsfehler, Geräte oder Software Ausfälle oder Fehlfunktionen, Probleme beim Systemzugriff, Probleme mit der Systemkapazität, hohe Nachfrage nach Internetverkehr, Sicherheitsverletzungen und nicht autorisiertem Zugriff sowie andere ähnliche Computerprobleme und -fehler. b) Der Kunde erkennt an und akzeptiert, dass er alle Transaktionen mit der Gesellschaft auf eigenes Risiko eingeht, und die Gesellschaft übernimmt keinerlei Haftung für Verluste jeglicher Art, die sich aus ihrer Handelstätigkeit mit der Gesellschaft ergeben, es sei denn, es liegt ein Fehlverhalten vor aus ihrem namen. Es wird nichts in dieser Klausel genommen, um eine Haftung für Tod oder Körperverletzung auszuschließen. c) Jegliches Versäumnis des Unternehmens, seine Verpflichtungen aus dem Vertrag aufgrund eines Ereignisses höherer Gewalt oder aus anderen Gründen außerhalb seines Einf...
Exclusion of liability. Swiss Medtech’s liability for direct and indirect damages as well as consequential damages incurred by the participant in connection with the organisation and implementation of the event is excluded to the extent permitted by law. In any case, liability shall be limited to the amount of the cost of the event ticket.
Exclusion of liability. Zug Tourism shall not assume liability for any damages suffered by the cus-omer pertaining to third-party services. Possible claims for damages shall be addressed to the third party.
Exclusion of liability. (1) The Seller is only liable for damages caused by gross negligence or intent. However, this limitation of liability does not apply to compensation for personal injury. The Seller shall not be liable for indirect damage, loss of profit, loss of interest, failure to make savings, consequential and pecuniary damage and damage arising from third-party claims. In case of gross negligence, the liability is limited to the value of the delivery of goods in the last 12 months, but not more than the amount covered by the Seller’s insurance. (2) By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Buyer expressly waives the right to claim, by virtue of contract or of law, damages or any kind of compensation in relation to Sales Contracts that have been fully executed and settled between the Parties.
Exclusion of liability. DLG-Service GmbH cannot accept any liability for any liability cases unless DLG Service GmbH, its legal representatives or agents act deliberately or grossly negligently. This restriction of liability does not apply in the event of injury to life, limb or health due to even minor negligence and in the case of infringement based on minor negligence of those obligations fulfilment of allows proper implementation of the contract at all, infringement of which jeopardises achievement of the purpose of the contract, and observance of which the customer regularly relies (so-called cardinal duties).
Exclusion of liability. Neither Schering nor its shareholders, Affiliates or advisors nor any of their respective directors or employees or representatives shall be liable for the completeness and accuracy of the Confidential Information or non-confidential information which were made available to the Recipient or any of its Authorized Recipients. It is in the Recipient’s sole responsibility to evaluate the Proposed Transaction. Neither Schering, its board members or employees nor Xxxxxxxx’x Affiliates or advisors shall have any liability to the Recipient or its Authorized Recipients for any damages relating to or arising from their use of Confidential Information or non-confidential information which were made available to them.
Exclusion of liability. Rapperswil Zürichsee Tourism shall not assume liability for any damages suffered by the customer pertaining to third- party services. Possible claims for damages shall be addressed to the third party.
Exclusion of liability. (1) The Seller shall not be liable for any losses or damages resulting from gross or minor negligence, regardless of whether such losses or damages are attributable to behaviour in violation of the Sales Contract or improper in nature, including liability for indirect losses, also vis-á-vis third parties, insofar as is legally permissible. Similarly, liability for consequential losses, irre- spective of their nature, shall be excluded insofar as is legally permissible. The liability of the Seller shall in any case be limited to an amount equivalent to the value of the Goods concerned.
Exclusion of liability. 7.9. Any liability We would otherwise owe to You under Item 7.1 or 7.6 is excluded if you do not let us know about an unauthorised or incorrectly executed Transaction within 13 months after the date of execution of the Transaction. 7.10. We will also have no liability under Item 7 if We fail to perform or incorrectly perform the Transaction where the reason for this was due to Events Outside Our Control or Our statutory obligations. 7.11. We will not owe You any liability if the unauthorised or incorrectly executed transaction is carried out by a third party or between third parties You have instructed before We receive Your payment for the transfer or any other Transaction. You should contact the relevant third party promptly and inform them of the circumstances of the unauthorised or incorrectly executed transaction. 7.12. We do not assume liability for damage that is due to any unusual and unforeseeable events over which Western Union has no control and whose consequences, in spite of exercising due care, Western Union could not have avoided (caused, for example by Events Outside Our Control, failure of telecommunication lines, civil unrest, war or other events such as industrial action or lockouts over which We have no control). This applies equally to cases in which Western Union is bound by any orders under Community legislation, national, court or administrative orders stating otherwise. 7.13. We do not exclude or limit in any way Our liability to You where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by Our negligence; for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or for breach of Your legal rights where it would be unlawful to exclude or limit such legal rights in relation to the Western Union® Digital Banking Money Transfer Service.
Exclusion of liability. The liability of LCCF is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. In particular, LCCF is only liable for claims for damages and other legal claims if it is guilty of intent or gross negligence. Any liability for personal injury or damage to property resulting from failure to follow directions or safety instructions or other misconduct by the Customer, his/her guests or third parties commissioned by him/her is rejected. Use of the attractions, equipment and offers is at visitors’ own risk. LCCF assumes no liability for theft; in particular, the use of lockers and cloakrooms is at visitors’ own risk.