Liability of the renter Musterklauseln

Liability of the renter. 6.1 The tenant is liable for damage culpably caused to the hotel by himself or by his vicarious agents, his representatives or accompanying persons culpably inflicted on the hotel. He is obliged to damage to the hotel without being asked before leaving the car park area.
Liability of the renter. 1. The vehicle has a liability insurance. The renter is therefore liable for any damage to the rented vehicle during the rental time. This does not apply if the renter proves that the damage to the vehicle incurred without his fault or the damage at fault by RingFreaks.
Liability of the renter. 11.1 The renter is liable to AWOMI as far as he is responsible for the damage to the vehicle, vehicle loss or other damages arising from the infringement of contractual obligations.
Liability of the renter. The renter is liable according to the general liability regulations if he or she damages the vehicle or commits any other contract violation. In particular, the renter has to return the vehicle in the same conditions as when the renter received it. The liability of the renter also extends to additional costs such as a) expert costs, b) towing charges, c) impairment, and d) rental cancellation costs. If the vehicle is damaged by fire, explosion, theft, or wildlife, the liability of the renter with respect to the vehicle will be limited to the retention of the partial coverage insurance within the General Terms and Conditions. This applies as long as the damages were not induced through gross negligence or violated the obligation of disclosure pursuant to No. II 5 of these conditions. The renter can reduce the liability for damages on the rented vehicle and the renter through accidents as well as of a)-d), mentioned above, through the payment of a special fee. In this case, the renter is only liable for vehicle damages and additional costs if the renter caused damages through gross negligence, committed a hit-and-run, or if the damage was incurred due to alcohol or drug related incapacity to drive. Furthermore, the renter is fully liable if he or she violated the obligations pursuant to No. II 3) or No. II 6), except if the violation was neither intentional nor due to gross negligence.

Related to Liability of the renter

  • Öffentlichkeitsarbeit 6.1 Der Auftragnehmer hat die ihm im Rahmen der Baudurchführung bekannt gewordenen Vorgänge, Informationen und Unterlagen vertraulich zu behandeln. Diese Pflicht besteht auch nach Beendigung aller Leistungen unbegrenzt fort.

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