Quality assurance Musterklauseln

Quality assurance a) Initial sampling If the delivered part has already been approved by the OEM with the initial sample test report, the supplier will send us a copy of the approval. Otherwise, the commissioning of tools or their provision includes the initial sampling. In the event of fixture corrections, the initial sample inspection shall be carried out again in full. If the initial sample is rejected, Handtmann is entitled to reimbursement of the initial sample inspection costs. b) New samples for purchased parts In the case of design changes only to the delivery part, only the changed sub-areas/lots shall be re-sampled. In the event of any technical modifications (in particular to the machine, the device, the cutting tools), a complete re-sampling must be carried out. The costs of a new sample are borne by the respective responsible party alone.
Quality assurance. 7.1. The Supplier is obligated to perform effective quality assurance and to maintain a corresponding, effective quality assurance/quality management system, and to prove this to the respective Sanofi company upon request. At the request of the respective Sanofi company, the Supplier shall use a quality assurance/quality management system according to DIN ISO 9001 and/or ISO 14001 and/or DIN EN ISO 13485 or equivalent nature according to the recognized policies for GMP and GLP (“quality assurance system”).
Quality assurance. The Contractor must have a suitable Quality Assurance system, which corresponds to the state of the art. ERGO is entitled to carry out quality audits during the Contractor's normal office hours for the purpose of quality assurance or arrange for such audits to be carried out by third parties who are not competitors of the Contractor.
Quality assurance. 4.1 The Supplier must ensure that he has access to suitable test equipment to test all the characteristics laid down in the specification.
Quality assurance. 5.1 Der Lieferant hat bei seinen Lieferungen die anerkann- ten Regeln der Technik, die geltenden Sicherheitsvor- schriften und die vereinbarten technischen Daten, insbe- sondere diejenigen aus der Bestellung einzuhalten. Dies gilt auch bei der Durchführung von Arbeiten auf dem Be- triebsgelände von HQM. 5.1 Supplier shall comply with the recognised rules of technology, the applicable safety regulations and the agreed technical data, in particular those set forth in the purchase order, for its deliveries. This shall also apply when carrying out work on the premises of HQM.
Quality assurance. 13.1 The Supplier undertakes to implement and maintain an appropriate quality assurance system which is state of the art. The Supplier shall ensure through appropriate quality assurance measures that the Goods and the Services comply with quality requirements and specifications agreed.
Quality assurance. The Contractor undertakes to apply the principles of quality assurance in accordance with the relevant ISO 9000 to ISO 9004 standards in the provision of Contractor’s Supplies and Services and to impose the same obligation on its subcontractors. Principal and Final Customer shall be entitled to audit the quality assurance systems, specifications and plans of the Contractor and its subcontractors at any time. All present and future contracts with the Contractor are based on this GTC unless a deviation therefrom is specifically provided for in the individual Order. Any gaps in these General Terms and Conditions shall be governed solely by applicable statutory provisions. The Contractor’s terms and conditions (e.g. quotations, terms and conditions of sale) shall only be valid if they have been expressly approved in writing by the Principal. If, in the Principal’s Order, reference is made to the Contractor’s quotation documents, this does not imply acceptance of the Contractor’s terms and conditions of business. These General Terms and Conditions of the Principal shall be deemed accepted by the Contractor at the latest upon the latter’s commencement of executing the Order. Unilateral changes by the Contractor to these General Terms and Conditions must be accepted in writing by the Principal in order to become effective and legally binding. Statements made by the Principal in relation to Orders or amendments or additions thereto shall only be legally binding upon the Principal if they have been issued in writing or by fax by the responsible purchasing department. The Contractor may only rely on statements made by other persons if the relevant purchasing department has been notified thereof immediately and has confirmed the matter in writing. This provision does not, however, apply to: ‐ the utilization of packaging and transport options by means of issuing definitive shipping instructions and ‐ call‐outs against blanket orders Unless expressly agreed otherwise, quotations or cost estimates addressed to us shall be binding and shall be provided at no charge. By submitting a quotation to us, the Contractor agrees to be bound by the terms thereof for a period of six (6) weeks from our receipt of such quotation.
Quality assurance. 1. Supplier shall carry out quality assurance which is suitable to the scope and extent of the deliv- ery, and in accordance with the latest technol- Im Bedarfsfall wird der Lieferant eine entspre- chende, gesonderte Qualitätssicherungsverein- barung mit uns abschließen. ogy, and provide us with evidence thereof on re- quest. If needed, Supplier shall make an appro- priate, separate quality assurance agreement with us.
Quality assurance. 5.1. The vendor shall establish and maintain an effective quality assurance system and shall provide evidence thereof to XSYS on request. The vendor shall, at XSYS’ request, use a quality assurance system in accordance with DIN ISO 9000 ff. or of an equivalent nature. XSYS shall be entitled to inspect this quality assurance system.
Quality assurance. 6.1. Die gelieferte Ware muss den jeweils geltenden in- und ausländischen gesetzlichen Bestimmungen, den Vorschriften und Richtlinien von Behörden, Berufsgenossenschaften und Fachverbänden, dem neuesten Stand der Technik sowie den in der Bestellung vorgegebenen Spezifikationen und Qualitätsanforderungen entsprechen. Der Lieferant ist verpflichtet, SKELETON auf etwaige Verwendungsbeschränkungen und Deklarationspflichten für die gelieferte Ware schriftlich hinzuweisen. 6.1. The goods supplied must correspond with the respective domestic and foreign statutory provisions which are in force, regulations and directives of public authorities, government safety organizations and trade associations, and with the latest technology as well as the specifications and quality requirements set out in the purchase order. The Supplier is obliged to advise SKELETON in writing of possible limitations on use and declaration duties for the supplied goods.