Quality Musterklauseln

Quality. Once installed, all products shall be checked if fully operational. An approved quality checklist shall be given to the COR after installation. The Government will not be liable for any breakages or damages to materials whilst they are on site and will only accept products once project is completed and snagging completed.
Quality. The CON shall comply with the development, manufacture and delivery of the object of the contract according to the acknowledged rules of technology, the state of the art and the specific requirements and provisions of the CL and shall undertake to comply with and fulfil all legal provisions to which the object of the contract is subject. Moreover, any latest version of any standards and instructions for use of a third party the product(s) of who is (are) used to manufacture the object of the contract shall have to be fulfilled.
Quality. 9.1 The SUPPLIER shall be obliged to execute the SUBJECT OF THE ORDER in proper quality and in exact compliance with the DOCUMENTATION handed over respectively approved by LTP in ac- cordance with the applicable or agreed regulations. 9.2 In case of SUBJECTS OF THE ORDER designed by the SUPPLIER, the machine elements and components shall be designed and arranged so that they can easily and properly be maintained, inspected, and re- placed. Wearing parts, if any, shall have a long service life. 9.3 Test results for welds that are subject to inspection and other tests are to be documented. 9.4 DOCUMENTATION which has not been prepared according to the PURCHASE ORDER, shall not be deemed delivered in due time and shall be considered faulty, and hinder payment of the invoices by LTP. 9.5 The material and manufacturing instructions by LTP shall be applicable. 9.6 Parts bought and used in the SUBJECT OF THE ORDER by the SUPPLIER shall be standardized as far as possible. 9.7 The SUBJECT OF THE ORDER must comply strictly with the contractu- ally required standards and the regulations that are valid on SITE, espe- cially with regard to the provisions relating to health, safety and envi- ronmental protection. 9.8 Approvals dependant on the personal discretion of the responsible au- thorities shall be discussed and clarified before commencement of the work. 9.9 The SUBJECT OF THE ORDER, designed and delivered by the SUPPLIER shall be complete and include all parts required for the per- fect operation, fulfilling the warranted data, as well as adhering to the assured characteristics, even if necessary individual parts were not specified in the parts list. Missing parts must be delivered subsequently and installed by the SUPPLIER free of charge for LTP. 9.10 Quality assurance shall be within the sole responsibility of the SUPPLIER. Neither quality checks nor tests or acceptance by LTP or its CUSTOMER shall release the SUPPLIER from its full responsibility and liability within the framework of its obligations from the PURCHASE ORDER. 10.0
Quality a) The Supplier guarantees, that its goods and services possess the characteristics, qualities and features specified in the order and correspond to the specifications, drawings, samples and other descriptions provided by us.
Quality. The supplier shall provide the supplies in such manner that they fully comply with the commonly expected, expressively agreed or such purpose as corresponds to the nature of the business transaction. The supplier shall on its own gain information on all circumstances relevant thereto. The supplier shall always observe all laws, ordinances (as in particular regulations as to work safety, machinery safety and electrical engineering), directives, standards (as in particular harmonised European Standards, ÖNORMEN, DIN Standards, ÖVE Standards and VDE Standards), rules, industrial standards and orders from authorities, applicable at the supplies’ destination with respect to the supplies’ construction, quality and safety, as well as CE marking. NEUMAN may demand as part of the documentation test reports by an independent agency as to the provision of the supplies in conformity with all relevant rules and regulations; the agency shall be selected by NEUMAN. The supplier shall safeguard the quality and adequacy of the supplies in such manner that appropriate inspection and controls may be conducted prior to and in course of the production. Such checks must be documented. NEUMAN may, without being obliged to, conduct such inspections and controls at the supplier’s premises. The und Kontrollen im Erzeugerwerk des Lieferanten durchzuführen. Der Lieferant wird mit NEUMAN, soweit NEUMAN dies für erforderlich hält, eine Qualitätssicherungsvereinbarung abschließen. Sind Erst- oder Ausfallmuster vereinbart oder erforderlich, darf der Lieferant erst bei Vorliegen der ausdrücklichen schriftlichen Genehmigung seitens NEUMAN mit der Serienfertigung beginnen.
Quality. Supplier shall install and maintain a state-of-the art, documented quality system of suitable type and scope. Supplier shall prepare records, in particular of quality inspections, and make these available to Purchaser on request. Supplier hereby agrees to quality audits being carried out by Purchaser or Purchaser’s representa- tive to assess the efficiency of said quality system.
Quality. 5.1 The Supplier shall establish and maintain an effective quality assurance system and shall provide evidence thereof to the Customer upon request. The Supplier shall, at the request of the Customer, use a quality assurance system in accordance with DIN ISO 9000 ff. or of an equivalent nature. The Customer shall be entitled to inspect this quality assurance system itself or to allow third parties instructed by the Customer to inspect this quality assurance system.
Quality. Additionally shall apply the General Quality Requirements for Suppliers QSF valid at the time of order (website: xxx.xxxxx.xxx, area Aerosys- tems – Service – Supplier – Downloads for Suppliers – Diehl Aerospace – Supplier).
Quality. Goods whose quality is customary in the trade have been agreed upon for all deliveries. The quality and performance values indicated in the order confirmation are definitive when it comes to executing the order. Variations in colour and quality that are customary in the trade may occur in view of the fact that the raw materials are never identical. Such material-related variations do not constitute defects. We pack the goods as we see fit. We do not take back packaging materials.
Quality. 10.1 The Supplier is to guarantee adherence to the agreed specification by way of a quality assurance system. 10.2 The Supplier is to set up and maintain the quality assurance system according to the state of the art technology. It is to draw up records, in particular of its quality control, which shall be made available to the Buyer on request. 10.3 The Supplier shall draw up and use manufacturing documents that guarantee reproducible and traceable manufacturing and a review of the delivery item. 10.4 The Supplier shall grant the Buyer, its contractor and the public authority setting the regulations right of access to all facilities associated with the order, and to appertaining drawings. In addition it hereby gives its approval to quality audits carried out by the Buyer, its contractor and the public authority setting the regulations to assess the effectiveness of its quality assurance system. 10.5 Furthermore, additional quality assurance requirements stated in the order or attachments are to be observed. The Buyer and Supplier shall enter into a separate Quality Management Agreement (QMA) depending on the respective delivery item. 10.6 If the Supplier identifies faults regarding the delivery item or compa- rable products, or if there is a suspicion in this respect, it shall inform the Buyer without delay. 10.7 Alterations by the Supplier to the delivery item or the processes required for the manufacture are subject to prior, written, approval by the Buyer. 10.8 The Supplier shall oblige its sub-contractors under obligation in accordance with the above regulations. 10.9 The Supplier shall handle drawing documents rendered invalid in a way that further use is impossi- ble. 10.10 Irrespective of special regulations, the packaging/preservation of the delivery item is to be at least carried out such that a loss of quality is excluded in transit. 11.